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Carla walked into the practice room at 6:30 in the morning. She hasn't been doing a great job working on her technique each morning. She's just been distracted. No wonder why the new girl's dancing better than her.

The girl put on her pointe shoes and started doing her usual warm up. Her mind was nowhere near ballet related. Ever since the Ramon Costa accident and Cassie coming back, she's realized there's so much life outside of ballet. She can skip morning practice to sleep in with her boyfriend or she can skip night practice to go out with her friends.

Carla knew she loved ballet when she was younger. Everything about it made her want to be the best of the best. But now that she's had every role she could imagine for plus some choreographers wanting her to dance for their videos, she didn't know if she wanted to go Broadway anymore.

The old Carla Chalamet would think otherwise. She would think the girl has been wasting her time with everything just to give it up. And for what? Because she didn't like ballet anymore? Because some new girl is beating her out of the number 1 spot?

Carla didn't know. Even when Master Brooks announced they were doing a Beauty and the Beast show, she didn't care. She has been pushing for Master Brooks to create a dance to one of her favorite Disney movies of all time, but yet she wasn't excited. She didn't care if she got Belle or not. If she was a backup dancer or not.

Carla didn't know what was happening to her but all she knew is that ballet was not the future she wanted.

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