vii. atlas' furry little problem and quidditch practice

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^^ that's what her animagus looks like.

ย  ย  ย  โ˜… โ˜… โ˜…

Hope and Atlas are sat by the black lake, comfortably sitting on the ground, the girls back resting on the large tree behind her as the boy comfortably sat in front as he chews on his chocolate cake he had been given by the house elf's in the kitchen.

They didn't ended up choosing to skip their first classes, due to the fact they were too tired after the full moon from last night. Atlas had told the girl that he found something similar about the man. He knew him and has met him before. Apparently they are related, Hope was so shocked when she found out. Apparently Remus is his mums cousin, making him Atlas' older cousin once removed but they just decided to call each other uncle and nephew.

Apparently it's easier for them??

Atlas told the girl that something else feels different about the man, that he's got something to hide.

The two teenagers have an idea of what the secret is though, and it's the same one the 13 year old boy also shares.

Hope lets out a yawn as she flickers her eyes open, looking across towards her best friend who was half way through his chocolate cake, eating it in contempt.

"Last night was. . Fun!" Hope says, holding back her smile, as she tries to lift the spirits about her new job for his full moons.

"Yeah for you maybe, I'm still mad that you did that without telling me." Atlas retorts, his mood dampening at the remembrance when he found out about what she had done.

"You're barking mad!" She retorts, not being able to ignore the pun making the boy roll his eyes. The girl suddenly going very serious, "I wanted to help you, and now I can! You don't have to be alone anymore, Atlas!" Hope states as she sits up, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You became an animagus, Hope!" The boy reminds the girl as if she has forgotten, "It's illegal, you could go to Azkaban! Or what if you did it wrong then you would've died!"

"Ugh honestly, Atlas, it's like you don't even care what I've doneโ€” I'm doing this for you and I don't care what you say!" Hope responds sternly making him groan loudly before reluctantly nodding.

"Whateverโ€” don't come crying to me if you get caught." He says grumpily, both of them knowing she can definitely still go to him.

"Great! Nowโ€” nicknames." Hope says, changing the topics with a smile pressing across her face making the boy roll his head back.

"Really? We already have some anyway?" He responds but Hope doesn't take notice in his words.

"Yes well I have one already for you." Hope says making him sigh before nodding.

"Let's hear it then." The boy said.

"Mona." She replies simply.

"Mona?" He repeats with confusion lacing his voice.

"Mona." She confirms before adding, "it means moon in old English," she states with a shrug.

"Well it's better then goldy so fine. ." He said making her smile.

"Yay! Okay now do me!" She says giddly making him also smile widely.

"Hmm. . Okayโ€”"

"Fluffy?" He asks making her cringe and shake her head.

"Padfoot?" He asks making her tilt her head like a confused puppy.

"No that's someone else's." She states making him look at her confused but she waves it off so he continues.

"Shaggy?" He says making her shake her head aggressively with disgust.

"Fine. . what aboutโ€” cottontail? You know, because of your tail?"

"Hm, maybe." The girl replies with a small smile.

"Spotty?" He suggests, "because of your different patches."

"Patches!" The girl shrieks out making the boy's eyes light up.

"That's perfect! And patchy for another one!" He responds in the same giddy tone as her.

"Okay! So patches or patchy and mona for you?" She says but the boy interrupts her.

"Do I had to be mona?" He asks with a slight whine as he pouts making her think.

"There's Luna? Like loons for short?" She suggests making him frown more.

"Loons sounds like loony, patchy." He states, already enjoying the nickname for her but hating his.

"Okayโ€” uhmโ€” moonshine?" she stumbles on her wirds slightly before suggesting the name with a questioning tone making his eyes light up.

"That's good! Call me moonie for short or shiney!" He states with a grin making her grin back before they both let out loud laughter, Hopes laugh sounding more like a bark as the duos laughter echoes through the courtyard.

"Okay so moonshine for you, patches for me and our short ones are moonie/shiney and patchy?" Hope recalls making him nod at the statement before his eyes widening when he remembers something.

"What about Anna?" The boy asks making the girls head snap towards him.

"Let's just do an animal name to do with Ravenclaw?" She suggests making him nod.

"Yeah okay, we can tell her about the new nicknames later." He agrees with the girl before thinking.

"Birdy!" Hope calls out making him nod with a smile.

"Yes! That's perfect!" He states making her giggle lightly.

"Okay so patchy, moonie and birdy." Hope recalls officially making him nod with a smile, "Do you know when you're going to tell birdy about your secret?" She adds with wonder to her friend, not wanting the girl to feel left out.

"I don't know, not yet though." The boy states, adding when he sees her face, "it's justโ€” I don't even know how she feels about werewolf's, and I didn't even feel fully comfortable telling you at the start." He state's making her nod in understanding.

"If she does care I'll say something you know that right? It doesn't matter that your moonie," the girl states but continues when he sees his face of disagreement of her words, "you've just got a little furry problem atlas!" She reminds with a reassuring smile, "It's nothing to be ashamed ofโ€” if anything it's cool, really cool!"

"Cool?" He says in disbelief that she doesn't even seem that bothered about it, "You find it cool?"

"Yes! Imagine being a werewolf!" She says, whispering the last word so any people passing don't hear.

"Imagine being an animagi!" He retorts in the same tone making her laugh.

"Exactly, we are both special, and that's okay!" She says to the boy making his heart warm but the girl is trying to ignore the little voice in her head screaming hypocrite โ€” but she takes no notice and pushes it away, smiling back at the boy.

"Thankyou Hope." He says softly making her smile back.

"Of course, anything for you moonie." She replies, not noticing the other animagus who had been watching the whole interaction, his heart swelling with pride.

She really was James Potter's daughter. .

โ˜… โ˜… โ˜…

After the girl had left from the Ravenclaw common room after having spent some time with her best friend Annalise. She informed the girl of the change of nicknames as she was confused but soon let it go before they played a muggle game called Monopoly.

Hope had won but Annalise was close, and the both of them being extremely sore losers, they ended up finishing with a fight. It soon blew over though when the Potter girl gave her best friend a packet of the Gilbert's favourite sweets.

An hour later, Hope then finds herself currently sitting with the rest of the Quidditch team, beside The Weasley twins, resting her head on George's shoulder in contempt as she listens to her captain โ€” Oliver Wood โ€” giving his usual speech to his team.

"This is our last chanceโ€” my last chance to win the quidditch cup. I will be leaving at the end of this year and I'll never get another shot at it. Gryffindor haven't won for seven years now so we have had the worst luck ever, injuries then the tournament was called off last year but at the end of the day we've got the best. . ruddy. . team in the school."

Oliver's voice trailed off as he looks at the six people in front of him.

Harry awkwardly looked around.

Fred and George were both staring at him.

Angelina tapped her foot impatiently as she blew on her gum.

Hope was staring out the window, distracted by the squirrel outside.

Katie was close to tears.

"We've got three superb chasers." Oliver states, pointing over towards Angelina, Katie and Hope.

The Potter girl looks away as she hears his words as she blew the boy a mocking kiss and said, "aw, Ollie! No need to make us blush!" The girl mocks as she holds back a laugh.

The Weasley twins from beside her snigger silently, Oliver ignores the girl he has seen as a younger sister since he had met her and looked towards the ginger-haired twins, "we've got two unbeatable beaters." He continues, motioning to the boys.

"Stop it, Oliver, you're embarrassing us!" continued Fred and George in a high-pitched voice together, pretending to blush as they fan their face.

Oliver on the other hand stared at them with a strange look on his face.

"We've got a seeker who had never failed to win us a match." Wood commented, gloating in Harry's direction with furious pride.

"Yeah! Go Harold!" Hope cheers as she throws her arms in the air in a celebratory fashion.

"For the last timeโ€”" Harry says but she already knows exactly what the boy says and continues his words.

"โ€”my name is just Harry!" They both finished the sentence, Hope saying it in a more mocking tone as Harry sounds more annoyed.

The rest of the team laughed at the Potter twins, even Oliver sniggered quietly in amusement.

"And me." Oliver finishes his sentence when the room quietens down again, adding himself in as if he were an afterthought.

"We think you're very good too, Oliver." George said to the older boy.

"Spanking good Keeper." Fred adds to his brother's words.

"Yeah!" The Potter girl cheered who was sat in the middle of the two twins, grinning towards the quidditch Captain like an excited puppy as she waved her arms cheerily in the air.

"The point is," Wood went on, but not before sending a small appreciative smile towards the trio sat in front him, "the Quidditch Cup should have had our name on it these last two years. Ever since Harry and Hope joined the team I've thought the thing was in the bag, but we still haven't got it. This year is the last chance we'll get to see our names finally on that thing."

The way Oliver spoke, his words even made Hope, Fred and George sympathetic.

"Oliver, this year is our year!" Fred comments.

"We'll do it, Oliver!" Angelina adds on.

"Definitely!" Hope and Harry both say at the same time, the two of them sharing a look before laughing at the coincidence.

ย  ย  ย  โ˜… โ˜… โ˜…

One evening, the Potter twins returned from a particularly rough practice. When they arrived in the common room, it was busing with excitement and energy which left the twins confused since it was energy that one would not get from one of Binn's essays.

"What's happened?" Hope questions as she looks towards Ron and Hermione for answers, the twins held the same face of confusion at them.

Ron and Hermione were sitting in two of the best chairs by the fireside and completing some star charts for astronomy when the twins joined them.

"First Hogsmeade weekend," said Ron, pointing at a notice that had appeared on the battered old bulletin bored, "End of October, Halloween."

Hope shivered at the reminder of her Parents death day, no one noticed the girls actions as Fred joined the conversation.

"Excellent," Said Fred, who had followed the Potter twins through the portrait hole, "I need to visit Zonko's, I'm nearly out of Stink Pellets." and then adding on, "Hope, next week we'll meet George and Lee and plan some pranks, yeah?" He asked earning a nod of agreement from the girl.

The boy left and Hope and Harry share a look of disappointment as they both throw themselves into the couch beside Ron, their high spirit ebbing away.

Hermione seemed to read their mind.

"Hope, Harryโ€” I'm sure you'll be able to go next time," the girl said to them, "They're bound to catch Black soon, he's been sighted once already."

At the mention of Sirius Black, Hope gets reminded of that Halloween night 12 years ago, her heart clenching at the reminder of her parents.

"Black isn't enough of a fool to try anything in Hogsmeade," said Ron, "Ask Mcgonagall if you can go this time twins, maybe you Hope since she likes you more. I mean the next one might not be for agesโ€”"

Hope looked down at her feet as she shakes her head at the boys words knowing even Minnie wouldn't allow them to, she knows the woman too well. Her legs are lying peacefully on her brother's lap as her head is on Hermione's lap. She wore her red Quidditch jumper โ€” which was slightly too big for her, black flared leggings, and her red high top converse.

"Ron!" Hermione scolded as she absently took the girls curls in her hand, gently playing with them making the girl sigh in contempt, "They are supposed to stay in schoolโ€”"

"They can't be the only third-years left behind," said Ron, "Ask McGonagall, go on, Hope and Harry."

"Minnie probably won't allow us too, she will say it's too dangerous." Hope sighs sadly as she pouts slightly.

"Yeah I think I will." Harry spoke at the same time as the girl, his head snapping towards his sister, her normally being the one in his situation, not the other way around.

Hope thought the same thing and suddenly say up, throwing her legs off her brother in shock and sitting up, "I didn't like that." The girl commented.

"Me neitherโ€” it was odd." Harry replies in agreement not noticing the strange looks they were getting from their two friends from beside them.

"What the bloody hell are you two talking about?" Ron asks in a tone of judgement, Hermione nodding in agreement with the ginger, making the two of them snap their heads towards them.

"Nothing." They both commented absently making them slowly nod and changed the topic when Ron saw Crookshanks walk over.

The ginger cat appeared with a dead spider in his mouth where it's lifeless body hung making Ron and Hope cringe at the sight of the spiderโ€” both sharing the same fear, despite Hope being used to spiders from the Dursley house she always forced her brother to get rid of them for her.

"Does he have to eat that in front of us?" Ron asked, scowling at the cat in Hermione's lap as Hope nodded in agreement.

"Clever Crookshanks, did you catch that all by yourself?" Hermione asked the animal that laid peacefully on her lap.

Crookshanks slowly chewed the spider, his yellow eyes fixed insolently on Ron before flickering towards the dog from beside his owner, the cat growling slightly at the sight of her. It was almost as if the cat was doing it out of spite.

Hope rolled her eyes at the cat, his eyes flickering to Ron when he spoke up, "Just keep him over there, that's all," he comments as he goes back to his star chart, "I've got Scabbers asleep in my bag."

"Merlin!" Hope calls out earning the other three's attention, "That bloody thing is still kicking?"

"Yes?!" Ron responds sounding flabbergasted at the question, "What do you have against Scabbers?"

"The thing gives me the bloody heebie-jeebies." She responds as she dramatically shakes her body as if she had the shivers earning a roll of the eyes from the boy.

Harry on the other hand looks over to his sister in confusion, "His rat gives you the heebie-jeebies?" He repeats before adding, "How?"

"Dunno it's just creepyโ€” it stares at me weirdly." She responds with a shrug.

"Hope, Scabbers has been in my family for 12 years, he hasn't done anything wrong," Ron defended, "it's not like he is actually someone else in disguise and actually is a murderer or something?"

"How do you know that Ronnikins?" Hope retorted as she glared at the boy, "Maybe your stupid rat is actually a 20 year old man and was hiding as a rat for the past 12 years since he killed some muggles."

"Hope that's so stupid." Hermione comments, not even realising what she said until the girl from beside her let out a loud gasp.

"Did you just call me stupid?" Hope said as she held her hand to her chest in offence.

"No I justโ€” your comment caught me off guard you're not actually stupid Hope." Hermione responded with an apologetic look, her response making Hope grin widely.

"Of course I'm not, I'm Hope Potter!" She states confidently as she flicks her hair over her shoulder with an arrogant grin.

"Here we go again. ." Harry mutters to Ron but due to her heightened senses she heard him clearly and scowled at him.

"Hey!" Hope shouts at her brother, "You know whatโ€” I can be right sometimes!"

"I mean she is rightโ€” remember when she said that Quirrel was acting strange but we didn't believe her?" Hermione reminds making them nod, Hope nodded the most as she smiles smugly at her brother.

"Or when she said that something was up with Ginny but we all thought it was just Hermione being petrified?" Ron adds as they agree, even Harry nods with remembrance.

"See! Told you!" Hope said with a laugh that caused the rest of the group to laugh along with her.

Soon enough the Common room started to empty, the room quietening by the hours. The Quartet who was sitting comfortably by the fire in their comfortable clothesโ€” having changed into them earlierโ€” and were talking amongst themselves.

Hope was sat beside Harry who was on her right, her head on his shoulder as her left arm was tucked comfortably around Hermione's shoulder who reluctantly left it there as she read her book.

Ron was sat on the floor in front of them, sitting close to the fire. He claimed he was too cold and needed heat from the fire to keep him warm so he moved closer as he carried on his argument with the Potter Twins about quidditch teams.

"You're wrong!" Hope yells out to the ginger-haired boy as Harry watches the two of them argue with a smirk on his face.

"No! You are!" Ron yells back with a scowl, "The Holy Head Harpies suck!"

At the boys words the Potter girl lets out a loud gasp as she holds her hand to her chest.

"Uh oh." Harry mutters to Hermione after the girl had put her book down and joined the Potter boy in watching the argument.

"You did not just say that. ." She says in disbelief as she looks at him with a hurt expression.

"Yeah, I did." Ron says smugly as he ignores the fear he has when she starts to stand up.

The girl tackles him to the floor, the two of them fighting playfully as Hope tries to get him to take his words back.

"Take it back, Weasley!" She shouts at him, smiling slightly when she hears her brother and best friend cheering for her.

After a minute Ron finally gives up and yells out, "Fine! I'm sorryโ€” I was wrong!"

Hope immediately let's go and bows theatrically before falling back down into the sofa with a sigh, ". .and that ladies and gentlemen is how it's done."

Soon enough it was dark outside, the group of four didn't

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