"It is time."
I open my eyes taking in my surroundings. Ten people and a statue of Arishem, the Prime Celestial.
Out of instinct, I stand up and head to the back of the room and watched as the golden lines form a magenta suit with golden lines and circles around it.
Once I was in my suit, I walked towards the window holding a single flame in my hand and smiled softly at the planet.
"It looks breathtaking, doesn't it?" I heard a voice and turned to see a man in a black suit with his hands behind his back. "I'm Druig."
"I'm Vena." I spoke and he nodded smirking slightly.
"Beautiful name." He said and I nodded turning my gaze back to the planet. "What are your powers, Vena?"
"Control over the elements and... more. What's yours, Druig?"
"Mind control."
"Just mind control?" I teased dismissing the flame and he chuckled. "That seems fairly simple."
"It's much more than that, trust me." He shrugged. "And control over the elements? That's it? There's got to be something more."
I hummed stepping away from the window and tapped his cheek lightly with my finger.
"You'll just have to wait and see."
5000 BC
"Makkari, take Vena and attack. Ikaris, you know what to do." Ajak ordered and Makkari turned to me with a huge smile before grabbing my hand and sped out of the Domo and towards the Deviants.
I immediately formed a barrier of air between the humans and the Deviants and with my spare hand conjured fire and threw it at it. Above me, Ikaris was shooting at a flying Deviant while Makkari led the people behind the barrier.
"Vena, when I say now, I want you to freeze it. Can you do that?" Kingo asked and I nodded lowering the barrier watching him lead a Deviant my way. "And... now!"
I outstretched my hands and froze the Deviants. Makkari stopped running abruptly making the Deviant break into a million pieces. I conjured water from the ocean below us and used it to wash away the remains.
"Good job, you two." Kingo signed at us making Makkari smile big.
"You too." We both signed back.
"I don't think we've been properly introduced... I'm Vena." I spoke and signed to her.
"I'm Makkari. Nice to meet you, Vena." She signed back. "You're very pretty."
"So are you." I signed as the Domo appeared and the rest of the Eternals emerged. "Let's go, Makkari."
She grabbed me and sped to the rest and dropped me between Phastos and Druig who was controlling the humans making them lower their weapons.
"Seems simple enough." I scoffed teasingly and Druig shook his head smiling.
"And a barrier of air seems like child's play, beautiful Vena." He teased back and I smiled making my eyes change rose gold for a split second but didn't use my powers. "What was that?"
"My other powers." I shrugged.
"And those are?"
"Wouldn't you like to know?"
To everyone's surprise, especially mine, the humans took us in very well.
We would help them with other things aside from the Deviants, but we only had one rule.
"Do not interfere. We may live among them, but we are not to interfere in any way." Ajak told us once we were back inside the Domo. "We are here to protect them from the Deviants, not to force them to evolve. They must do so at their own pace."
We all nodded and she dismissed us as she needed to consult with Arishem. I walked out the main room and bumped into Druig who caught me with ease.
"Careful there, beautiful Vena." He smirked before letting me go. "And where are you off to?"
"A walk." I said moving away from him and outside the Domo feeling Druig's presence behind me. "Can I help you with something?"
"Just joining you, if you don't mind of course." I shrugged slowing my pace so he could catch up.
"It looks beautiful, doesn't it? The elements coexisting together in a perfect balance and the human being living amongst it all." I spoke after a while of silence and he hummed in agreement. "This planet feels different... in a good way."
"And why's that?"
"Being in control over the elements, I feel things very differently than how, for example, you would feel them. This planet is teaming with life all around. Seeing how they interact with their surroundings, it's an amazing thing to witness." I explained and stopped walking once we reached a cliff. "Seeing how they're coexisting and using the elements to their advantage? I don't know... it's beautiful to witness, I guess."
"They have the primal instinct to evolve. I think these humans were born with curiosity and the urge of making things better every single time. But I see just one flaw with that." Druig sighed and sat down on the grass and I joined him.
"And that is?"
"It might just be their downfall."
A/N: the reference picture for Vena's suit is added above.
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