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Everyone corridor you turned to was just another traumatic scene. After walking through the corridors you finally reached the basement kind of area, it looked like the dorm. As soon as you entered the area the pungent smell hit your nose. Walking around with Jang Soo, it would be hard to find any survivors, walking up to your brother, 'Any survivors' he asked you just shook your head. So in total 3 survivors you have no clue from were the other two popped out so you were determined to scan the whole place again. Well, you got a bit lost, nothing to worry tho you had a gun what could go wrong? You were slowly walking scanning every inch of the corridor, when you heard some noise, the noise was getting closer and closer. With your guns in your hand you were ready to shoot any moment. After seeing Il Ha you put your gun down, but the boy wouldn't slow down. He was storming towards you while glaring at you. You had 2 choices either run away get caught then face the consequences or just face it. Well dragging things further away would make it worse.

So you stood there and smiled brightly at him, 'Drop it' you stopped smiling. 'Why do you always have to act up for everything?!" he yelled, 'Your the one to talk' you whispered. 'I heard it, look at me' he demanded, it was a demand not a question so you looked up but looked everywhere but him, 'Why can't you just stay away from danger, are you so eager to die?' he asked in a monotone voice, 'What the hell I always star away from danger' you argued back, 'Ohhh Yea, who's the one walking around alone in a shelter where a whole operation school died' you confidently pointed at him, damn. He sighed turned around and ran his fingers thru his hair while you slowly put your finger down. 'Gosh your so hard to handle', 'Thank you' you said. You were getting on his last nerve. 'That was not a compliment' he says. ' See my anxiety makes me take impulse decision okay, but it's always worth it' you told, 'I'm sorry' you said. 'It's fine, Let's deal with your anxiety in a different way okay' he asked wrapping his arms around your waist, 'By doing what?', 'Kissue' he said pouting. You gave him a disgusted face, 'Joha(I like it)' you said before kissing him.

Now we were collecting and covering bodies the bodies. You Ae-sol unable to register the memo about the students, you went to her and took the book from her. 'I'll do it, why don't you go help the survivors hmm?' you said, with the register in your hand you saw her walk away. 'Kim Dong Hoon, a senior at Hamil High school' Youngshin said, you nodded before writing it down. After that you reported it to Wonbin. 'Did you see her eyes earlier?' Tae Man said catching you attention, 'They were unfocused, completly blank.' It's just dreadful' silence that's all he got, 'If I had been left alone, would I become like them?' Bora said, which made you think will you be left alone in the future?' . 'Will we be able to survive?' Hana asked. Silence.

We were given military packet food. There was an awful silence, you never liked it when they were so quiet. You just kept poking your food, then you saw the girl from Hamil high walk away followed by Yu-jung. 'Is she going to be fine?' you asked, 'Yea she is the bangchang after all' Hee rak said making you glare at him. 'Will we be going back now?' Soo Yi asked, 'Probably not' Jang Soo said, 'So we have to do operation after this!!!'Yeon Soo screamed, 'Bitches' Jun Hee cursed. they started conversing even though they were just whispering you were happy that they were not quiet. You stood up to get some water when you heard a gunshot. You felt goosebumps all over your body. You dropped your cup and ran to the library were the girls went. You saw your brother, Yeon-ju and Wonbin on the floor, and the girl with a gun. You were not able to move. IN no time everyone was here. You went towards her and kicked the gun away while staring at her with a frown. Jang Soo pulled you back. 'It's not my fualt the adults- the adults are to blame Its not my fault-' she started crying.

Fortunately he was shot on his shoulder, after making sure the girl was taken to safety. You walked towards the room were Wonbin oppa would be. You saw Doek Joon and Yeon-ju walking toawrds you, 'What happen?' you asked, 'I was planning on staying by his side tonight but your brother wouldn't let me' he started sobbing, 'I'll handle this you should get going' Yeon-ju said pulling him away. Looks like you would have to sneak in. Slowly walking towards the room you saw your brother leave this was your chance, 'Anyeong bro' you said walking inside, 'You said we would talk about it after the operation but it looks like you were about to take it to your grave', 'I'd take a bullet for my hyung', 'Clichรฉ', 'How is your eokkae(shoulder)?', 'It's fine ig, but I might need bed rest for few days' he said dramatically, 'So, I was wondering whether-', 'Chill I won't tell him anything I'm not the person who should do it, so tell him before it is too late', 'I will but I don't know how he will react', 'Like you would stop dating him if he said no' he said making you smile at him. 'Lets keep this a secret' you said. 'Keep what a secret?' shit! You turned around to see your brother walking towards you, 'What were you two talking about?'. 'About what?!' you asked him back before rushing out of the room. 'Ask the others to come to the library we have a meeting' he said, you gave him a quick okay sign before leaving.

'As soon as the sun rises, we will withdraw and return to the camp' your brother stated

'We can do that, what about the mission' Yeon Soo asked. As much as you wanted to leave this place you really didn't want to get punished by the military. 'I can't garunty your safety here. We can't figure out how many spheres are out there, and if they attack together, we won't be able to handle them' he finished. 'Platoon commander, with what happened last time, won't you get in trouble if you keep disobeying the rules?' Doek Joon said, had he always been a rebel? 'I've just decided that your saftey is my first priority, I'll take responsibilty so you guys don't need to worry. The sentinals should make sure to keep guard on alert. The rest should go to bed. we'll take of when the morning comes, that's it' he said before leaving. What's with him? Is it okay to just make such decisions. There was a rucus among the students.

Sitting in one of the dorms you guys were not able to sleep like one of the other nights. You were leaning against one of the tables beside Il Ha 'If this is what happened to a shelter, what would have happened to our school?' Tae Man broke the silence, 'But if we go back , won't platoon commander get punished?' Soo Chul asked, they were all so considerate. 'What if he gets sent to the guard house?' Yeon Soo said making you stand straight, but Il Ha held your hand and nodded his head assuring that wouldn't happen. You were about to leave the topic untouched when, 'This is worth the death penalty for sure' Doek Joon said making you scream, 'DEATH PENALTY!!!!!!'

'Aniyaaa, that's not true', 'It won't happen don't worry' the others tried to console you. 'Stop it or you might jinx it' So Yeon said. 'Come to think of it Mr Lee is quite disobedient', 'That's because of us' Il Ha said smirking. 'But what will happen to our extra point if we fail the mission' Yang soo, really?' We have to clear the mission right.' 'His nonsense is so darn consistent' Il Ha said standing up. 'Ya if you are dead will your soul go and write the exam?' you asked scoffing at him. 'But what if they don't send us to our parents because we didn't clear the mission?' Joon-hee said, 'Is that what your worried about when someone is getting executed here' Bora said. 'Yaaa didn't you just say that won't happen?!!'

With your head resting on his shoulder you just starred out the window when you heard Hee-rak sing. 'Ohhhhhh nae cola(My cola)!. I swear I put it here' aish so dramatic. 'Park So Yoon', 'WHAT!', 'It was you right' he said, 'What are you saying, I'm innocent' she defended herself. Then he looked at Joon-hee, 'Bwolba, shiba-(what are you looking at fucke-)'. Then he looked at Doek Joon, 'That punk already drank it'. 'Aish darn which fucker took it!!!!' he started going through the stuff, at the side of your eye you saw So Yeon quickly leaving. You walked out with Il Ha. He put his arms around your waist and put his head on your yours. 'Il ha sorry not sorry but she needs to sleep' Hana said pulling you with her. That's how the day went wow, that was quite a day.

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