He dropped his gun. 'It was me' he confessed. You immediately stood up. You were about to stand up and walk to him, but he said, 'Me and Soochoel have been rigging the polls'. Wang Taeman walked up to thim, 'Ya Kwon Ilha, what are you saying? Is it the truth?' he didn't answer but continued, 'Soochoel and I were scared and wanted to leave, but the fear only fueled our anger. We wanted to wipe out all the spheres ya you guys also wanted to do that, right?' he said, looking at all of us then to you, but you just looked down tears filling your eyes. 'You lied to us so that we could hunt the spheres?' Soon yi in disbeleief, 'You son of a bitch what are you barking?' Heerak raged. 'I know you all are angry-' to which Bora interupted him, 'Kwonilha have you lost your mind?', but younghsin was smart, 'But how did you to? You need more than two people to rig it' which he didn't answer again, 'It is all my fault it was my idea. 'Son of a bitch' Heerak said before punching him square on his face, you would have helped but not now, 'Answer me, who else was with you answer you fucker' he screamed. 'Guys' Yoojung said catching everyones attention, 'I'm sorry' she said you immediately turned to her, after her Jangsoo also joined her.
No one could believe what they had done, so much trust broken. They're all crying and questioning them. They tried testifying it when Doekjung spoke up, 'The CSAT. It's cancelled right?' Everyone went quite. 'That's right the CSAT was cancelled, the others should have gotten the message though the radio' JunHee spoke up, 'Ya that's alie right?'
'No. It's true the CSAT was cancelled long ago, and since our radio was broken that why we didn't get any info' I said looking at all of them. Youngsoo went feral hearing this. 'But how did you guys know about it?' Younshin asked.
All of us are gathered around the radio. 'Kids from science school came today' I started. 'They told us they were informed about the CSAT getting cancelled and were heading for Seoul today. We said we couldn't hear it because it was broken right' Junhee said. 'And they opened it to fix ut for us only for them to tell us that someone had sabotaged it' Hana said. 'Wait are you being for real' Soyoon asked. 'Yes someone deliberately took this out of the circuit board' I whispered. Younghsin and Soyeon checked the device. 'Ya did you all do this too' Heerak went harshly throwing his beanie infant of Ilha. 'You guys broke the radio so we don't get to know about CSAT cancellation then you also rig the votes ' Bira said. 'Fuck this. Why is everything going wrong. Do you guys have more your hiding ' Taeman screamed.
Your eyes were fixed at Ilha he couldn't bring his eyes up at all even though you were concerned about his busted lip you reminded yourself to forget about it. 'You saw us fix the radio everyday then whyyyy?, Soyoen asked. Younghsin stepped up 'Explain the situation whta is this bs?'.
I explained the whole situation to them for why we decided to break the radio. I still remember when Soochul asked me that question
'You clearly don't care about the points then why does it matter to you? Then why did you stay?' He said, 'It doesn't matter now ' I replied. 'You don't care about CSAT we both clearly know why you stayed, it was cuz of Daeun right?'
The day we're informed about the extra points that if you enlist for army I had declined the offer then n there. I would rather stay at home n chill. My mom tried forcing me but I wasn't interested at all. Later that night she sat me down n explained it to me again but I couldn't care less, there was no way I was gonna leave her alone here.
'Ilhaya please you should go it will help you get into good college trust me' she said. 'Eomma I said no it's waste I'll just help you with you restraunt'. 'Aish why can't you listen to me you trouble child' she said sighing, who is gonna take care of you if I leave then?
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