"The sudden appearence of an enormous stone figure in the Indian ocean has left more questions than answers for authorities."
"You guys did that!?"
"I love you so much."
"From afar and on a TV screen, he doesn't look all that scary. Now up close... I nearly shit my pants!" I laughed sitting on Druig's lap and took some of his food. "Let's do it again!"
"The Emergence really screwed you over, huh V?" Phastos asked and I shrugged. "This little lady went all Looney Tunes on us and still managed to beat Voldemort's ass!"
"Voldemort?" Ben asked raising an eyebrow.
"Superman. We don't speak his real name." Druig answered and whined when I stood up. "Where you going?"
"A grilled cheese calls me." I answered and Druig immediately stood up. "No way, Adonis! You're not following me around like a lost puppy! That's all you've done these past two weeks!"
"I almost died!"
"Yeah? And I almost died about four times by Voldemort! And those are the ones that I remember! Who knows how many times he almost killed me!" I exclaimed and then turned to Phastos and Makkari. "I love that you named him Voldemort. That way I can say shit like this and pretend I'm Harry Potter."
"What house?" Ben asked.
"I'd say either a Slytherin or a Gryffindor. I dunno."
"Ravenclaw?" Makkari asked and I shook my head.
"That's Phastos. Sersi and Dad are Hufflepuff. And the rest of us? I honestly have no idea." I shrugged walking to the kitchen where Thena had her hand in a toaster. "Should I ask?"
"I get confused sometimes." She replied and handed me an envelope. "Found that in Ajak's room. It's addressed to you."
I took the envelope with a raised eyebrow and walked outside. I sat down on a hammock and opened the envelope to reveal a letter in Ajak's writing and a butterfly ring that I immediately recognized.
"My dearest Aphrodite,
I hope you never find this letter because it means that I have met my untimely death. I much rather tell you everything in person.
Firstly, I want to apologize for the way I have treated you all these years. It was never my intention. I thought I was protecting you, but instead I gaslighted you and never took your feelings into account. Given your powers, I can't imagine the pain you must've felt.
If you're reading this, then I take it that you know the truth. Which is the main reason for this letter.
I always said that you and Druig are old souls that found each other in this life, but I lied.
When Arishem designed you and Druig, you two were designed at the same time. I like to think that he made a mistake in both of your programming. The reason for that is because no matter how many times your memories were erased, you two ended reliving the same story time and time again, but stronger than ever.
You and Adonis are cut from the same mold, figurative and literally speaking. This is why you and Druig have a bond that goes beyond those of a soulmate. You both share the same 'programming', you compliment each other.
Arishem noticed his mistake, but was too late. You two couldn't be separated, much to his dismay. No matter how much Arishem tried to separate the two of you in the past, you would always find each other. The separation of you two meant a complete unbalance that only happened once before.
Having explained that, I wish to talk to you about a certain power of yours, your nightmares. They weren't nightmares, they were glimpses to the future. You have a very special gift, Vena. You have the ability to see glimpses of the future, especially if it involves Druig. When this started, I immediately grew terrified of what would happen if Druig died and how would that affect the Emergence. But now, I'm just worried about you.
Ikaris knows about the emergence. After the split, he came to me a crying mess and told me what he did when he found you. Last Emergence, you two were always so close. You treated each other like siblings right until the end. I don't know what went wrong this time.
Ikaris loves you, Vena. You always were the little sister that he had to care for.
When he came to me, all he did was cry and hold the very ring that's attached to this letter. That's the ring he had Phastos make the night you two made amends. He never told you, but in his mind he always called you his special butterfly because of how graceful and free-spirited you were. You were the one to break the mold and make us see that there's more to our time than just a mission.
I still remember how happy Ikaris was when you two made amends and how happy he was when you married Druig. I've never seen him smile that much.
He treasured the moments he had with you, Vena. Even the times you two would beat each other bloody over something idiotic. He just wanted what was best for you, though his ways were questionable most of the time.
I really hope you can forgive him one day, Vena. He needs you to steer him down the right path.
Right now, I'm about to go to Alaska with Ikaris. He says that Deviants are back. That means that the Emergence is near and we only have a week left. But I fear that I might not come back. I steered him down the wrong path. Which is why I ask of you to guide him and give him faith in this planet. It's my last mission for you.
I hope I come back and see you all again. But if not, I'm at peace because I know that the Eternals will be in good hands with you and Sersi.
I love you, my sweet Vena. You are the best out of all of us.
"Dammit, Ajak. Couldn't you have called me beforehand." I sobbed folding the letter and picked up the ring again. "Damn you, Ikaris. You could've told me and you'd still be here."
"Vena? Everything okay?" Phastos asked and I shook my head. "Want me to get Adonis?"
"I'll tell him later. I just need someone to let me cry and to not tell me that everything is gonna be better." I choked out and showed him the letter. "I want to remember, Phastos."
"Come here." Phastos opened his arms and hugged me tight as my body shook with sobs and the ground shook beneath us. "Let it out, V... That's it."
"I loved him so much." I cried looking down at the ring. "So damn much."
"He loved you too, V. You were his special butterfly."
"You disappeared... Everything okay?"
"Where's Adonis?"
"Reading the letter Ajak wrote to him. I think he needs time to process everything that's going on." Thena said walking inside the room and sat next to me. "I haven't seen that ring in years."
"After the split, I left it in the Domo. Apparently Ikaris took it and kept it safe." I mumbled trying not to cry again. "I can't believe I'm saying this... but I miss him."
"I used to see glimpses of our past life whenever I was triggered. Every time, I saw you and Ikaris being as thick as thieves and causing mischief together. You two were like actual siblings. Always watching over each other." She smiled and I nodded not looking up when the door opened and kept fumbling with the ring. "You too, Ares?"
"Yeah... I don't want to talk about it." Druig mumbled walking inside and forced me to stand up. "I guess we were literally a match made in heaven, huh?"
"I guess so." I managed a small smile and rested my head on his shoulder. "Ikaris and I were close in a past life..."
"Really? That's... somewhat hard to believe."
"He loved me as a sister. The entire time he cared for me. Apparently this is the first Emergence where we didn't get along." I choked out hearing the door close and I broke down. "I loved him so damn much."
"He loved you back, in his own twisted and questionable way, but he really did. You know how I know?"
"Because the night we got married, he sat me down and gave me a talk... about how I better take care of you and to not damage a single hair on your head." Druig whispered rocking us back and forth as the ground shook again. "I think that's hypocritical of him, but he was just looking out for you."
"All he had to do was tell me. Now, I'll never get the chance to say it back."
"He knows, Vena... Deep down, he always knew."
"Wow Dad, the Domo is so cool!"
"Your Dad fixed it with his bare hands."
"And a little bit of help from his favorite Eternal." I smirked walking outside and stood next to Phastos.
"I didn't know Kingo was around." Phastos teased and I scoffed. "No, but she's right. Your aunt Vena was a lot of help."
"Will you come visit, auntie Vena?" Jack asked and I smiled ruffling his hair.
"I'll try my best, Jack. Maybe I'll bring you a little something from the planets I visit, how's that?"
"Can I go to space too!?"
"Let's just wait until you get your learners permit." Phastos scolded and I rolled my eyes winking at Jack who bounced around in excitement. "Don't encourage this!"
"Hey, Phastos! Take care... This world is lucky to have you." Druig smirked and ruffled Jack's hair. "And I'll see you soon, little man. In the meantime, give Phastos hell for both of us."
"I will!" Jack smiled and Druig laughed.
"I know you're not a hugger, except for Vena but that's because you're whipped." Phastos chuckled shaking Druig's hand but he pulled him into a hug. "Still whipped!"
"Damn right he is!" I butted and hugged Phastos. "Thank you, Phastos. For everything."
"Love you too, V." Phastos chuckled kissing my forehead.
"Think we will find the other Eternals out there, they will accept the truth the way that we do?" Druig asked Makkari who nodded with a smile on her face.
"The truth will set them free."
A/N: trying a new thing where I put the song that inspired me to write a chapter.
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