Chapter 2 || Diagon Alley

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This chapter is quite short as the main focus on this chapter is just to show the first interaction between Y/n and someone who isn't blood related to her cause she's been sorta isolated her whole childhood.


You arrived in the crowded place, rather nervous. You walked slowly, admiring each store you passed by.ย 

looking both left and right, but forgetting to look forward you crashed into another person.


"Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going, are you alright?" you asked, looking straight at a girl about your own age, long messy curly brown hair and brown eyes.

"I'm fine, wandering here alone?" the girl asked. "Yes, I'd feel awful if I brought my grandparents to such crowded place. I'm Y/n Vermoox."

you extended her hand to the girl in front of you.ย 

"Hermione Granger, I'd be happy to show you your way if you'd like. I studied this place before coming so I partially remember how to get to my destinations," the curly headed girl said shaking your hand, head up high.

you seemed to have taken interest in the know it all so you chose to tag along with her and her two muggle parents.

Everywhere she went, she would have a lot of things to say.ย 

You could definitely see other people would find her rather annoying, but you actually found her quite interesting. She knew all about the historical facts about each place and that made shopping much more easy. She knew exactly where or what you needed, and knows which item is much more worth buying.

after a long day of chatting and buying, you needed one more item off of your list.ย 

"I just need a wand, I'll be fine on my own here," you said flashing a smile to Granger. "Alright then, I should hope to see you again during the train ride to Hogwarts," she said warmly.

You both decided to exchange address so you could send each other letters once in a while, before you thanked her and bid her goodbye.

after parting with your new friend, you head to none other than Olivanders, the best place to purchase your wand.ย 

As you walked in, you saw the shop owner just finishing up with a customer,ย 

"Good luck at Hogwarts!"ย 

he said to a young boy, black curly hair, skin pale, his face almost emotionless. You take a good look at the boy from the side as he walked out the door. But you shook your head knowing its rude to stare at others, so you bring your attention back to the shop owner.

"Yup, he's quite an odd one, oh but odd is wonderful at Hogwarts, I'm sure he'll do just fine!" The man behind the counter muttered, giggling to him self

"Hello sir, excuse me, I'm looking to buy my first wand here?" you said to the owner.ย 

"Ah, and who might you be?" he asked giving you a warm smile.ย 

"I'm Y/n Vermoox," you said giving him your best smile, though you were in awed by the amount of wand boxes placed around.

the shop owner shot out a small laugh in a victory manner and, "yes, yes, your mother had one of my favorite wands in my shop." he got up and started searching through the thousand of boxes.

"Two-toned, 12 inches, dragon heartstring. why don't you give this a try." he handed you a wand that seemed to attract you body already. once you took the wand, it started glowing and you felt attached to it with in an instant.

"perfect, just as I expected. it's a similar wand to your mothers. I figured since you had similar eyes to her, maybe similar wands would do just the trick."ย 

you smiled as you loved when people told you you had your mothers eyes.ย 

"You knew about my parents? " You asked enthusiastically. "Oh yes yes, I remember every wand I have ever sold. And those eyes of hers is definitely not one to forget. Tell me, how do you have such abnormal coloured eyes?? " He asked in full curiosity.

"Well sir, I'm sorry, but I don't think I could answer that. I'm not sure why either, " You answered, just how you answered everyone else who has asked.ย 

"Whatever it is, it's a beautiful color. Strange, but beautiful! Nothing like I've ever seen, that's for sure." you payed and thanked the shop owner before heading back to your grandparents.

"I'm home!" You said coughing out some of that floo powder.ย 

"You're back! How was the trip? Have you got all the supplies you needed? " They asked helping you pat of the excess dust. "Yes, a very lovely girl my age helped me make things easier. Says she'll be in Hogwarts the same year I am! " You said putting your bags of things down.ย 

"Oh why that's wonderful then. Now don't you worry about us alright? I think you'll have a lot of fun there to be even thinking about us! " Grandmother said.

Your grandparents advise you to start a bit of reading from the books you bought to get a bit of a head start. You agreed and that's exactly what you did right after dinner.


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