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Ahsoka's pov
"Are you sure this is where they would keep your DNA information?" I asked rather impatiently and kind of scared since she has me waiting in a wide uncovered hallway.

"Force let the password still be good." I scoffed and scanned the area again.

"Almost done there?"

"Almost and... got it! Quick inside!" She darted inside but I slowly walked backwards into the room. Were just not gonna talk about how I accidentally hit my ass on the wall. No one sae that. I scooted over and shut the door behind me. I turned around and lowered my weapon only to see Omega losing her shit on the floor.

"Okay it wasn't that funny. Come on get up this is serious work." I yried to reprimanded her but Ibwa snever good at that.

"Yeah. And I'm Jabba the Hutt." I bursted out laughing to but did my best to usher her over to the main security camers in the corner. When my laughter finally died down some shiny metal caught my eye.

"Hey look our stuff is here!" I ran over to where our light sabers and knives and blasters were.

"Wait why is our stuff here?"

"I brought it here." I flipped around with my stolen blaster raised at the sound of an old raspy somewhat ugly voice. A tall Kaminoen was behind me dressed in traditional Kamino clothes but with an ofd headpiece that looked similar to Omega's from when I met her.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Nala Se? What are you doing here!?" Omega ran over with the othe rblaster pointed at her.

"To help you, obviously." Well that took an unexpected turn. I thought for sure she was gonna turn us in.

"Yeah because you've been such a help so far scaring the shit out of me like that. How could you be useful? Your just a long neck lab assistant." I spat. Omega told me stories. Some not so good stories about what she did to the bad batch. She also paid extra special attention to Crosshair, Omega was only four when she witnessed the worst. Not to mention what she made poor Fives endure was borderline torture. Back when I wasn't around to protect my boys.

"If I wasn't here to help then why would I have this?" She dangled a long  slim looking key from her even longer slim ugly fingers. I snatched it from her as quickly as I could but it was hard to move fast with these bulky cuffs around my hands. Oh wait... Omega quickly scurried over and helped me put the metal cutting device to the metal cuffs. We held it there forba bit until it popped open. I rubbed my wrists and looked up at her in awe.

"So you didn't alert anyone we escaped?"

"Not a soul." Now I am genuinely confused.

"Why are you helping us?" Omega asked.

"A I am either here because believe it or not I love and charish this precious little girl who used to work with me, or B I was bored and wanted to see a jedi in action. You can believe whichever you want to believe but you really need to get going. They make prison rounds every 10 minutes and you beat yours up about 9 minutes ago." I nodded slowly. I still don't trust her or like her but maybe she could help us get Crosshair alone.

"Fine where's her blood work and DNA chamber?"

"That's classified information." We both groaned.

"Look lady you just said you wanted to help us, this is how you can do that. If the Empire gets their hands on her bloodwork-"

"The Empire won't be going near that. Omega is Kaminoen property." The load smacking sound echoed throughout the big room.

"How dare you speak about my daughter that way. She is no one's property, even if she was you couldn't handle her. Not anymore at least." Without any explanation I shot her in thebside and then stumned her. Ugly bitch deserves worse anyway. When I dropped the blaster and picked up my own, as well as my light sabers and two knives. Omega did the same with her belongings until she looked up at me with the smugest face in the galaxy.

"What?" She just kept looking at me.

"Daughter huh?"

"Oh hush. We both know it's true. Now get your buttocks over here and find wherebyour bloodwork is, Ms. Dyas." We both cringed at the last part.

"Yeah please don't call me that." I nodded to her. I dragged Nala Se's body to the corner and put the blasters next to her. When I walked back over Omega had a small glass tube in her hands but she was just looking around the room.

"Is that it?" She blinked rapidly and looked at me. Like she was in a different world for a second or something.


"Is that the all we need?" Oh she looked at me funny before looking down at her hand, the screen on the table then me again.

"Oh! Yeah." I took the small vile from her and smashed it on the ground. Then I wiped it up wirh a random cloth I found and threw it in the trash.

"Alright what's next?" I was about to speak but suddenly a loud alarm went off practically in my ear.

"Something tells me they found our little treat we left for thek in the brig."

"So what's our next move? Are we still going after Crosshair?"

"No question about that. The  question should be how will we go about doing that? And I think I have a few ideas. Onega do you know if thia room has any security cameras?" She nodded running to them.

"Yes. Do you want to destroy them?" I shook my head no and walked to the corner where our stuff was.

"Either your tall friend played us and alerted the presence of the deathtroopers to begin with or she didnt amd they actually don't know where we are. Either way we need them to come to us. Be as taunting as you can and show the cameras. We need Crosshair to come, whether that's alone or not." I turned to the camera.

"Just one question. How do you piss off the galaxy's strictest people?"

"Like this." I blew a rasberry into the camera and punched it so soft that it only cracked the camera.

"Wow. How machure of you."

"Oh come on you know you want to." She rolled her eyes but did literally the exact same thing I did in the camera. She even danced. Danced! When she wasn't looking I flipped whover wad behind the camera off.

"I saw that." I groanded and turned around.

"Don't judge me. I have a lot of inner rage, I have to get it out somehow."

"Don't worry I'm not judging, I did it too." We were both laughing until what she said finally processed.

"Wait, what?" Suddenly the huge sliding door was pushed open. I activated my light sabers and started blasting all the shots that were fired. Only problem was Crosshair and his squad were the one's firing them.

"Hey Snarky. Long time no see."

"I saw you an hour ago." Nobody stopped shooting and his squad members didnt seem at all c9ncerned I was having a chat in the middle of battle with their leader.

"Well in my defense for some people an our is a lifespan."

"Now that's just sad." I used the force to shut the doors behind them. That caught all of them off guard, so when they looked back at the door Omega force pushed them all into the wall, almost all of them. Crosshair however did a back hand spring and kicked off the wall with his feet.

"Alright you I get. But how are these twirps super soldiers?" I asked. He shrugged but I noticed he didn't lower his weapon.

"I worked with what I got."

"Random pieces of shit? Yeah their coming along real nicely plastered to a wall by a teenager. Anyways how's life?" He rolled his eyes. He didn't put his rifle away but he gave me a deadpan look with a hand on his hip. Seriously where did he learn this sass from? Can he even be sassy with an inhibitor chip? Omega stunned all the troopers, baracaded the door, and broke all the cameras in the same amount of time it took Crosshair and I to have a staring contest.

"Are you two do-"

"Shh! Omega quiet! I'm winning." Crosshair rolled his eyes which technically means he looked away.

"Ha! I won!"

"Whatever I don't care about a stare down. My only mission is to kill you and take her blood. I wanted to do it alone so its not as dramatic and so Vader wont murder me in my sleep. Seriously. He knows where I live." I just looked st him funny the whole time.

"Neat lecture. Don't buy it for a second though. You want to know what I think?"


"Well to bad cause I'm gonna tell you anyways. I think that your subconscious is trying to get you to wake up from the inhibitor chips control." He scoffed and exsmined his weapon as if the conversation about his own mental health was boring him.

"How could I be trying to wake up from the inhibitor chip if I got it removed?" Yeah that would certainly complicate things.

"I don't believe you." Ugh I hated how desperate and lame I sounded. My voice even cracked!

"Believe it Nosy. After my brothers quite litetally burned me my internal damage was so bad I had to get the chip removed to live. This is all me." What he said, the way he spoke sounded nothing like the stories Omega and the rest of the bad batch told me. My eyes flew to the open wound right where the skin next to the inhibitor chip would be. Despite this, this is not the same guy I met in the medbay an hour ago.

"If its true than you wont mind me looking in your head right?" Before he could answer I invaded his mind but I did so as gently as possible. Don't want to scar the poor man. I looked through his memories. I noticed itbwas awful quiet in here.

'Help me!' Someone screamed. I looked around and saw nothing unusual. Nothing was out of the ordinary.

'Please, wake me up!' My head flipped and I saw a red oitlune of simeone sitting in a ball as light sobs exhoed around his mind. Everything else blurred out, he was all I could focus on.

'Crosshair? Is that you? The actual you?' He weakly nodded his head up and down.

'I've been trapped in here for months. I can see everything, but I can't do shit about it. Please help me break free, I beg you!' I looked at him warily. Both of our voices sounded so weird in here.

'Crosshair I need you to focus. Is your inhibitor chip in or out of your brain?"

'In but severely damaged to the point where its convinced that it no longer exists. So the chil us still speaking and acring for me but doesn't think it is. Ugh! All this sciency stuff hurts my brain!' I dcoffed in my head.

'The one time Tech isn't here am I right.' He didn't laugh with me but he at least cracked a smile.

'Thank you for even attempting to help me. It means more to me than you will ever know. I still can't believe a girl I met by trying to kill is trying to free me.' I chuckled at what he was saying.

'What can I say. I was taught by the best of the best. Not my fault all you have to work with is some no talented twirps. Omega's just too good for them.' He gasped and looked up.

'How is Omega doing?'

'She's never been better. Although I dont think she should be our main concern right now. We have to get you out of here.' He let put a mangled sigh but it sounded like a cry or sob to me. It was clear he wasn't used to showing his emotions in front of others. He was having trouble coming up with what to say and couldn't find the right words.

'Sorry this is all new to me.'

'It's alright Snarky. Just tqke your time and-'

'You don't have any time! More troops are on their way as we speak! You can't help me at all if your deaf.' I looked further into his mind. I could tell that wasnt the only reason he wanted me to go but I didnt invade any farther.

'No it won't be a problem. I could carry you with the force and Omega could provide us cover and I can still fight! We can work this out.'

'No. You can't. I appreciate the effort but lets say we did escape, my brothers wouldn't even want me. You already have a kid to take care of, the last thing you need is another one right now. Save yourself, come back for me later.' He had literal tears in his eyes yet a small soft smile. On his actual face he showed no emotion.

'But you were just asking me to help you!'

'Only after you help yourself.'

'Im a jedi. That's against my religion. Im getting you out of here whether you like it or not.' He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

'Yes ma'am." He mocked a salute and wiped a tear away.

'Do you think they will they actually want me?' I knew he was asking about his brothers.

'Crosshair, they never stopped.' Suddenly I was thrown out of his mind and back into the real world. I had both my light sabers up and was actively ricocheting shots of of them before I was back. Was I already doing this?


"I'm right here." My head flipped over to her next to me doing the same I was.

"Oh thank the force. Where's Crosshair?" She force pushed the troopers back far enougj for them to fall and stumble. She looked st me funny.

"What happened to you and him?"

"Excuse me?" Was all we had time for before they started shooting again. We were both expertly deflecting the blaster bolts back at the troopers. They were just too numb to stop shooting.

"Well when you went into his brain, more troopers broke in past the baracade and you just had this blank expression on your face and you pulled these moves I've never seen before when you fought. Its like you were on force autopilot or something." That sounds freaky as hell.

"Now is not the time but we'll talk about that later. Right now we need to focus on- wait where did Crosshair go?" I force pushed all the troopers back, again so we could look to see Crosshair wasn't there.

"Damn that chip again." I heard a blaster click behind me.

"Don't move, jedi." Yeah this wasn't the right Crosshair. I side eyed him to see his long rifle pointed at me.

"Hey Snarky. How about you just lower that weapon of yours and we can get going."

"Not happening. My orders are to kill you, so kill you I shall." Ew this definitely wasn't the right Crosshair. He pulled the trigger but I redirected the blast to hit the wall right above Nala Se's weird-ass head.

"Yeah that's not happening either. Come on Snarky I know your in there somewhere." He simply started firing his pistol and rifle at me. Omega jumped on him from behind him on his shoulders and ripped his helmet off. She tried to take him down to the ground but he was much stronger. He shoved her of but she landed in a back hand spring and activated her saber again. The troopers came running in the room again. Omega handled them while Crosshair and I circled each other.

"I don't need your saving. I'm where I belong. Leave me alone!" He charged at me again. I looked inside his mind again.

'It's not gonna let you leave with me alive. Just go.' I bared my teeth and kept fighting. He tried to punch me in the face but I caught his fist and twisted his wrist. He shrieked in pain so I let go quickly.

"Are you okay?" Ahsoka what are you- and he just punched me in the face. I stumbled backward and fell into Omega. My eyes hurt to open but I fought hard and won. I rubbed my head and sat up. Omega force pushed all the troopers back yet again. Damn they must hate us by now. Crosshair waked towards us menacingly with his rifle at the ready. He was really planning on killing us.

"Master there are even more coming!" I looked inside Crosshair's head again all I found was one word.

'Go.' I sighed and ran.

"Come on Omega, were getting out of here."

"But what about Crosshair!?" I kicked him in the knee cap and stole his rifle when he fell.

"He'll have to wait apparently." I slammed the doors shut in Crosshair's face. I activated my small light saber and threw it successfully decapitating several troopers than it flew back to my hand. We leaped high over all of the troopers firing at us and surprise surprise, forcepusjed them down to the ground. Some caught themselves in time but most didn't.

"Stay in front of me. Run to the nearest docking bay." We were both sprinting down the hallway. When we ran into troopers we had no problem taking care of them. And thankfully we never ran into Darth Vader. We hijacked a random ship and took off. I tried to connect to Crosshair's mind again even this far away. I couldn't tell if I was connected or not but I reached out anyways.

'Don't worry Snarky, we all want you back. We will come back for you. Just hold out a little longer. Can you do that for me?'

'Yes ma'am'. And with that we flew away. I sat in the copilots seat and patted the pilots seat for Omega.

"Wait really!?" One nod and she hopped right in.

"I trust you not to let us die in a fierry explosion."

"Really? I don't know about that much, but I lromise if it does happen I'll warn you about 5 seconds before." I rolled my eyes and walked to the back of whoevers ship this is- or was. I sent Hunter our coordinates and soon enough he was here.

"Omega open the cargo hold."

"Alright then consider this your 5 second warning." Then she did as instructed and we held our breath as we jumped out of the ship. We were only in space for a millisecond before Rex caught me and Hunter caught Omega. As soon as the ramp was closed to the Havoc Maruader Rexy trapped me in a deep passionate kiss.

"Hey! Keep it PG here people!" Fives yelled. I pulled away from Rex but he just pulled me back in. I didn't stop him of course until I ran out of breath. I tapped his arm and he let me go.

"Sorry, Ive been holding that in for two days." I chuckled and cupped his cheek which was smiling so wide it reached his eyes.

"It's okay. I didn't mind." I heard gagging noises from the corner. Literally everyone except Hunter was fake barfing. Fives just died on the floor with his damn tongue sticking out.

"Haha very funny. Now get your asses off the floor and come give me a hug." They all laughed and did as expected. Wrecker's was the only one that physically hurt. When I finally got to Hunter I gave him a quick hug but pulled away immediately.

"I really need to talk to you." His smile faded and his protective dad face was back. I led him to the cockpit. I sat in my copilots seat and he sat beside me.

"So what is this about?"

"It's about your brother." He chuckled quietly.

"Soka your gonna have to be a bit more specific."

"It's about Crosshair." He suddenly stopped chuckling. He groaned and tried to leave but I grabbe dhis arm and sat him back down.

"Hear me out Hunter! That poor man's been put through hell. Mostly by you! Seriously I told you to rescue him and you roast him alive! He was seriously injured when I met him, like could barely walk injured." Hunter's eyes softened.

"It's not like I wanted to. At first I didn't even know he was there! Did you find out anything new about Crosshair or his inhibitorcchip situation?" I nodded and pucked my next words very carefully.

"His situation is... much worse than most."

"Elaborate please."

"Well the ion engine that you burned him with damaged the inhibitor chip to a certain extent. So now the inhibitor chip thinks it's dead, but it isn't and its still inside him controlling him." Now Hunter just confused.

"But I thought inhibitor chips were judt like mind control."

"What? No they never were Hunter. Mund control us when your entire body and mind is under someone elses control and your conscience takes a nap. What Crosshair is in is a mental prison where he can see everything the chip makes him do but can't do shit about it."

"O-oh." Hunter's voice cracked. I could tell he was really thinking now. I beiefly looked in his mind just to see him playing back the moment of him ordering

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