The world had changed, devastated by the impact of what the media was calling the Snap. Societies fell, economies crashed, and governments became non existent. With half of the population suddenly gone, the entire structure that the Earth had relied upon disintegrated along with those lost in the tragic event. The Vanished were memorialized and prayed for when the remaining were certain they would be missed forever, and society tried to persevere and move forward.
Children became orphans, wives became widowers, governments found themselves without leadership, and businesses without executive officers. Much of the aftermath of the Snap left the world in agonizing chaos, but it wasn't just the Earth who felt the wave of the event. The entire universe had begun to collapse in front of the humans, who not only faced the sudden loss of their families, but were now dealing with a new understanding of intergalactic threats and allies. Things of speculation became reality and superstitions were confirmed in the wake of the tragedy.
As a resilient species, the Earth found balance in a new normal, establishing a one world government and relying on organizations to care for the mentally damaged, the lost, and the fallen. While not perfect, it was a way of life, as members of society acknowledged that they had to move forward and carry on in life.
People had begun to find comfort in a world without borders. Societies that had once been countries with strict policies now opened their arms to outsiders freely with homes, jobs, and stability. The pain of the Vanished never left the hearts of those who remained, but a new world order allowed them to adjust and pave a way in a life they had never lived before. Businesses began to thrive again, politics were handled at a global reach, and those previously lost now found purpose and drive in life. The Snap was a universal tragedy, but as the human race, the remaining population remained resilient while looking forward hopefully to a better tomorrow.
Then as soon as the dust had settled and people had returned to a level of comfort, the Vanished returned instantaneously in the blink of an eye and without warning.
Their return forced those that had lived in the five year disappearance out of their jobs, out of their homes, and out of their lives. Billions of people that were lost to the Snap were suddenly thrust into the world in their physical form of five years prior, while the remaining living had aged and moved on. People became citizens of a non existent nation and found their worlds turned upside down. For the population that had lived on in the five year gap, they found their entire existence had crumbled before them in the wake of the returned.
Governments were quick to attempt reestablishment and were hasty to remove the unwanted from their stability, preferring to cater to the Vanished, who had suffered so much. While the Avengers had contributed wholly to the return of the Vanished, society was unprepared to receive the missing population and quickly turned to chaos again. Inevitably, it was those that remained to live their existence after the Snap that suffered a fate worse than death: complete erasure from the society they had contributed so much to as they stood idly by watching others laugh in their faces.
There were many that refused to be denounced as second class citizens simply for being chosen by the Snap to survive and were now fighting to protect the rights of the nationless. Their threats had become more violent since the return of the Vanished, and in time an organization of vigilantes was established to combat the Global Repatriation Council, donning the title Flag Smashers. These anti-avengers were convinced that the GRC only wanted to protect and resettle those that had disappeared in the Snap, and the Flag Smashers were determined to be the voice of those unspoken for.
They quickly became agitated to the point of desperation. Their leader, Karli Morgenthau, made the decision to inject the organization members with Super Soldier serum in order to appropriately combat their adversaries: the national governments that refused to work with each other and all those that united with the GRC. Becoming powerful and limitless, the Flag Smashers hid behind their supporters and started committing crimes in the name of their cause.
They would stop at nothing to take down the GRC, and anyone else who stood in their way.
berlin correctional facility, germany
It had been years since Helmut had a visitor: Kalina, who was briskly taken away from him in the midst of the Snap. No one understood what was happening, and the only natural reaction for the guards was to remove everyone from the facility that could threaten the security of the prison. When the vanishing of half the population was officially named, security tightened even more around the facility, in fear they had simply been transported to another location by some villainous entity to destroy the world. After a time, security maintained its strict new policies with the understanding that the Vanished were truly gone, but were already accustomed to the tight stipulations they had put on visitation.
The correctional facility went into shock the day that the prisoners suddenly returned, wrecking havoc on the staff. It took reinforcements from the Grenzschutzgruppe 9, Germany's tactical police force, to help corral them back to their cells and restrain the chaos. A few had managed to slip into the streets of Berlin, taking nearly months after their return to apprehend them again.
As a precautionary measure, only those with a clearance and a government need to access were allowed to visit the facility after the return of the population. Berlin Correctional Facility had connections with many of the security and military assets around the world, and this was how Bucky Barnes found himself standing in the facility hallway, arguing with Sam Wilson about his latest plan to combat the Flag Smashers.
Sam eyed his partner unconvinced and certain that he had lost his mind. Bucky had jumped through several hoops with his federal allies to gain access to the facility, and had convinced his therapist that Helmut Zemo was one memory he needed to "cross off his list" in order to move forward. While there was an underlying truth to this, Bucky had one goal in mind: to take down the Flag Smashers. If he knew anyone who hated those with enhanced powers, it was the former Sokovian war machine. They needed Zemo's help, and Bucky needed to deliver the message alone.
"Trust me. I got it." The former Winter Soldier leaned in and nodded, trying to provide reassurance and throw Sam off his trail without showing his hand. Sam watched as the man swept away from him and pushed down the hall. Something told him to tread lightly around this plan, but the other part relented, allowing himself to trust Bucky's judgement as he watched him disappear in the dark corridor.
Unphased by the eerie quietness of the seclusion cells, Bucky followed the guard through the heavily locked facility, leading back to a dark chamber. He was certain how the conversation would begin but was unaware of how it would end. Helmut Zemo was not considered an ally by any means, and the super soldier quickly rethought his plan, before stepping into the reception area. A dim light illuminated the cell, and the guard slammed the door behind Bucky who did not flinch at the sudden shaking of the room.
Exactly as expected the man stood in his cell and began to recite the triggering words of the former Winter Soldier, playfully attempting to activate his chaotic self. Bucky smirked, looking at the man pathetically, as if he was watching a small animal in a cage. "Those days are over."
Helmut smiled back with a look of jurisdiction, as he recalled the power he had once held over the Winter Solider. "I know. I just wanted to see how the new you reacts to the old words."
He resented the enhanced more than he cared to admit, remembering how the Avengers had stolen his happiness. The entirety of his confinement he had reflected on his actions in response to their righteousness, and it made him hate them more, disgusted that they had gotten away with so much chaos and destruction while he sat to rot in a cell for the rest of his life. "At least you were not conscious for most of your imprisonment."
Bucky watched as Helmut scoffed, directing his chin to the cell he was held, but as for the super soldier, he had little sympathy. Remembering the pain he had caused from his actions as the Winter Soldier, Bucky was battling his own demons, and he had little room to feel sorry for the Sokovian. "That time wasn't exactly a picnic."
Sighing, Helmut nodded. He had chosen his path, the man on the other side of the glass had been forced. He could only take responsibility for his own actions, despite the way he felt for the Avengers, but as a reasonable man, understood that James Barnes had no choice in the matter. Feeling the tiniest pang of guilt, he turned away from the divider. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry. It was never personal."
Bucky looked down at the cell floor in front of the prisoner, uninterested in making amends. He was ready to cut to the chase. "Someone recreated the super soldier serum. I need to find out who."
Surprised by the declaration, Helmut turned back to Bucky, unsure whether he had heard correctly. His thoughts began racing through all the possibilities behind the circumstances in his statement. Certainly people would have learned from the past, avoiding adding more supers to the mix of chaos that already surrounded the universe. It was as if it wasn't evident enough after the Snap and the Blip, that the world was better off without these other worldly beings, at least learning not to create more of them.
Helmut approached the glass once more, smirking at him and understanding why he had suddenly paid him such a visit. They were desperate for help, to find the creator of the serum, and to put an end to it, and now he was their means to an end. This was his opportunity, and he would not take it lightly. Calculating every possible outcome in his head, Helmut knew they would not come to him unless he was a last resort, and he had this leverage. "Luckily for you, I know where to begin."
He tilted his head at the super soldier, who remained stoic in the glass, refusing to respond any emotion. Helmut's expression quickly turned to business. "I want something, though."
Bucky wanted to laugh in his face, to simply roll his eyes and walk out of the facility without his help, but he knew he needed the Sokovian. He would never had made the attempt to meet with him if had not been the final option. "I don't owe you anything."
Nodding in agreeance, Helmut placed his palms in each other, wringing them lightly as he looked into Bucky's soul. He had the upper hand and the knowledge that the super soldier wanted, and he would get his reward in return for the assistance. "I know... but I am still asking."
The man in the reception area eyed the prisoner, looking him over fully and pursing his lips. He knew he needed the help, and truly was desperate. He sighed, and made the unfavorable decision to indulge the request.
"Zemo's gonna mess with our minds, especially yours. No offense." Bucky and Sam weaved through the dark building which appeared to be a warehouse. Their flashlights reflected off the metal structures in the room, causing Sam to blind himself as he tried to grasp his bearing. The lights flickered on as the sound of electricity began to course through the sockets, and Bucky shot Sam a glare as he shut off his flashlight.
"Offense." The newly minted White Wolf approached the Falcon with a look of awe, not understanding why Sam couldn't grasp the concept of requesting Zemo's help. "Super soldiers go against everything he believes in. He is crazy, but he still has a code."
Sam's mind began to race, retracing the memories of the Avengers' past. Reminded of his time in the Raft, he followed after Bucky, arguing his case and trying to find reason in their current situation. He couldn't catch onto Bucky's logic, and proceeded to reflect on all the crimes Helmut Zemo had committed under the Winter Soldier's name. He had tainted Bucky's entire being in the name of revenge, and sent the Avengers into a violent Civil War, forcing friends to choose sides and ultimately tearing apart their team.
Bucky retorted, aggressively passionate about stopping the super soldiers, finding it too close to home to forget. Deep inside, he too thought that no one could possibly wield all that power for good. He still even doubted himself despite all his growth, and felt it his obligation to stop the Flag Smashers, as a personal duty.
He started to paint Sam a hypothetical situation of chaos and manipulation, alluding to how easy it would be to cheat the correctional facility system and break Zemo out of his cell. Of course, this was all speculative, and would require a high level of planning and coordination to accomplish. It would all be too easy proving the facility security procedures to be less strict than they alluded to maintaining after the Snap.
"I don't like how casual you're bein' about this. Are you... and where are we, man?" Looking around the room at the still dark scene, Sam noticed a figure moving behind a curtain of plastic drapery, emerging from the shadows like a resurrected king. A sudden fight or flight sensation shot through the Falcon's body as he realized the situation Bucky had led them to. As Helmut Zemo's face became illuminated in the dim light, Sam approached him aggressively, sending the super soldier after him to press back against his chest.
"I didn't tell you 'cause I knew you wouldn't let this happen!" Bucky attempted to coerce Sam with equal aggression, insisting they needed him to stop the Flag Smashers, his partner flagrant with suspicion and concern.
"If I may-" Zemo piped up, attempting to help resolve the conflict. He was immediately met with a synchronous No! from the other two men. Pursing his lips and nodding in total understanding, he silently zipped his mouth shut and looked to the floor. If he wanted what he had be guaranteed by Bucky in the correctional facility, he would have to play their game for a time. "...apologies."
As the two Avenger allies bickered, Helmut looked around at the dimly lit warehouse they were in, but to him it was a garage. Some of his family's relics were stored in this building, and others like it, across Europe. This was just one of the remaining pieces he had left of the Zemo estate, and it was comforting to him. He felt a moment of grief for everything he had lost, but it was quickly replaced by his current attitude: the feeling of a Phoenix, rising from the ashes. He would get what he wanted this time, finally.
The men continued on and Helmut sighed, returning his attention back to them, feeling a bit outcast and understandably so. He really was an asset to their mission, and the problem was, that he knew it. "I really think I'm invaluable-"
"Shut up!" Sam retorted, causing Helmut to divert his gaze away feeling offended, but more like a young child who had been told no by his mother. The Falcon sighed, feeling as though he no longer had a hand in the matter. A small part of him he wanted to bury deep inside his conscious knew that Bucky was right, but the entirety of his being wanted to scream at the super soldier and send Zemo directly back to prison.
He turned to Bucky, shaking his head, then inched back toward the former prisoner. "Okay. If we do this, you don't make a move without our permission."
Helmut couldn't fault Sam for that, it was agreeable enough for the past chaos between them. He knew he had his own intents, but was a reasonable man, and understood the tension between he and the Avengers would not be put aside with an apology.
"Okay, Zemo... where do we start?" Noticing the silence in the air become slightly less heavy as Sam relented, Helmut smirked. He had the Falcon on board, and James had agreed to his terms. There was nothing that stood between him and his goal any longer.
Of course, except if the goal itself created its own obstacles.
The private jet flew low on the European horizon, the daylight illuminating the passenger hull and the engines whistling a subtle hum as the trio of men travelled with it. Helmut rubbed his neck, in shock and impression, as Bucky released his grip around it. He had expected nothing less, taunting the former Winter Soldier with his book of amendments, but Helmut could not resist stirring up a bit of mischief regardless of their circumstances. He swirled the glass of warm champagne in his hand. "I'm sorry. I understand that list of names. People you've wronged as the Winter Soldier."
"Don't push it," Bucky retorted, sending daggers from his eyes, vapidly reminding him of the agreement they had come to. Helmut nodded coolly, unbothered by the silent threat. He knew he had the upper hand with his knowledge and connections, and would ensure he maintained his leverage throughout the entirety of their mission.
As their conversation quickly shifted from the blessing that Trouble Man bestowed upon the world, to the beauty of Marvin Gaye, Helmut began to question his next move and wondered if he was calculated enough to request such a favor from the Avengers team. He had many years in solitary confinement to think on his decisions of the past, and had affirmed that he would no longer live in agony over his distant self.
When Bucky had approached him in his cell with a request, he quickly made the resolution to take advantage of the situation and amend his own wrongs, but was his plan enough? He had spent nearly a year contemplating the destruction of the Avengers, but had only spent ten second evaluating this resurrection of his own life. It wasn't that he hadn't thought of it before, but he had never really thought he would be pushed to pursue it amidst his angst.
The Berlin Correctional Facility was obviously not impenetrable, and with the connections Helmut had, he could have found his way out some time before, but years spent anguished and filled with vengeance had clouded his desires. He felt like rotting in the prison was what he deserved despite having already lost everything.
Yet, when the White Wolf came to him with a proposal, he knew that in that moment, his opportunity had come and
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