jack laid quietly in caroline's bed beside her as she slept, but he couldn't sleep at all.
he didn't even want to sleep.
jack climbed out of bed to go to the bathroom.
once he entered the bathroom he stared in the mirror, behind him was lucifer.
"hey." lucifer said.
"hello.." jack whispered.
"so, how's it goin'?" lucifer asked.
"terribly. i can't believe it." jack explained.
"i tried to tell you, didn't i?"
"but why would i believe you?"
"i don't know cause i'm your DAD." lucifer said.
"but you're also the devil." jack faintly said.
"yeah, so? is that embarrassing for you or something?"
"no, i'm just saying." jack rolled his eyes.
"do you think caroline cares about me atleast?" jack asked.
"by the looks of it, yeah, very much so." lucifer told him.
"i care about her too." jack whispered.
"i can see that." lucifer raised his brows.
"maybe i care too much." jack said.
"i don't know what that means or even know how to care 'too' much."
"of course you wouldn't." jack rolled his eyes again.
"what? that seems too..delicate." lucifer answered.
"whatever. but i really do think that i do. i think about her all the time. and she always knows the right things to say."
"i mean..."
"i'm serious. i don't know how to tell her all of that though. she's more of a talker than i am, surprisingly." jack sighed.
lucifer disappeared.
"random." jack said to himself.
"jack?" caroline came in the bathroom.
"oh, caroline, sorry." jack said.
"no, it's fine, but..why aren't you asleep?"
"because, i can't sleep." jack told her.
"oh, sorry." caroline said, "i'm wide awake right now, though, do you wanna go for a walk?"
"hey jack?" caroline said.
"so are you 5?"
"technically, yes. is that bad? does it bother you?"
"no, of course not. i was just wondering." caroline said.
"i don't look 5 do i?" jack questioned.
"no of course not." caroline laughed.
"well, how old are you?"
"16." she answered.
"okay. do i look 16?"
"uhhh, sure, jack, sure." she laughed nervously.
"great." he smiled.
"hey guys!" a voice called.
jack and caroline turned around to see jamie.
"ew..why is she here?" caroline whispered.
"uhh.." jack said.
"hey, jack." jamie looked jack up and down.
"jamie, what're you doing here?" caroline asked, rudely.
"uhhh, i'm here to see jack, not you, bitch." jamie rolled her eyes.
"well, he's with me right now."
"not anymore he isn't." jamie sassed.
"uh, well-" jack tried to talk.
"he literally came here with me, not you." caroline interrupted.
"oh? so you think you're special cause jack wanted to walk in the woods with you? okayyy." jamie said.
"why would you be any more special?" caroline asked.
"guys-" jack tried to talk again.
"because, me and jack hung out the other day." jamie said.
"what?!" caroline said in shock.
"yeah, and guess what sugar lips, he kissed me." jamie told her.
"jack, you kissed jamie?!" caroline gasped.
"what? no- well. yes. but she kissed me. so i kissed back." jack told caroline.
caroline and jack sat in a tree together looking at the stars together.
"sometimes i hate everything." caroline told jack.
"sometimes i hate myself." jack said.
caroline didn't answer, it made her sad though when he had said that.
jack stared off, thinking about everything he had heard come from dean's mouth.
he hated it.
he wanted to make it go away.
but it was stuck in his head. he didn't want to hear it anymore. he wanted to forget everything.
he wanted to just disappear. he hated to be talked bad about, especially when he knows it was his fault.
he feels terrible about what happened to mary, of course he does. but dean will never ever forgive jack. that's what he said atleast.
but jack loves dean.
and he loves sam.
and he loves cas.
he does. so much. but knowing that dean doesn't feel the same way breaks jack's heart. he thought he had 3 dads who cared for him. maybe not. maybe it was all a game. maybe they were just using jack. maybe they never cared at all.
"jack, you ok?" caroline asked him.
"just thinking about dean again."
caroline laid her hand on top of jack's to comfort him.
"i understand." she told him.
"but like i said, its okay." she said again.
jack looked at her and smiled then looked away again.
"you're going to go home, right?"
"eventually." he answered.
"okay, i promise it'll go great." she said.
"i believe you." he answered.
"they love you." she told him.
"i hope so." jack whispered.
jack rested his head on caroline's shoulder so he could fall asleep for the night.
caroline sighed and kissed jack on the forehead, letting him rest on her shoulder.
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