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Chapter 5- Fireflies

Corvina wakes up in the middle of the night due to the phone ringing. She groans and rubs her eyes with one hand as she reaches for her phone with the other. A few taps later, she sees the caller ID read 'Lyds.'

She answers immediately. "What's wrong, Lydia? You're usually asleep now.-"

"Co-cora come immediatly p-please."

"Lydia breathe, where are you?" Corvina was starting to get worried.

"T-the swimming pool."

That was all Corvina needed and she didnt even change from her pajamas and drove the car to the local pool.
There she saw a scared Lydia pacing around the small pool. Corvina parked the car next to her friend and approached her cautiously. "Hey, Lyds are you okay?"

"No! No I'm not okay! I found a dead body for god's sake!"

"Where is it?" Corvina asked and Lydia pointed at the body. She saw that the boy had his throat slashed and blood everywhere. She glanced over at Lydia who was talking on the phone. After making sure Lydia was not looking she gently touched the body to see if it had been claimed.

An angel had claimed the soul. So the human, was pure.

When she got to Lydia again, a scared Stiles ran to her.

"Lydia? Lydia, are you okay?" Stiles asked her but Lydia wasn't okay and anyone could see that.

"Im okay." She paused to breathe and then pointed to the body."That over there...?Not okay."

Stiles was horrified as he pulled out his phone to call the police. His hands shaking he opened the phone."Yeah. All right. I'm gonna call my dad."

"I already called 911." Lydia says her voice as light as feather

"You called the police before you called me?" Stiles asked frantically at the poor girl who still was struggling to comprehend what she did.

"We're supposed to call you first when we find a dead body?" Cora asks in disbelief


[On the phone]

'Are you sure?' Scott asks Stiles that gulps at the thought.

'Yep. Throat ripped out, blood everywhere-- it's like The-frickin'-Shining over here! If two little twin girls come out of the woods and start asking me to play with them forever and ever, I'm not gonna be surprised...'

'Stiles as much as i love your sarcasm, not the time dude.' Cora added.

'Cora is there too??' Scott seemed shocked that Lydia felt the need to tell their newest friend.

'She was here before me.'

'Can you get a little closer to make sure it was them?'

'I already did, throat slashed and all.' Cora adds grabbing the phone from Stiles' hand as he looks at her.

"You didn't have to follow me home." Cora says as she smiles to the Stilinski boy.

" I just wanted to make sure you got in okay."

"I wasn't the one who found the body,
Lydia was." Corvina replies and Stiles nods slowly. He looks at the ground as they keep walking.

"Well, you also didn't have to follow me into my room..."She says amused.

"Well, I, uh... Yeah, I don't have an answer for that. I can leave!" He stumbles over his words and Cora smiles at him.

"Are you really gonna go without asking me the question that you've been dying to ask me?" she says tired and yawning.

"Well, I'm not... I haven't been dying to ask anything. I... No questions here for Stiles! Nothing!" He tries playing dumb but it's so see through.

"I don't know why Lydia called me before you Stiles. I really don't. Oh and also my surname is Holloway. Since you know I am no longer the mysterious girl." Cora continues with another yawn.

"So? You're still here. Do you maybe want to stay?" That snapped Stiles back into reality and he blushed.

"I- uh, no I- I'll leave. Bye Celeste."He took some steps towards the door but then ran back and akwardly hugged her. Cora returned the hug and looked at him with a soft expression. After a few seconds, he backed away and quickly left the house.

'Heaven forbid it.' she thinks as she feels somethign fuzzy, warm.

.......... ...................... โ˜†........................................

The next day Corvina wakes up and goes to school only to be called by Stiles, who needed her by the sheriff's station.

As she approaches the station Corvina hears Stiles calling her inside.
"Hey, Celeste thanks for coming here." He thanks her but Corvina still wasn't used to her middle name being used by the Stilinski guy.

"Of course Stiles. Hello..." her voice trails off because she didnt know the girl's name.


"We weren't doing anything that bad... I mean, I've camped out there plenty of times." Caitlin started to explain clearly unaware that this problem was so complicated.

"Right, but why tonight?" Stiles asks the girl and she replies back immediatly

"We wanted to be alone for one night. Emily lives with her mom, and I have three roommates... Not exactly romantic settings, you know?" Caitilin was looking now at Corvina as she smiles at her sympathetically.

"How long have you two been together?" Corvina asks Caitlin so she doesnt feel like she is being interrogated.

"Three months."

"And you wanted to make it romantic." Stiles thinks as he comes to a conclusion and he can see it in Cora's eyes too. "...Because it was her first time?"

"They're gonna find her, right...Aren't they?" The hurt in Caitlin's eyes was clear and the biggest wish she had was to find her lover...Emily.

Stiles glances at Corvina that had closed her eyes for the moment unaware of the reason.

Corvina closes her eyes to see if Emily had a chance to be saved.
Her heart clenches when she finds that Emily was dead and Corvina opens her eyes to see that Caitlin has her eyes closed and is crying quietly. Corvina hugs her softly and they stand there for awhile until Corvina pulls away and smiles at her.

"Celeste, we have to go and meet with Scott."
......................... โ˜†...............................................

"So, Boyd and Cora might not have killed anyone?" Scott asks the two for the information.

"You're gonna wish they did." Stiles says grimly.


"I'm not exactly sure yet..." Corvina tells scott because he was looking at her.

"The other girl who was out in the woods, Emily? Eventually, they're gonna find her. She's one of them. Emily, Heather, that guy Lydia found at the pool? All three were virgins. And they're all gonna have the same three injuries-- strangled, throat-slashed, head bashed in. It's called the three-fold death."

'Of course' Corvina thought to herself 'So it is the Darach after all, i guess i will stay with these guys so they help me find
it faster.'

"So, if these aren't random killings, then what are they?"

"Sacrifices" Corvina sighs "Human, sacrifices."

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