๐ŸŒŸKanna Info ๐ŸŒŸ

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Kanna Hinata

Age: 16

Birthday: February 4th

Height: 5'1

Parents: Izumi Koga Hinata (Mother),ย  Zuko Hinata (Father)

Siblings: Kagome Hinata (Older sister)

Occupation: Highschool student


Kanna is a very kind and ordinary girl. Her parents are the head of a huge medical and music company so she doesn't see them often. Her older sister is in college in america and visits sometime but they mostly video chat. Kagome (her older sister), was one of the most popular girls when she was in highschool so Kanna took after her. Kanna cares about others and loves animals. Kanna dosn't beleive in bad people, she thinks it "Misunderstood people who make poor decisions.". Kanna secretly has a crush on Kaito but is too scared to admit it so she keeps it to herself.

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