Everyone had quiet down. The silence was awkward.
'It's not her fault Soyeon said finally getting up her hand on her head.
'If you all don't start explaining right now I'm gonna loose my shit' Taeman said.
'Not now we can't we have to leave immediately ' youngling said looking into the radar.
'We are surrounded by them ' he said looking up. Everyone started panicking.
'What abt him what should we do about his body?' Junhee asked.
'Let him rot there he deserves it' Soyeon said groaning.
They couldn't do that ofcourse but after covering his eyes everyone started their journey.
Everyone walked silently as the rain hit them
None of them complained. They had taken away my gun. I didn't complain to I understand. I stood beside Ilha who was being carried by Jangsoo. I looked forward at Soyeon. She looked distraught. I know something happend between her and Youngsoo.
After a while we found a school. They said it is the best spot to rest since currently there weren't any spheres around them. We all huddled up in a room. They treated Ilha and Soeyoens wounds first. I just looked outside watching the rain hit the windows.
Feels wierd to be back in a school. The place where all this help started.
Everyone had settled down. No one said anything. I knew they were all anxious.
'I'll start explaining.' I said standing up
'No let me start first I was there before you' ilha protested.
'It began with me so I shall start Soyeon said making everyone quiet.
'I was walking around the beach to clear up my head. That's when I saw Youngsoo. It looked like he had lost his mind. I actually mean it's she said shivering. 'Then I approached to him and all this happened so fast.he started rambling about how the CSAT was not cancelled. He pulled some stupid old newspaper. Then he got pissed when I said it was an old paper. I don't know what happen to him it was like wa like some switch inside him had turned out he went so mad so violent.s she said sobbing Yoo jeong beside her comforted her. She quickly wiped her tears as she continued. 'He yelled at me. Telling me how he hates me cause I don't like him. He grabbed my arm and then he claimed that me and Jangsoo kissed. I asked him to let go he wouldn't thats when he pushed me and I hit my head.' She finally stopped.
'That's when I saw her' Ilha stated. But he had a worried face he looked at Soyeon asking her if it was fine to speak further to which she slightly nodded tears in her eyes.
'He was -' ilha couldn't complete his sentence as he ran his hands though his hands clearly pissed.
'He was kissing her' he said earning gasps from everyone. I looked at So yeon. What the hell.
'I ran as fast as I could trust me I did but maybe j was a bit late.' He said. 'I pushed her off him tried waking her up but she wouldn't budge'. 'Youngsoo that ucker came up to me and threatened me with a gun he kept saying to keep this a secret' ilha passed cursing under his breathe.
'I said I wouldn't open my mouth I lied.
He bought it. Then I tackled him down. I thought I had knocked him out but guess not. Hay fucker then came up to me and hit my head with a gun. That's when she saw me' Ilha said looking directly at me.
All the eyes were turned at me. 'I-I saw hi-him ' Jangsoo placed his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him before looking down. Taking a deep breathe in I look at everyone. They didn't display any emotions.
'I saw all this happen from the part where Ilha tried waking her up to the part where Youngsoo hit him with the gun. I was too shocked. But -but when Youngsoo lifted his gun that alerted me. I was close enough for him to see me. I didn't know why he was doing all that. I tried I tried my best but he already had his gun rolled in. Before he could shoot I shot. I'm so sorry I said tears coming g out of my eyes.
I knew I would get bashed at, screamed at. Killing someone is just too much. I could have talked him out of it. It's all my fault.
As I kept blaming myself. I failed to notice Yoojeong walking to my direction. Before I knew it I was engulfed in a hug.
'Qwenchana Daeun-ah it's not your fault she said carrying my heart.
That was the last string. I broke down. I had been holding in way too much. In no time the rest of the girls came and comforted me.
Right after Soyeon hugged me mumbling a sweet thank-you. In no time all of us girls were engulfed into this huge hug.
Times like this. We all stood close by crying our eyes out.
At the end of the day, we were just few 19 year old who lost their highschool years
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