Becoming Comfortable

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Spock awoke in his Captain's bed. An unfamiliar but sound occurrence. He shifted to his side to face his Captain, who was still deep in sleep. "Jim," Spock said softly into Kirk's ear.

"Mmm," Kirk groaned sleepily in response. He'd only just begun to stir.

"Jim," Spock repeated.

Kirk's eyes hadn't yet opened but there was a growing grin on his lips.

"Is it amusing?" Spock inquired, leaning closer to Kirk, until their bodies were separated only by a fold in the blanket that coated them.

"Waking up beside you – a naked you – is... immensely amusing."

Spock couldn't resist the urge to smile, "I see."

Eyes fluttering open to Spock, Kirk observed Spock's face, his jawline, his neck and collar bone. "I'm guessing it's time for us to prepare for duty," he sighed.

Hesitating, Spock imagined facing the others after last night. Having his emotions confessed before everyone had been discomforting to say the least. Logically, the crew would be expecting emotional responses from him – which he wasn't sure he could give.

Only Jim Kirk's bond had such an influence on him after all. There was something entirely different about Kirk that Spock had no way of resisting.

"How about we have a relaxing shower first?" Kirk asked after noticing Spock's hesitation.

Raising an eyebrow, Spock nodded. He couldn't draw his eyes away from Kirk's naked body as he left the bed and walked over to his washroom. After a moment, Spock joined, walking over to the steaming washroom. The hot water flowed rhythmically; he could hear the water hitting Kirk's body, every drop with its own sound. Too rapid to decipher a pattern. Spock could hardly see through the steam, but his eyes focused on the lean figure behind the glass door of the shower. In the same moment, Spock decided that Kirk's washroom needed shower curtains.

"What's taking you so long?" Kirk cooed to Spock.

Despite experiencing the night before, Spock's heart raced with adrenaline as he entered the shower. The small space had Spock feeling sealed off from the world, alone except for Kirk's presence. It was a hair-raisingly exciting feeling. As soon as Kirk turned to Spock, he drew him in by the hips for a kiss beneath the flowing water. Spock leant back, utterly breathless.

He took in a sharp breath before Kirk was on him again. But not just kissing him – stepping forward until Spock felt the cold of the shower wall on his back. Spock gulped, "I'm not exactly relaxed like this Jim." It was the truth; Spock's heart was frantic within his chest.

"But you will be," Kirk murmured when he slid his hands down Spock's slippery chest, to his abdomen.

Spock quivered. Kirk's warm hands continued down his body until one gripped Spock's hip and the other his hardened cock. He gasped out, but Kirk's mouth interrupted him. A brief and delicate kiss was shared before Kirk tugged on Spock and deepened their kiss. He was gentle and rough at the same time and Spock became easily flushed. "Hng," he choked into the kiss. "J-Jim, we shouldn't-"

"Are you protesting?" Kirk laughed. He moved in closer to Spock's pointed ear and whispered, "we can stop if you want to, I wouldn't force you. But if you want, you can face the wall and bend over a bit."

The seductive suggestion hung for a moment while Spock tried to understand what Kirk was offering him. He'd evidently made his decision, as he turned around and arched his back slightly. "I-I urge you to be gentle."

Immediately, Kirk leant against Spock and whispered his comforting words, "I promise to be gentle." He continued kissing Spock's back, sucking and nipping here and there, purposely creating small green marks with his mouth. Kirk twisted the handle of the tap to lessen the shower's stream before Spock heard him spit. Most likely on his fingers. They breached his cheeks before circling his entrance. "Mhm, just relax, I've got you."

Spock groaned to the sensation of Kirk's first saliva-coated finger inside of him. Kirk thrusted his single finger one, two, three times before adding a second. The pleasure nearly became unbearable for Spock to contain himself. He rocked in small movements onto Kirk's fingers and yelped when a third was entered. "Jim!" Spock called breathlessly. He'd been properly prepared, Kirk was just being a tease at this point.

"Where is it I wonder," Kirk mumbled on Spock's shoulder blade, crooking his fingers and hitting Spock's prostate.

"You're enjoying watching me struggle to not climax with your fingers stimulating me aren't you?"

"Of course."

"P-please," Spock groaned as Kirk massaged his prostate. It seemed Kirk was finally going to do something other than finger him when he drew back. It took a moment before Spock's entrance was met by Kirk's enlarged cock.

Kirk kept true to his word and gently thrusted forward. His pace remained slow and tender, that is until Spock began to rock back onto Kirk with each thrust, allowing him deeper each time. Kirk aimed towards Spock's prostate until he found it and thrusted unevenly until Spock was clenching around him. "Damn Spock, I've imagined this so many times, and yet this exceeds each of my differed fantasies."

"F-fantasies?" Spock tried to ask before Kirk slammed into him.

"S-sorry Spock, I'm going to-"

"Same," Spock cut in before his body tensed up and pleasure caused him to tremble. He came first, his semen spurting out before him. Spock clenched again, sending Kirk over the edge with him.

Kirk moaned his name of course, as he spilled inside of him. They were panting for a moment before Kirk pulled out, and assisted Spock in cleaning himself.

"I can't say I haven't also had 'fantasies'," Spock said quietly, relatively spent. Kirk turned him around and pulled in him for a hug.

Spock realised that after a moment, their hearts became in sync, and Spock simply smiled and held Kirk tighter.

"It's alright Spock!" Kirk wasn't convincing. They walked down a deck intersection until they reached a turbo lift.

Entering behind Jim, "logic dictates, that when one shows they are capable of a common act, they are expected to perform such an act. The crew will inevitably expect me to express emotion, despite how illogical," Spock stated his complaint.
The turbo lift shifted with Kirk's orders. "Spock, listen carefully, it is okay to express emotions. However, if you feel only capable to express them to me, due to our bond, then that is okay too. You don't have to feel pressured into expressing anything unless you want to."

Spock sighed, unexpectedly feeling swayed by his Captain's words. "Thank you, Jim."

They entered the bridge for duty together. Nothing was out of the usual. Spock felt no eyes on him as he walked to his station.

Perhaps it was due time that Spock became comfortable with expressing his emotions.

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