Chapter 7

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Pink rose: Meaning of roses depends on the colour.ย 

Pink roses are a plea to believe the giver. Also representingย 

a perfect happiness.

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Atsushi wore his old worn-out dress, hopefully they would soon be back home, where the weretiger can can happily eat chazuke with his friends. The others was in another shopping spree, Atsushi was too fatigued to join them.

"Ranpo.. How long until we are back home.. in our world?" Atsushi pondered, as he was washing the dishes. It was noon and the man-tiger was still embarrassed at the experience of the ball.

Chewing on his millionth donut, responding vigorously, " Prince gives the shoe to you then happily ever after." Ranpo gave the briefest explanation, not wanting to overcomplicate anything. A worried expression was painted on Atsushi, exclaiming, "But there was no prince at the ball, to my knowledge."

The best cat detective, face palmed himself on how oblivious the latter was. "Atsushi its Akutagawa."

"Huh.. What do you mean... Akutagawa is just my enemy!" The snowflake-haired boy was confused as he tilted his head trying to figure out what the simple statement meant (little bit like a cat).

Ranpo wasn't bothered on trying to explain the blatant fact, leaving the poor boy even more bewildered.


"How stupid is the man-tiger?" Tachihara exclaimed, Kajji agreeing as he responding with, " I know right.. AKUTAGAWA IS THE PRINCE!"

Sighing, the old man took another cigarette out he felt like his job nowadays is babysitting then being apart of an illegal, crime organisation.

"Akutagawa is not Atsushi prince guys," Higuchi stated, giving a firm look at them. Sarcastically Tachihara replied with, " And the old hag hates cigarettes."

Rolling her eyes, Gin shoved them and carried on reading giving Hirotsu an empathetic look, acknowledging his pain.


The throne room was grand, everything shined with gold, the blonde stormed in -who was extremely irritated-. "Dazai this is stupid we are not checking the size of every women's feet to fit a shoe," Kunikida exclaimed harshly.

"Its the 'king' to you." Dazai sat on his throne and was having the time of his life with Poe's ability, he should definitely making him and his chibi be cantered of one of his novice.

Akutagawa slammed open the door, "So where does the Jinko live!.. We need this over and done with."

"Reeelllaaaaaxxxxxxx Akutagawa.. lets just get the car and go to majority of the houses." The brunet knew which house it was but it was better to make it more difficult.


The others finally returned, to their fortune Atsushi finished his cooking.

Yosano complimented on Atsushi with his cooking when he made them all lunch. The latter blushed at the recognition from one of his colleagues. "It nothing to special Yosano, Kunikida had been teaching me."

"Lad.. you have skills, try to take some credit for your hard work." Kouyou stated not wanting no arguments from the were-tiger. Sighing in relief, Kouyou was extremely hard to please. Atsushi was going to thank her but the door was being attacked by knocking.

The cat perked up, "You should be locked up in the room but its fine now.... just go marry your prince."

"For the last time Ranpo.. I have no prince and there is none," Atsushi grunted whilst marching his way to the door. If he had the courage he would have yelled at the people who knock on the door so loudly. Just knock calmy not banging on the door!

Opening the door he was met with a surprise..

"AKUTAGAWA WHY ARE YOU HERE!" Atsushi yelled in surprise, looks like he did have courage to shout at the person. "ALSO STOP KNOCKING SO LOUD!" The weretiger shouted in spite, oh god how he despised when people do that.

The shouting was returned with even more shouting, "I WAS JUST HERE TO RETURN YOUR STUPID SHOE!"

"You want a reward for that or something," Atsushi commented irritated at the latter. Snarky answering, "For the matter of fact I do want a trophy." Although, the mafioso was beaming at Sushirella.

Atsushi was about to yell at him oblivious that Akutagawa was just joking towards him. Behind Akutagawa, the latter notice the amount of fancy, expensive cars there was. The brunet king appeared to be behind the mafioso now, smiling brightly at Atsushi.


"Yes its King Dazai.. now try the glass slipper." Dazai urged the supposed to be Cinderella and the faux prince to be near each other.

Dreading this, Akutagawa knelt down towards the princess as he glared for Atsushi to wear it. Dramatic surprise it fits!

Series of applauses echoed through the room, little did present-day double black knew that an audience had been gazing at them since the beginning.

Atsushi magically converted to his elegant ball gown that he regretted on how uncomfortable it was, even if it was drop-dead gorgeous. Is this supposed to be a happily ever after?

Sparkly entrance was shadowed by Atsushi's one, Chuuya crossed his arms and glared at the brunet. "You planned this didn't you."

"Of course I did, it ended up amazingly though.. fairy, chibi godmother." Dazai couldn't help but start laughing at the ginger, it was the dress for Dazai, the poofy dress.

The ginger was beyond furious but he had sneaky plan. "Why you- making fun of me heh... ibidi bobbidy boo transform zai to dogg." Twirling, spinning his wand around, Dazai was shown to be a golden retriever now.

"Chuuya how dare you." Dazai was horrified to be the worst animal in the whole world. "Hey I have a magical wand got to use it," The ginger grinned as he held the golden retriever.

The others was simply chatting; Kenji was chatting about the pumpkin carriage and the cows to Kyouka. Atsushi was still complaining about his dress whilst Kunikida was extoling Nakahara for turning Dazai into a dog.

A beacon of light blasted in the room... they seemed to be back in Yokohama but still in their previous outfits in the novice.


Thanks for reading:)

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