'Keep moving'
'Move quickly!'
'Hold onto your rifle and headguard'
'It hurts'
'Don't stop!!'
'Deo palli umji-gyu(move faster)!!!'
'Keep your rifle on your left hand'
'What do you think you are doing?!'
'Move swiftly'
'Move faster, who is standing still run!!!!!!!!'
'All trainees in your assault fire position'
'YES SIR!!!!'
'Prone position in part. One!'. 'ONE!'
'Two', 'TWO!'
'Three', 'THREE!'
'Stand up prone positions in parts. One!!'
'Do not meet eyes quickly', 'Why are you looking at me?! heads up!!!!'
'Who has the rifle facing downwards??!!!'
You were just sitting in daze. You were a mess your long ponytail was now all out of place with leaves and mud on it, you had dirt all over your body and scratches here and there. Your whole body was aching and all you could here were the soldiers yelling at you.
'Da- eunah' you heard someone calling you, you looked up to find Kimchi starring at you holding his camera , 'Ah mianhe, where was I?', you asked rubbing your hands 'Eun-ah you didn't even start-'
'All trainees, focus and keep the stone on the barrel as you pull the trigger. relax your body. Hold your breathe. Focus ' The platoon leader said and what you hadn't noticed is that you were following all the instructions he gave unconsciously? but still you failed, 'Fuck this shit!', you felt a hit on your head, 'Jibju' Nara said, 'Arraseo'
You were sitting in front of Nara starring at your plate. After that training this what they give you. Your face filled with disgust took the spoon and lifted it up to your face with the rice sticking to it like glue. The others refused to eat or just cussed the food out, tbh who would eat this crap?
You were on your seat just looking at the blackboard, when Ms Park walked in you were too tried to even look at her. Th president started waking everyone up, 'Leave them be. I'll let you study by yourself'. She said you could feel her gaze on you then she look over and the her gaze fell upon Younghoon's table.
The girl's dorm was never quite to be exact at this point you were use to it. You were sitting beside Ae-sol folding your laundry. 'I want to date a British guy too' Hana said, 'British guy? You don't even speak english' So Yeon said, tbh their conversations were pretty entertaining.
'Those animals are outside, we have to dry our underwear here?' So Yoon said, 'Exactly, what if they steal it' Jun Hee said agreeing, there they go again. 'You two are so grouchy, how are you two so alike?' Yeon joo said. Then they both fought over that., 'ahh, is he starring at me?' Hana screamed. You look out the window to find Deok Joon and Tae Man looking at us. 'Byeuntae- saekki!'. Yoo Jeong threw her bra at the window, 'Michinsaekki jinja!!' making you giggle. Deok Joon and Tae Man walked away flipping their hair. Those two were really crazy.
You were sitting beside Il Ha and eating the so called food when a really foul smell engulfed the room, 'Ya don't you smell that ?' ,'what smell?' he asked before sniffing then immediately covering his nose, 'Museun naemsae ya(What smell is that?!)?' He said screaming. You turned around to find Wang Tae Man who most likely didn't take a shower. 'Aish Gaja(Lets go)' he said taking your plate and walking away with the others who evacuated that table. You follwoed them thinking,' Ahh this gives me some kind of deja vu'
Chi yeol was recording So Yeon who was smelling herself. When you walked into the room with Bora you saw them smelling each other and So Yeon gagging. Kimchi zoomed the camera into both of you. Bora just walked away covering her nose with her towel while you looked at them then the camera with pure disgust and confusion. Something had definitely possessed the girls due to training.
You were still practicing the stone controlling thing with Nara, 'Aish michigetda(I'm going crazy)' you said receiving a hit on your head, 'Jibju'. You saw your brother help So Yeon right beside you then her successfully doing it, oh lord she is whipped ewww. After a few tries you got it. You all had gotten much better since the past few days- at least better than the first few day, those days where a nightmare
Now you were sitting on the tables and practicing dissembling, you watched as the first group had begun their practice. You were in between Il Ha and Bora. ' I'll give you one minute to dissemble and assemble the gun.' Your brother said, 'What!!' , 'If you can't get it done in one minute, you'll get a penalty' he continued. You groaned with the others kicking your legs in the air, in the past few days your cold demeanour was kinda falling apart. 'Who wined? Come out' The platoon leader said you just gulped, you disliked him but he was scary. Then you felt Il Ha grab your hand and try to raise it, 'Yah you mad?' you whispered snatching your hand away from him, 'Wae, didn't you whine?' you just rolled your eyes.
You watched group one and two assemble their guns with ease. Group 3 came forward and did the assembling and Nara was the first to assemble making everyone shocked. The last group grp 4 came forward and sat down. It would be embarrassing if you didn't didn't break Naras record. You just scanned the gun trying to find each of the parts resemblance once you got through that, you had actually found and easier way to do it compared to what the rest of the students did. You first assembled the main parts and filled the bullets all together and then fixed it, 'Completed' you said raising your hands, you heard the kids scream behind you but your attention was to your brother who was pretty impressed but didn't show it making you smirk.
Now you were sitting beside Il Ha watching Ae-sol assemble the gun. It was getting pretty late now, you had dozed off on Il Ha's shoulder. You woke suddenly hearing groans, 'Ahh Mianhe' noticing your head on his shoulder he pushed your head back to his shoulder, 'Go to sleep, it doesn't look like she will be done any sooner' , 'Hey don't say that' you said looking at her intently .'Group two attention, there are no individuals or me on the training ground. there's only us. But, you criticize your friend's mistakes and jeer at them. If this was a real situation, you guys would all be dead already. therefore, until the last person succeeds, you will be getting no dinner tonight' Your brother said making everyone groan, you felt bad for her. 'private No Ae-sol, Shija(begin).'
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