First Challenge! Or... Vaycay?

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(This is a reminder that Gira is my OC and Cria is my friend's OC.)

Ragatha's frustrated, loud shouts awoke Gira. Confused, she opens the door to see Jax wheezing on the floor. "what even happened???" Gira questioned. After Cria explained the situation to her, she kicked Jax lightly. "Jax, why would you do such a thing?" Gira looked down at him, trying to hold back a laugh herself. He was still laughing on the floor. He curled up and laughed, and laughed until it wasn't even funny anymore. Gangle looked a bit scared, holding her broken comedy mask to her hollow chest. And well. Jax finally stopped laughing and just stared at Ragatha with a cheeky smile. "what do you want now!?" Ragatha still seemed mad.Β 

"sorry dollface, I had to do it either way though." he got up and brushed himself off, before walking out of the hallway. "so, are we going to see what the dentures want now? or are you just going to stand there like a bunch ofΒ  hollow trees?" Jax looked back at them, his grin was even wider now. As he continued walking away, everyone else decided to leave too. After everything was over, the theme song, everything of that sort, Caine just stood there, trying to think of something to do for their daily challenge. "Hmm.. anyone have any ideas..?" He looked puzzled as he held his nonexistent chin.

"oh! What do we do for an out-of-house adventure? Just so that Gira can adjust and all.." Ragatha spouted, she looked excited to show Gira around..! As she said that, Caine looked around at everyone, they all seemed okay with it. "Sure thing then! But where? Should we go to the Digital Lake? Or the Digital Themepark?" After looking around at everyone again, Caine asked another question. "anywhere, I don't give a *0(!?1%* wherever we go." Zooble looked fed up already, side-eyeing Jax.Β 

After a while of debate, they finally chose to go to the Digital Lake, where they could do whatever. Pomni, Gira, and Gangle were having fun making sandcastles, while Jax was talking to Kinger about god know what. Zooble, Cria, and Ragatha were just, sunbathing? As Caine and Bubble were getting snacks.

Then Bubble started trying to bite the water. "Bubble! Stop biting the water!" Caine tried to get Bubble away from the water, but she just wouldn't budge. After a long while of trying to shoo Bubble away from the lake, Caine finally got a rest. After a relaxing trip back to the tent, everyone went to their rooms accordingly and fell asleep. Except for Jax though, he was plotting another nasty prank on Ragatha.. poor girl...


(449 words WOHOOOOOOOO)

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