"where're you going?" lucifer asked jack.
"to caroline's house."
"ohh, okay. and if she isn't there?"
"then i come back later." jack answered.
"right." lucifer disappeared.
jack approached caroline's house, knocking on her door.
no answer.
he knocked again.
still no answer.
so he had no choice but to break the lock.
he stepped inside the house and looked around downstairs.
he didn't hear or see anyone.
then he went upstairs.
he heard ruffling and chatter noises coming from caroline's room, and the door was cracked.
jack approached the door and peaked through the crack.
he saw caroline sitting on her bed, with tears in her eyes.
then jack saw dexter.
"you can't just..you can't just go behind my back, caroline!" dexter yelled.
"i didn't! i literally confronted him, dexter!" she yelled back.
"he could've killed me, bitch!" he yelled at her.
jack was very angry at the scene, but didn't interfere just yet.
but caroline began to cry.
"oh yeah, go ahead and cry and play the victim like you always do." dexter mocked.
"i didn't do anything wrong but defend your stupid ass."
"okay- don't call me stupid." he said angrily, getting in her face, grabbing her throat.
"let- go of me." she struggled.
"you don't call me stupid, okay? do it again, i'll fucking kill you. okay? i'll fucking kill you. i don't care if you're my girlfriend. i don't give two shits." dexter threatened.
"you're insane-"
"what did you just say to me?" he whispered aggressively.
then caroline spit on his face.
"ew, fucking bitch!" he yelled, but then pulled a knife from his pocket, and held it to caroline's neck.
jack was so close to barging in, but he still waited.
"don't say another word, or you'll lose a head." he threatened.
jack backed away, until his phone rang.
shit, jack thought.
he tried to turn off his phone but they had already noticed.
"who the fuck is here?" dexter yelled.
"i don't know dex!"
dexter flung open the door and saw jack struggling.
"jack?" caroline whispered.
"shut up, care. you. you fucking prick, i'll kill you, i'll fucking kill you!" dexter started running toward jack. but jack had already stopped him dead in his tracks.
"i told you to stay away from caroline." jack threatened. his eyes turned a dark red.
"what- what are you?" dexter stuttered, practically scared.
"he's the son of lucifer." caroline whispered happily.
dexters bones cracked, and he flew against the wall, leaving a hole in the wall. jack still knew he wasn't going to kill dexter. not yet of course, as much as he wanted to, he knew caroline would hate him. so he wont. not yet.
"holy shit." caroline whispered to herself, but jack couldn't tell if she were sad or happy or mad about what was going on.
jack wasn't done yet.
knives were thrown into both of dexters arms and legs to pin him on the wall.
dexter let out brutal screams.
caroline began to cover her ears.
finally jack was done.
he let down his hands and stared at caroline. jack was expecting her to scream or yell at him, but she did the complete opposite, running into jack's arms hugging him close.
"you were right." she whispered and cried.
"you fucking bitch! i'll kill you both! i'll fucking kill you!" dexter screamed aloud, threatening them both.
"YOU'RE INSANE, JACK! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU ALL!" he screamed again, while caroline and jack left the house.
(sorry that this chapter is very short)
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