"Clear." Zach whispered as him, Shane, and Nabil tried their best to secretly sneak into Madame Dubios's office. "Go I'll keep lookout."
Shane and Nabil nodded as they walked inside her office, Zach outside. They quickly looked through the many drawers, file cabinets to try and find something, anything that links Josie with Ramon Costa.
"Anything?" Shane asked.
Nabil shook his head. "Nothing. Madame Dubios wouldn't keep these things out in the open."
"You're right." Shane said walking to the coat closet.
"What are you doing?"
"And wala." Nabil's eyes widened to see a stack of files behind all the coats.
"How did you know?"
Shane shrugged. "I didn't. Lucky guess."
The 2 boys started looking through the many files trying to find something to help their friend.
What the boys didn't know was that Zach ran into a bit of a big problem. "Madame Dubois."
"Hello Zachary."
"What brings you here?"
"My office."
Zach nodded, growing a bit nervous. "Right. Have you seen the new practice room drinking fountain?"
"I'm sorry?"
"The new drinking fountain." Zach said, trying to distract Madame Dubois.
"Zachary I don't have time for your games. Excuse me."
"Madame Dubois..." The lady didn't stop as the boy tried his best to stop her which didn't help.
"Shit." Zach quickly sent a text to his friends to get the hell out of there.
Back in Madame Dubois's office, Shane and Nabil tried their best taking as many pictures of they could. Anything could help at this point.
"Done?" Nabil asked, Shane nodded. They both put everything back in place and was about to leave before they saw the door knob turn.
"Shit. Go go." They walked back inside the coat closet, closing the door. The 2 tried their best to stay as quiet as possible.
"Caleb I told you to not to do this." Madame Dubois's voice uttered through the room. The 2 boys looked at each other.
"I can't help it. You drive me crazy." Their so-called friend's voice echoed.
"Did you do what I wanted you to do?" Caleb nodded. "Good boy."
"Do I get a reward?"
"I believe you deserved to be punished more."
Shane and Nabil's eyes widened when they heard some moaning. They tried their best to shut everything else, but only 1 airpod could only do so much.
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