"jack?!" sam called out.
"jack!" dean yells out.
"cas, where's jack?" sam asked castiel.
"in his room, im sure." cas responds.
sam and dean walk to jack's room and open it to find him dancing.
"jack, what are you doing..?" sam quietly asked.
"i cant believe im just now discovering britney spears, this song is great!" jack explained.
dear jack,
ever since i got my soul back 2 years ago, life has been so much more real. i can feel way more than i could before. im also discovering things that i wish i did when i was born 5 years ago! i never knew all of these fantastic songs and things could exist. anyways, dean, sam, and cas have been talking about putting me in public school so i can experience a normal life as a normal boy, but i'm not normal at all. my existence is very confusing.
sincerely, jack
3 months later
"alright, remember the promise you made?" dean asked.
"yep, no angel stuff. got it." jack put a thumbs up.
"bye, jack." cas hugged him.
"goodbye, cas, if im being honest, im excited." jack explained.
"good, heh, well just, keep your promise." sam said, putting a hand on jacks shoulder.
"i will. goodbye cas. bye dean. bye sam." jack said with a big smile.
"class, we have a new student, please come in." mrs hamilton announced.
"hello!" jack waved to the class.
the class gave dirty faces.
"hello, whats your name?" the teacher asked him.
"jack....kline. im jack kline." jack announced.
"i like that name, how old are you, jack?"
"i'm....five...yeah..i'm five"
the whole class laughed at him.
"oh, dear. okay!" the teacher explained.
"i mean- i'm fifteen, with a five at the end." jack laughed.
"right, dear. please take a seat in one of the empty seats, in fact, beside caroline."
"alright." he smiled. jack looked at caroline and then approached the seat right next to her.
"hello." she smiled to him.
"hi, i'm jack."
"i know. i'm caroline."
"i know." he smiled.
"this is strange. i didn't know we had to have assigned seats in school." he told her.
"have you never been to a real school before?" caroline asked him.
"i've never been to school at all."
"wha- wait, this is 10th grade- and you're allowed to be here?-"
"that's the thing. nobody really knows." he smiled.
"you skipped...what- 10 grades- you don't even know basic math?" Caroline asked.
"wait- what's math?" he asked, confused obviously.
"i- oh my gosh!" she gasped.
"i think i'm smart enough to be here anyways. So whatever 'math' is, i'm sure its easy." he shrugged.
"okay, class. now that we've met our new student, jack, i think we can continue our lesson for the day." mrs hamilton announced.
jack tried to concentrate on everything mrs hamilton was teaching, but he didn't understand anything she was talking about. he had never seen or heard such things in the past 5 years he's been alive. sam, dean, and cas never taught him math or english or..anything having to do with school!
"uh- miss, i don't understand any of this." jack blurted.
"raise your hand.." mrs hamilton told jack.
"why?" he asked.
"um- if you have a question or something to say, jack, then you raise your hand." mrs hamilton said.
"that's silly. i never do that at home."
"that's cause this is school jack- um..jack..where did you go to school before you moved to this school?" she asked.
"i've never- i was homeschooled, mrs hamilton."
"right, and your parents- excuse me- guardians didn't teach you basic rules about school?"
jack thought, then shook his head, "i know nothing about school." he shrugged.
"jack- what's 6x9?"
"what?" he said, confused.
"i said, what's 6x9?"
"i don't-"
"54.." caroline whispered quietly.
"54! sorry, brains a little slow today." jack smiled.
"right- anyways class-" then mrs hamilton continued her lesson.
jack looked at caroline. thanking her.
dear jack,
today i met a girl. a really..strangely pretty girl. her name is caroline. caroline clover. she has bright blonde hair and bright emerald eyes that i've never seen before. she seems very smart. today, i didn't know what 6x9 was. but, thankfully, she told me the answer! i think caroline will make a good..tutor. in fact, i'm going to her house to study with her. i'm nervous, it feels like my head is going to explode because i learned- well- heard so much today that i could barely comprehend. i really hope that caroline can help me out. i'm never going to pass this grade if she doesn't help me out.
sincerely, jack
jack felt nervous, like really nervous.
"hey jack, come in. oh, my parent's aren't home." she told him.
"what?" he gasped.
"my parents- they aren't home.."
"i know, but where did they go?"
"out? i dont know." she awkwardly responded.
"sorry- so..umm.."
"okay, jack, this is basic math," she showed him, "okay, 4+4 is 8, see you just add the two numbers together- you know how to count...right?" she asked.
"uh- yes! i know." he said.
"k good. so then-" she proceeded to teach him everything he needed to know for 10th grade.
after tutoring, caroline took jack to her bedroom.
"jack, can i show you something?" she asked.
"yeah, what?"
"look," she showed him a book.
"what is it?" he asked.
"it's a book. but..it's a spell book." she smirked.
jack remembered rowena, and how she was a witch, is caroline a witch, he thought.
"okay.." he whispered.
"do you believe in magic, jack?" she asked him.
"do you?"
"of course i do, silly." she laughed.
"then..i do." he said.
"my parents don't know." caroline told jack.
"parents dont know what?" he asked.
"they dont know i own this spell book..they dont believe in witchcraft.." she frowned, "they said it's the devil's work."
"i don't think it has to do much with the devil.."
"do you not believe in the devil or something?" she laughed.
"no, i believe, 100%" he said.
jack remembered his father, lucifer, the devil.
"well atleast someone doesn't think i'm crazy.." she laughed to herself.
"why would anyone think your crazy?"
"because i feel..un-normal..i feel strange..and weird.." she frowned.
jack flipped through her spell book.
"i actually had a friend..she had this exact same spell book.." jack told caroline.
"you did? you've met another witch?"
jack nodded.
"what was her name?"
"rowena. she had bright ginger hair, and she..was crazy magical." he expressed.
"was she hot?"
"well- no- she was pretty..why would you even ask that..she's totally older than me.." he said.
"i'm literally joking." she laughed.
caroline picked up a pencil..well..with magic..
"so strange..my mom would kill me if she ever found out."
"it won't hurt her if she doesn't know." jack said.
"i'm scared she'll find it."
"hide it..always then."
"i know to do that, its just..she's so good at finding things..and i'm scared i'll forget to put it up if i go use the bathroom or something..and she finds it- i don't know. i don't feel like getting disowned by my catholic family that thinks witchcraft is the devil's work." caroline told jack, calmly.
jack didn't say anything.
"you're not going to tell anyone, are you?"
"no- no of course not." jack shrugged.
"okay..good." caroline shed a tear.
jack and caroline sat in silence for a while.
"i don't think you're strange, caroline." jack said.
"righttt.." she rolled her eyes playfully.
"i'm serious."
"i'm probably the strangest person you've ever met, besides rowena."
"no. definitely not."
"then who? your 'guardians'?" she mocked.
"actually, i don't know why mrs hamilton said guardians..they aren't blood..but they are my family."
"but they aren't your parent's?" she asked.
"where's your dad?" caroline asked, nosily.
"he's..umm..a bad guy..and also..dead, i'm pretty sure."
"what? you're pretty sure? i mean- sorry for your loss, but what?" she asked, confusingly.
"it's a long..very long story."
"okay..and your mom?"
"she died when i was born."
"oh. sorry." caroline answered quietly.
"i wish i got to meet her." jack sighed.
"guess you've been through a lot."
"yeah, a lot." jack repeated.
jack stood up and looked around carolines room for a bit.
"you know, i have three dads."
"what?" caroline laughed.
"my guardians. sam, dean, and cas, short for castiel."
"yeah, castiel." jack repeated.
"that's a weird name." she laughed.
"no, it's not." jack aggressively said.
caroline didn't say anything for a while, then stood up with jack.
"i didn't mean it in a rude way." she rolled her eyes playfully, again.
"cas cared about me way before sam and dean really did. he's like a real father to me."
"sorry.." she whispered.
jack stared blankly. thinking about the times dean had hated his guts and almost killed him. jack sat down.
caroline followed and sat with him.
"is something wrong?" caroline asked curiously.
"no, i'm just a little tired." jack explained.
"are you sure? you don't look..okay.."
"just..family problems i guess."
"but i thought you had three perfect dads."
"i never said perfect." jack whispered.
"right." she laughed to herself.
"are we done?" jack asked caroline.
"with studying?"
"if you want-"
"okay, bye." he said, quickly getting up and walking out.
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