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caroline woke up from her bed wondering where jack was.
he must've went home, she thought.
she climbed out of bed and got ready to go see jack.

she walked through the woods and arrived at the bunker jack, sam, dean, and cas lived at.
she knocked on the door, and dean opened the door.
"come in." he rolled his eyes.
she smiled, wondering why he was so angry. she looked down and saw sam, and cas sitting at a table together.
"hello." she greeted.
"hello, are you caroline?" cas asked.
"yes, where's jack?" she asked.
"he's gone. we haven't seen him." sam answered her.
caroline walked away to go find jack's room.
she opened his door, and there was no one there.
but she saw a note sitting on top of jack's pillow. she was scared to open it herself, so she called dean, cas, and sam.
"look." she said.
dean furiously grabbed the note and opened it.
and he read it aloud.

dear everyone,
my name is jack kline. i'm the son of lucifer. but you guys already know that. this note is to all of you. you have all treated me very badly, besides you caroline, and sometimes cas, but he's lied to me before. cas, i thought things would get better. i thought someday my life would be perfect but we don't always get what we want. cas, you've been a father figure to me since the day i finally met you. thank you so much for caring, but you didn't have to lie just to make me happy and get my hopes up. i love you castiel. you are the most genuine person i've ever met. and when i hug you, it makes me feel at home, you are my home, cas. thank you. sam, you are very tall, and you helped me when i needed you to. you always wanted me to see my worth and you always wanted dean to see the good in me. you always knew i wasn't evil. you had faith in me. you always have. i hope you always will. and you have great hair, always and forever. so thank you for being there for me when i didn't feel like i was myself. dean, i know. i know you hate me. i totally get it. because dean, guess what? i hate myself. i wish i didn't kill mary. everyday i am beating myself up about it. i regret it, and i can't begin to explain how much i miss her. she was a very kind woman and would do anything to bring her back, im sorry dean, i really am. but i always wanted you to like me. but you have always been rude and aggressive toward me. i don't know what to do to make you change your mind about me. but you want to get rid of me so bad. im sorry. but thank you for letting me drive the impala. caroline, thank you for being a good friend to me. in fact, thank you for being my best friend. last night, when you told me about the future we'd have, i enjoyed it. and i'd like to think that would actually happen someday. you are a great person. you're funny, kind, a great dancer, an amazing singer, and you're beautiful. if i could be there with you right now i would. i told you this last night, but you were asleep, i love you caroline. i'll always love you. i've never felt this way before, but i love you. and i'm so sorry it has to be like this, but i was always told to put others before myself. so i'm leaving. you guys aren't ever going to see me again. i'm never going to see you again. don't come looking for me. you wont find me. i don't want to see any of you. i don't want to look at you. i'm leaving for all of yours sake. you're welcome. but this is goodbye. this is the last time you'll ever hear from me. goodbye. i will miss you.

sincerely, jack

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