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The Palace was quiet. Xu Yang and Ji An were dressed in men clothing. The three were sneaking their way to the gates. They managed to cross their belongings on the other side through a hole in the wall and then they rushed to the gates. Knocking out the guards will be easier, but also if a servant saw them unconscious it would cause problems sooner than wanted so they decided to exit as normal servants would.

❝Stop right here, who are you and where are you going?❞ a guard asked.

❝We are the Empress's servants, she sent us to run an errand.❞ Jiang Meng said looking at the two.

❝The Empress?❞the same guards asked looking at the other guard.

❝We can't stop them, let them go.❞

The guards moved out of the way and let the three pass. After making sure the guards aren't looking after them anymore they got their bags and rushed to buy horses.

❝Two horses, the fastest you have. ❞Xu Yang said.

Xu Yang payed the man and got on her horse's back. Ji An didn't know how to ride a horse so she would need to ride with one of the two.

❝Ji An, do you want to ride with me or Jiang Meng?❞

❝I'll go with Miss.❞

Xu Yang helped Ji An up and they start riding hoping they would make it as far as they could.

| At the Palace|

Zhang Wan was busy all day with paperwork and now he had the chance to rest, but he couldn't. Despite being so tired, he couldn't fall asleep, he had a bad feeling.

❝Water!❞ he said and the eunuch who stays by his door rushed to get him fresh water.

❝Here, your highness.❞

Zhang Wan drank the water in a breath.

❝Is the Empress asleep?❞

❝I don't know, your highness.❞

❝Go and call her here, I want her to sleep with me tonight.❞

The eunuch smiled, bowed and rushed to call for the Empress. However when he got there, there was no servants or guards. Xu Yang dismissed all of them for the night saying she will sleep early.

"What is happening here?" The eunuch wondered and cleared his throat.

❝You majesty, his highness asks for your company tonight.❞

He waited, no answer.

❝Your majesty, excuse me, I will enter.❞

When he entered and saw no one inside the room nor the bed he felt his knees gave up. How is going to explain this to his majesty. He quickly checked the gardens and kitchen, no sight of the Empress.

❝Your highness!❞ the eunuch shouted entering Zhang Wan's room.

The Emperor lighted some candles and waited patiently in bed for Xu Yang. He got anxious when he heart the panicked face of the eunuch.

❝What is it? Speak! ❞

❝Her majesty... her majesty isn't in her Palace!!❞

❝What? Are you sure?❞

❝Yes, I've checked everywhere.❞

❝Have you asked the servants?❞

❝There was no servants, your majesty.... Please forgive me!❞ the man fell on his knees, scared.

Zhang Wan ran to Phoenix Palace to check for himself, but to no use, Xu Yang wasn't there. He summoned her servants, but none of them knew anything as they were sent to the servants quarters for the night.

❝How is this possible? Summon all the guards now!❞ The Emperor shouted impatiently.

By now the whole Palace was up and heard about her majesty disappearance.

❝Search every corner of the Empire for her! Block everyone from exiting and notify the one's in charge for the borders now!❞ he ordered leaving to get dressed.

By now it was around 6 am.


Xu Yang and her two friends left the capital successfully and it seemed the guards haven't got word of her dissappearance yet. They continued to ride until their horses needed a break, and they as well needed one. It was evening when they stopped in a smaller town and let the horses drink water and eat something. Jiang Meng went to buy a carriage filled with hey.

❝Are you hungry Miss? I've prepared snacks for us.❞ Ji An said getting one of her bags and offered Xu Yang the food.

❝Thank you, Ji An.❞ Xu Yang said smiling and ate the food.

When they finished their little 'picnic' they heard something.

❝Have you seen this woman around here? She may have another woman and a man with her!❞ a voice from far asked.

Xu Yang clicked her tongue and grabbed Ji An as they hid behind rocks in a narrow ally.

❝It seems they reached these parts already.❞ Ji An whispered.

❝The power of the fastest horses of the Empire...❞ Xu Yang said sighing.

After a minute or two a loud order could be heard.

❝Search every house, store, teahouse and street!❞

After the voice stopped, panic was created on the main road as imperial guards roamed around. Xu Yang grabbed Ji An's hand and run through narrow alleys to escape the guards who may find them hiding. After they made sure no one is following them, Xu Yang stopped and covered her face in mud so it would he harder to be recognized.

❝Miss, this isn't appropriate! Miss shouldn't be dirty, please stop. ❞

❝There is no other way, Ji An. I need to look different or they'll recognize me. ❞

❝But Miss... ❞

❝Look Ji An, remain in these bushes, I'll go search for Jiang Meng, we're quite far from where we were. ❞

❝Miss, it's dangerous! Let me go search for him and miss hides in the bushes. ❞

❝No, Ji An. Stay here and do not move, if you're discovered, it's over. It won't be long, I promise.

Ji An hesitantly hid in the bushes while Xu Yang went to search for Jiang Meng.

Jiang Meng bought the carriage and went to meet with Xu Yang and Ji An, but couldn't find them at their spot. He attached the carriage to their two horses and was ready to go search for them when a guard stopped him.

❝Have you seen these two women?❞the guards asked showing him two portraits.

❝❞I haven't. Why are you searching for them?❞

❝That's none of your bussines. Move now.❞

Jiang Meng continued his way through the crowded road searching for the women.

Xu Yang was avoiding the guards as best as she could while looking around for Jiang Meng. Entering a smaller street she came face to face with an imperial guards. Ready to turn around and leave the guards opened his mouth.

❝Wait, you there! Come here. ❞

Xu Yang slowly walked towards the guard and touched the dagger she had hidden in her clothes.

❝Have you seen these two women?❞

Xu Yang looked at the portraits.

❝No, sir.❞ she said in a low voice trying to sound more masculine.

The guards analyzed her face.

❝Wait, do we know each other? You look so familiar... you're dirty, clean your face so I can take a better look.❞

❝I'm in a hurry, please understand. ❞Xu Yang said looking away.

❝You're a woman, aren't you? You can't fool me on this, I'm an expert with ladies. ❞

❝I'm not, maybe you're tired, sir.❞

❝You're quite beautiful even with the mud on your face... you look like... ❞the man paused and his eyes widened. ❝The Empress!❞he said pointing at her.

Xu Yang jumped back before his arms could reach her and she got her dagger out.

❝The Emperor will reward me good for finding his Empress! Come here and everything will be alright, your majesty. ❞

Xu Yang fought with the imperial guard until she finally killed him. She was panting, exhausted and looked at her clothes who had blood on them.
The guards corpse was lying next to her having a hole in his throat. Xu Yang haven't killed anyone until now, she fought before, but never killed.

❝Miss!❞ Ji An screamed and ran to Xu Yang.

❝Ji An?❞

❝I've heard the sound of fighting so we came to check, I'm glad you're alright, Yang.❞ Jiang Meng said sighing relived that Xu Yang is safe.

❝Yes, let's leave quick until someone else finds us.❞ Xu Yang said and got up in the hay to hide in it.

Ji An hid as well and Jiang Meng drove the carriage out of the town.

Jiang Meng went on the main road until more imperial guards appeared in sight and he decided to go through the woods.

Zhang Wan didn't slept a moment, his tiredness fade away and was replaced with worry, anger, sadness, all the feelings he never wished to experience. After no one found her in the capital he guessed she was already on her way to Saju so he dressed himself and went after her with his imperial horse. He felt angry that she ran away like this, but then he felt sad and hurt that she would do this just to be away from him.

"What will I do if I find her? Will I just take her back and lock her up? Do I punish her for running away? She will never love me if I do this, but how can I live without her? Why is she so cruel?" His mind was filled with questions as the cold wind hit his face and kept him from dozing off.

❝We can't seen them, your highness.❞a guard said

❝How can this be possible? The road is the only way they could take! Are you sure you haven't saw them? Remember that the Empress is dressed like a man.❞ Zhang Wan said.

❝There is another way, your highness. The forest. ❞

❝The forest? Search the forest then, don't let any rock untouched!❞

Zhang Wan sent his best men into the forest as he rushed to the borders, if they want to enter Saju they need to get through there and he will be waiting her.

❝Miss, this one is sleepy.❞ Ji An said yawning for the third time.

❝I know Ji An, but if we stop now, they may reach us.❞ Xu Yang said.

❝I'm sorry, miss. Don't mind me.❞ Ji An said trying to keep her eyes open.

They were in the forest for about three hours now.

❝We can find a cave to rest in, if we continue like that I'm afraid we will collapse soon, Yang.❞ Jiang Meng said looking at Xu Yang's tired eyes.

❝Alright then. ❞

Jiang Meng stopped the horses and got down. Xu Yang let Ji An stay in the hay as she and Jiang Meng walked looking for a cave.

❝Miss, there is one there!❞ Ji An pointed in a direction.

It was indeed a cave. They enter it and tie the horses so they won't run.

❝You can sleep now, Ji An. ❞Xu Yang said siting down.

❝Rest as well, I will stay on guard while you two sleep.❞ Jiang Meng said sitting next to them.

❝Are you sure? You need sleep as well.❞Xu Yang said yawning.

❝Don't worry, just rest now.❞He kissed Xu Yang's forehead and let her rest her head on his shoulder.

Xu Yang and Ji An fell asleep quite fast as Jiang Meng rested his eyes.

Two hours passed and the two women were still asleep. Jiang Meng dozed off, but he immediately woke up when footsteps could be heard in distance.

❝Search everywhere!❞ a voice shouted.

❝Yes!❞more voices shouted and loud footsteps spread in different directions.

The soldiers go in different direction to search more areas.

❝Yang, wake up.❞Jiang Meng gently shook Xu Yang's head.

The girl opened her eyes panicked.

❝They are close.❞Jiang Meng said standing up and helping Xu Yang stand as well.

Xu Yang woke Ji An as well and Jiang Meng looked outside to see if anyone reached their location. After confirming no soldiers were here yet, they leave the cave, Xu Yang and Ji An hid again in the hey while Jiang Meng drove.

The girls were siting on their backs under the hay, having a whole for their face, facing the sky.

❝I see someone!You, with the carrige, stop right there!❞ a soldier who was up in a three shouted. ❝He is going north!❞

The soldier that was waiting at the bottom of the three send a purple singnal in the air, meaning the target is going north.

❝Miss, I'm sorry. This wouldn't happen if I wasn't tired.❞ Ji An cried.

❝Sh, Ji An, there is nothing to be sorry about, I was tired as well.❞ Xu Yang comforted the crying girl next to her.

Horse steps could be heard from their left. Suddenly, Xu Yang felt a sharp pain in her leg a small scream erupted from her mouth.

❝Shit!❞ she said angry.

❝Miss? What happened?❞ Ji An asked panicked.

❝Yang, the arrow shot you?❞ Jiang Meng asked, looking worried at the hay covered in blood.

❝Don't worry about me, keep your eyes on the road!❞

❝Miss is hurt?❞ Ji An raised her body and noticed the blood.
She gasped loud and moved the hay covering Xu Yang and saw an arrow shot in her left thigh.

❝I see them!❞ a guard shouted.

❝Are you feelings alright?❞Jiang Meng asked noticing Xu Yang's pale face.

❝Yes, do not worry about me.❞ Xu Yang assured him with a shaking voice.

❝Someone is in our way.❞Jiang Meng said cursing under his breath.

Xu Yang turned and look in front of them, there was around 20 men on their horse waiting. She narrowed her eyes and gasped.

❝Rush to them, it's oldest brother! The hand sigs he is doing, he taught me that! It's Jiang!❞

Soon the three reach Xu Jiang who saw his hurt sister and his eyes widen.

❝Fuck this. You three❞ he pointed to three of his men ❝ Take the carriage and distract th imperial guards while I tend to my sister's wound!❞ Jiang commanded three of his men and took Xu Yang in his arms.

❝We don't have much time, brother, they will notice the change.❞Xu Yang said in pain.

The three men left with the carriage to distract the soldiers. Xu Jiang pulled the arrow out, cleaned Xu Yang's wound and bandaged it tight. Xu Yang was getting dizzy from blood loss, she was fighting to stay awake and not faint.

❝It's a pity I had to meet you like this, Yang, but you need to go now. As soon as I can I'll visit and I'll take the other two with me. Alright?❞

❝Yes, brother. Please take care after I leave, I don't know what the Emperor will do. ❞

❝Let him try and I'll kill him immediately! He already hurt my sister and should die for that. Take these horses. ❞Xu Jiang said giving them two black horses.

❝Thank you, brother. ❞Xu Yang smiled weakly.

❝You're Jiang Meng, right? Take care of my sister. ❞Xu Jiang said looking at Jiang Meng.

❝That is my plan, young master. Your sister is the most important person to me.❞

❝I see. Go then and don't make her unhappy.❞

❝Sir! The Emperor is at the borders! He is searching for you!❞ a man riding a horse came and said breathing heavily.

❝What did you said? The bastard is already at the borders?❞Xu Jiang asked annoyed clicking his tongue with a loud "tsk" sound.

❝I can't believe it, he really want to block us from leaving.❞ Xu Yang said clenching her teeth angry.

❝It would be alright, Yang. I will fight him while you escape. ❞Jiang Meng smiled soft and took Xu Yang's hand in his.

❝No! Xu Yang protested loud. I won't let you sacrifice yourself, you hear me? I won't cross the borders if you and Ji An aren't with me.❞

❞Yang!Look, I will come later, alright? I'm sure I can escape him after you two are safely on Saju land.❞Jiang Meng tried to persue.

❝No. You won't do that, it's an order. Do no give up your life for me like this, I don't want that!❞

❝But I do! If this is the way for you to safely flee then I'll happily die fighting the Emperor.❞ Jiang Meng argued back.

❝If you fight him I won't leave, you hear me? I'll join you in the fight!❞Xu Yang looked determined and full of stubbornness at him.

Jiang Meng sighed and put his hands on Xu Yang's shoulders.

❝How can you say that? We made it so far, you can't throw everything like this. Don't be so stubborn and leave with Ji An.❞

❝No. We will find another way, I won't let you fight Zhang Wan. I won't let you die so stop trying to throw your life so easily.❞ Xu Yang said softly looking in Jiang Meng's eyes.

Jiang Meng exhaled exasperated. Nothing will change Xu Yang's mind as she is a very stubborn woman, but he couldn't help but worry for what's to come. If Zhang Wan is waiting them at the borders they can't cross unless he distracts him so Xu Yang and Ji An can leave. Jiang Meng didn't wanted to be apart from Xu Yang, but there is no other way and he will make sure she is safe and happy.

❝I'll go see what I can do with that bastard. Take care, sister.❞ Xu Jiang said and left with his men to talk to the Emperor.

❝Miss, does your wound hurts?❞ Ji An asked and looked at the bloody bandage.

❝Don't worry, Ji An, it hurts just a little.❞Xu Yang smiled trying to assure Ji An that everything is alright.

❝My unfortunate miss.❞ Ji An said with teary eyes.

❝Can you walk, Yang?❞Jiang Meng asked and sat on the ground next to the girls looking at Xu Yang's wound.

Xu Yang touched her wound gently, it hurts so she wouldn't be able to run if needed and even walking may be painful. She felt helpless and cursed in her mind.

❝Yes.❞Xu Yang managed to say and smile softly.

❝Liar. It hurts bad doesn't it? You can't lie to me, you know?❞ Jiang Meng said looking in Xu Yang's eyes.

His gaze was piercing, Xu Yang was taken back a little. Jiang Meng had a serious aura around him.

❝You're right, it does hurt, but I can't afford to slow you down so do not worry, I will manage.❞

❝I really hate this about you, Yang. You endure everything by yourself so you won't burden others with your pain. You don't complain about the bad treatment you get and protect the others around you not expecting anything in return. I love and hate this about you. That's... that's how you lost your light in your past. ❞

Xu Yang was confused about what Jiang Meng meant with lost her light in her past. She looked at him with a puzzled look and furrowed eyebrows.
"He can't know about my past life and rebirth, right? There is no way he knows... I don't even remember knowing him in my past life... unless?"

❝What do you mean by that?❞ Xu Yang asked not knowing what to expect from Jiang Meng.

Jiang Meng smiled sadly and opened his mouth.

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