the feild trip 🚎

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It was monday of the next week of school
I had been wearing this

E.j had just signed up to be the official morning news host

He asked me to do it but I said no

But after asking evryone else
He begged me and gina to do it

So we gave in

The intro song played for the morning news

" your on in 3 , 2 ,1" mr.mazzara said

" welcome to the east high morning show I'm jules , bowen " I introduced myself

" I'm e.j caswell" e.j did the same

" and I'm gina porter" she introduced herself aswell

" and we are co hosting the first ever east high morning show because I'm president of the AV club "e.j said

" and we are his only freinds who agreed to do it " gina said

" that's right , back to you jules " e.j said

" thanks e.j . Now, for our first ever know her from the rose song that's been blowing up east highs Instagram. " I start

" oh uh quick reminder , tickets for beauty and the beast go on sale next week " e.j says

" yes that's right e.j now please welcome nini Salazar Robert's. " I announce

The camera pans to nini

We get up from our stools to meet her in her chair

"Hey guys thanks for having me ." Nini says

"Oh, this just in ... ninis song has over 2,500 veiws,making it the most viewed post in drama club Instagram history. " gina says

" wait , are you serious?" She asks

We all nod proudly

"Song writing skills, universal acclaim does it feel to be you right now?" I ask nini

"Uh, feels good." She chuckles

" so what was the song writing process like for you " gina asks

" yeah , I was actually inspired by my character in beauty and the beast , and how the rose is just always been there holding it together for the beast " nini answers

" wow , that is a very powerful and interesting answer " e.j says " and for our last question, are you gonna put out more music after this ?"

" uh , we will have to see , I just really wanna soak in all the love from this song , it really does Mean so much to me so thank you guys for your support. " nini says

" well , there you go . We are your co host and this has been your east high morning news" e.j says

" ok we are clear " mr. M says playing the send off track

" eek , that was so fun " I squeal

" yeah , and thank you again for finally agreeing I couldn't of done it without you two " e.j says

" ok but we kinda had to say yes after you begged us " gina says

" ok, yeah but let's talk about nini. Omg in so proud of you " I say hugging nini exited

" aw, thank you . I mean I'm just so glad that everyone liked it especially with how many veiws it got when you said that G I was like so suprised " nini says

" its not a suprise to me , that. Song was amazing nini " gina says

" yeah , you did awesome " e.j says

Middle of the school day

We all got called into the costume room

By miss jen it was around 12 pm

Evryone was talking and chatting

" attention , I'm sure your wondering why I called this special miday drama club meeting." Miss jen assumed

"Oh,are you announcing the fall musical? I vote dear even hansen." Seb says

"No seb . Its march .and the rights wont be available for five years . I tried. I am announcing that we are in such a good place after our improve workshop. Were getting one step closer to menkies gold. And today our wonderful actor/designer,kourtney greene, is going to show you your completed costumes!" miss jen says

We all cheer

Nini rips off the white tarp Covering our costumes

" speech , speech" nini chants over all of your gasps and cheers

"Okay um guess I'm making a speech . I'm super excited for you all to see your costumes because..." kourtney says

A elephant sound comes from her phone
" ooh uh sorry that's howie " she focused her attention to her phone

Me and kourtney had talked about how they just had started dating last week
And she was so excited

" oh... anyways , with your costumes this semester , I really tried to ..." kourtney continues

She gets another text

Ok love the love they share but it's kinda annoying now

"Can you not keep your phone on silent in rehearsal like everyone else ?" Carlos snapped

" sorry; evryone, is what carlos would say if it's more like me ." Seb apologizes

"Okay kourt , I am sorry but listen to this caption from north highs Instagram, it. Took 20 people over 50 hours to create our belle dress.beast costume ever ." Carlos says

" that's worst than my puns" I say

" and that's saying alot " ricky says

I punch his arm

" right, and on the day were unveiling our costumes? How did they know that ?" Carlos says

Kourtney's phone goes off again

" theve been trolling us like this for weeks. And I'm trying to not let it get to me ...." carlos says

Kourtney's phone goes off AGAIN!!!

"Oh my god is your phone hungry ? I don't understand what I'm hearing ." Carlos snaps again

" okay , okay let's get back to our costumes." Miss jen says

" anyways, took me a while , but I built you some abs that would make captain America proud. " kourtney says pulling out e.js costume

"I have abs " e.j says disappointed

" oh e.j honey evryone has abs those are kourtney original " I say

" thank you , also I padded the tush for you " kourtney says flipping the costume over

" oh thanks I actually needed that , this is amazing kourtney " e.j says

I chuckle and walk to go look at evryone else's costumes

My costume had to be on the rack but I was too focused on ashlynns costume

" um has anyone seen the beast mask ? Or the clogsworth costume for that matter " kourtney says

Ok scratch that the costume is lost

" were too busy being obsessed with our costumes " ashlynn says spinning around

"You , guys ...I know where our beast mask and clogsworth costume is ." Carlos says showing us a photo of north highs Instagram

I squint and look at the phone in confusion

"Oh my gosh , look at the trunk " carlos zooms into the photo of the trunk

Evryone still confused

" hello? That is obviously beast fur. and the copper peice of material that's gotta be jules costume. Look it all makes sense our mask goes missing the same day they post this? They snuck in here and took it " Carlos says

Evryone looks at him speechless

" I hate to say it but those two things did look like a beast mask and a copper outfit which is perfect for clogsworth " ashlynn says

" ok but do you really think they would go that low and steal from us " seb says

" I would " gina starts " no, I mean I used to be that person before the present day ." Gina says

" ok, but I knew I didnt like lily from the start but this is a new low for someone " I say

" we have have to get even right ?" Big red says

" I'm down " I say

Evryone else agrees besides miss jen

" guys guys guys . Enough. Do you really think that the would stoop that low to sneak in here , break in to steal kourtney's work?" Miss jen asks

We all agree once again

Carlos gets a notification

" and they just posted something with a new, captioned, north highs gonna steal your heart this spring " seb says looking over carlos shoulder at the caption

"Are they a witch ? How do you explain these coincidences ?" Carlos states

"Its just that a coincidence. " miss jen says "now I want you kids to keep looking for that mask and let the rest go. As I learned when I appeared in a regional production of anything goes opposite a women who once sued me for libel, you should never dance with the enemy . Understood?" Miss jen says

" yes miss jen ." We all say quietly

"Thank you ." Miss jen says

We walk out of the costume room

" god I'm really mad , I was so excited to show you your costume jules I spent so much time working up ideas " kourtney says disappointed

" I'm sure well find it " I say

" yeah , we just gotta keep looking " e.j says

We all get a notification and look at our phones

Me , kourtney and e.j look up from our phones at eachother

| at north high|

Miss jen had canceled rehearsal that day bc she had "certain business to attend to "

Idk but carlos had sent all the main roles a text we were gonna steal back our stuff

After we had made it to north we huddled up

" okay the plan is simple. Based on that Instagram post, the mask has to be in there costume shop. We know from there Instagram overshare that north high has a dance rehearsal today so they'll be in their dance studio." Carlos says

" they have there own dance studio?" Gina says

"Were raiding their costumes and not leaving until we have our mask and the costume. " carlos explains

" isnt this kinda trespassing?" Seb asks

" itll be fine " Carlos says

" yeah, and besides they did it first " I say

" right, plus there will be plenty of clubs here after school well blend in , though ashlynn you may have taken the camouflage thing too far ." carlos says

We all look at ashlynn who is in a bright yellow north high hoody and dark gray north high sweats

" oh, no, today I am diane. I play volley ball and I love north high." Ashlynn says

We all chuckle

" Diane is it ? How would you feel about dating a guy from east high ?" Big red says

" oh a forbidden romance. " ashlynn says

" ok I'm gonna throw up " I mumble

" focus! Who's gonna be lookout ?" Carlos asks

" I'll do it . If you leave me unsupervised with their costumes , I cannot promise I wont go all gina 1.0 in there ." Gina scoffs

" just stay calm and act natural, okay ? You got this. Evryone ready?" Carlos says

"What team?" Ricky says putting his hand in the middle of our half circle

We all pile up our hands

" wait, mabye we shouldn't yell. " carlos suggested

" wildcats!" We all yelled

" strong start" carlos says

We make our way into the costume studio

We look for our stuff for about 10 minutes

" hey, e.j I'm going to check on G you wanna come with ?" I ask him

" yeah sure " he says

I grasp his hand as we walk out of the room

We see Gina talking to a tall jock looking male

We walk over to her " omg, we have been looking for you all over...." I say hesitating on a name

" diane" gina whispers through her teeth

" ...diane, oh hi , I'm....elly and this is my boyfriend Kyle . We were just looking around our ....brand new school that we just moved to with my.....step...sister . Welll uhum we better get back to looking at all the clubs like the....." I say

I look around for somthing

" the pillar bug association " i say awkwardly

" hm I've never seen that one " the boy said

" well it is a BIG school" e.j says

" mmh. Well I'm gonna go " the boy says

We wave as he turns around and walks away

As soon as he was out of our site we all broke down laughing

" oh. Oh my god that was so bad. The pillar bug association?" Gina asks trying to catch her breath

" improvs hard when your doing it alone " I say still practically crying laughing

" okay but kyle? I dont look like a kyle " e.j says

" ehh" me and gina say in sync

I get a text

" oh hold on I got a text, it's from carlos . He says come back to the costume room " I say

Me , gina end e.j all walk back to the costume room

" what are you guys even doing here ?" Lily says

" we came for our costume and mask . We know you took it." Carlos says

" pardon me , but our costumes are most excellent. Why would we steal your costumes, when they are so, uh... I... we do not have a word for this in France, but in America, I believe you say fugly ?" The french student said

We gasped

"What did you call my work ?" Kourtney snaps

I put my hand in a fist ,accidentally squeezing e.js hand

He looks at me

And mouths "ow"

"Sorry" I mouth un squeezing his hand

" look I'm sure there super cute. But were just in different leagues. I mean, were literally a quasi-pre-professional theater company, and you guys put on shows based on made for tv movies." Lily says

I scoff and roll my eyes

" now mabye you should listen to your precious high school musical and stick to the stuff you know." Lily says

I let go of e.js hand then cracking my knuckles

" oh yeah what if we bop to the top?" Seb says

"Let's just wait for the menkies well see who's in what league then ." Ricky says

" or we could find out now. We challenge you to a good old- fashioned dance off ." Lily challenges us

Evryone but me and gina disagree

We look at eachother and smirk

" a school versus school dance off to a beauty and the beast song chosen at random . You'll do your version and well do ours . Well see wich school has what it takes. No costumes, no makup just talent ." Lily explains

" I'm sorry no, that's weird " ricky says shutting it down and walking out of the costume studio

" super weird ." Ashlynn says

Evryone follows behind ricky mumbling

" I was down for it too " I say to e.j

" classic east high ." Lily laughs

We all stop in our tracks

" walking out of here with there tails beetween there legs . Just like your miss jen did when she gave up on Broadway. " lily scoffs

Gasps come from all of us
We walk back into the room

" and y'know let's be honest mabye your belle just cant cut it." Lily says

I was so close to just going over there and slapping her

" no I'm sorry ... not really but nobody out belle's our belle ." I say walking up to lily

" we are doing it " I say

" good. Ten minute warm-up, then we settle this , street style." Lily walks out with her squad I'm suprised there not flying monkeys

We follow behind them making our way to the theater

Once we got there lily and her flying monkeys went to one side of the thetere so we could stretch

" jules I seriously thought you were gonna slap her " e.j says stretching

" oh you have no idea how much power it took me not to " I say putting my arm behind my neck stretching

" okay evryone warmup is over gather round " lily said as she walked up the stage stairs

The french dude walks right past e.j and hits his shoulder

" I will now hit shuffle , and choose our song " lily confused

"After wich , I will prepare a dance remix of the song, since I, on occasion, DJ." The French flying monkey says

"Ah, of course hes a dj." Big red says

" non, monsieur, I DJ, but I would not say I am a DJ. " flying monkey chuckles

" thanks for the clarity. " big red says sounding jealous

" everyone ready? And its ....the mob song " lily hits shuffle

" yes" e.j says

Evryone else groans

" I knew you all didn't like the mob song ." E.j says offended

" it's not really a dancing song ." Big red says

" it's fine guys . Were east high . We can make anything work " Gina says

" open the curtain " lily shouts

As the curtains open a hug flash of light comes upon us and a giant set aswell

We all mumble and gasped in amazement

" may the best school win . Places please " Lily says

We all walk on stage and take our places

Ricky grabs a spare guitar

The music starts playing

" through the mist through the woods through the darkness and the shadows it's a nightmare but it's one exciting ride " Ricky sang while playing guitar

" say a prayer then we there at the drawbridge of a castle and there something truly terrible inside" the boy in the mask sang

We were all fighting and yelling behind bolth of them

" it's a beast " ricky chanted

" hes got fangs " the other boy sang

They started circling eachother

" razor sharp ones " Ricky sang back

" massive paws killer claws for the feast "

" hear him roar see him foam "

" cause were not coming home till hes dead good and dead "

" kill the beast " bolth of our schools chanted

The beat dropped

Kourtney took the floor completely killing it

This other guy went against her and did something ... not even to the beat

We circled around eachother

" light your torch mount your horse screw your courage to the sticking place were counting on Gaston to lead the way through a mist through a wood were within a haunted castle something's lurking that you dont see everyday " we all sang doing our choreo

" it's a beast one as tall as a mountain we wont reast till hes good and deceased Sally fourth tally ho grab your sword grab your bow praise the lord and here we go " lily and her flying monkeys sang walking up there prop stairs

" no ones safe until hes dead helmet come stalking us at night " the french lumiere flying monkey sang walking down the steps

" set a sacrifice our children to his monstrous appetite" carlos sang

We all walked back to let carlos and the other lumiere sing

" hell wreak havoc on our village If we let him wander in " lumiere sang

" so its time to take some action boys it's time to follow me" carlos sang backing up into our crowd

We lifted him up as he sang turning in a circle

We put carlos down

" we dont like what we dont understand infavt it scares us and this monster is mysterious at least bring your guns bring your knives save your children and your wives well save our village and our lives well kill the beast " all of us sang

We let Gina take the floor as the beat dropped

We all cheered her on

Two other of lily's minions danced

I mean I hate to say it but they were good ...

I mean they were trying way too hard but they were still good

" hearts ablaze banners high we go marching into battle unafraid although the danger just increased " lily sang walking up the stairs again

Her little group followed her

" raise the flag sing the song here we come with 50 strong and 50 frenchmen cant be wrong" ashlynn sang walking from the other side of the stairs

We all ran over back to the stairs as she finished her part

" well kill the beast " we all chanted

Ashlynn had stumbled backwards

The french flying monkey lumiere ... that is what I will be calling him..... ran over and caught her before she fell

After we had calmed down a bit and talked about what just happened behind there stage we decided to leave

" um for the record we won " lily said running up to us

We all turned

" are u serious? Just because someone almost fell?" I say

"Yeah did you see Gina's moves? No way you beat that. " kourtney said

" mabye we should have figured out a point system

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