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Three days passed since the dinner and big news and, as expected, Zhang Wan allowed doctors to check him and it was confirmed that he couldn't have biological kids, meaning concubine Jong was sentenced to death by hanging today in the evening.

The execution took place in front of the Palace's gates for everyone to gather and see. Mu Jong was staying on a platform crying and begging for mercy as a man pulled her by the arm in front of the rope placing it around her neck and leaving the platform to pull the lever and open the trap door that was on the floor of the platform, under the shaking woman when the Emperor signals to. Xu Yang, as well as the Emperor, Empress Dowager and the concubines were watching from their seats. Looking at Mu Jong's miserably state, Xu Yang was reminded of her past life and how she was executed by cutting her head on a platform just like this one.
Zhang Wan looked at Xu Yang and how she looked somehow sad and remembered their talk a few days ago.

❝Did you remembered something upsetting?❞ he whispered in her ear.

Xu Yang was startled by his voice so close in her ear.

❝Yes.❞ Xu Yang replied not looking at him.

❝I'm sorry, you should have stayed in your chambers instead of being here.❞

❝After this I hope you can spare me some minutes, we have things to talk about.❞Xu Yang finally turned her head and looked at him.

❝Yes, of course.❞ Zhang Wan replied smiling.

After an eunuch told the crown what Mu Jong's crime was, The Emperor signaled for her execution to he done and that is how Mu Jong was hanged in front of a crowd.

The royal family went back in the Palace, each to their business while Xu Yang followed Zhang Wan to his study room so they could talk.

❝What did you wanted to talk about, Empress?❞

❝I'm done here so I'm asking you again to divorce me.❞

Zhang Wan's face darkened. He really hoped she changed her mind by now, but it seems his hopes were just in vain.

❝I told you to drop that, Yang'er.❞ he said calm and tried to smile at her.

❝Why you must make me suffer everytime, Emperor? Is this funny to you? To keep me caged here after I told you I don't want to be near you?❞

❝It's not! Can't you consider my feelings?! You're making reckless decisions without thinking a second about me, Empress!❞

Xu Yang scoffed, stood up from her chair and slammed her hands on the table.

❝Your feelings?! What about mine, huh? When did you considered my feelings? You left me alone to suffer and killed me and even in this life you won't leave me alone. ❞

❝I did not repeated the same mistake, the one who caused your death in dead now and I apologized! You can't hold the past life against me forever, Xu Yang. In this life none of that happened, you aren't dead and I love you. Why can't you just accept it?❞

❝Accept it? You would accept this if you were in my place? I hate you and yet you force your love on me, I can't even believe it, while I was a stupid love-struck girl you didn't spared me a second glance, but now that I despise you, you won't leave me alone! ❞

❝I won't divorce you and that's final! You're going to change your mind sooner or later, you loved me once and you can do it again and we will be happy. I'll divorce the others concubines and you'll be my only wife as I would be your husband. Please go back to your chambers and don't leave until I tell you so.❞

Xu Yang clenched her fists and bit her bottom lip trying to hold tears of anger.

❝You're disgusting!❞ she said before leaving angry.

❝Miss, are you alright? I've heard the fight... ❞Jiang Meng asked concerned.

❝I'm fine.❞Xu Yang lied and rushed back to her chambers.

Jiang Meng followed her and sat next to her.

❝Do you want me to kill him, Miss?❞ he asked patting her back.

❝You can't do that, he is an Emperor after all. I'll need another plan... ❞

❝Miss, remember what her majesty, Mi An, told you? We can run away and hide in her Kingdom, she won't give you back to him even if it means war. ❞

❝Run away? It's risky, Jiang Meng. If we get caught, you and Ji An will be killed.❞

❝If I can get miss safely away from this madness then I will die happy. Please, you need to get away, this place is destroying your happiness. ❞

Xu Yang looked up at Jiang Meng.

❝You two can't die. No, do not even talk about it, you and Ji An are my only friends here, I will protect you two. ❞

Jiang Meng laughed a little.

❝That is our job, to protect miss, not the other way around.❞

Xu Yang smiled as well. Her mood got better after seeing Jiang Meng smile and after hearing his words. She felt like she could rely on someone.

❝Then let's do it. Let's run away, but first let me write a letter to my family and Mi An to tell them, after we can plan our escape together.❞ Xu Yang felt hopeful and relieved that she had a change to escape and live happily.

She was sad about leaving her family like this, but they would surely visit her in Saju. Xu Yang was worried about the Emperor doing something to them in a act of anger, but her family wasn't weak, they surely will be fine.

Xu Yang didn't left her chambers, but sent Jiang Meng to pass a letter to her father and another one to Mi An. The road to Saju will be a day and a half so they will be able to run away in 3 or 4 days.

                 |   Two days later:   |

❝Miss, everything will be alright, this one will take care of you.❞ Ji An said looking at Xu Yang who looked out the window.

As mentioned, Xu Yang didn't left her chambers and barely spoke or eat. She was worried sick about their escape and all the things that could go wrong and it was tiring her mind and body.

❝His majesty, the Emperor!❞ a maid shouted making his presence announced.

Before Xu Yang could tell Ji An to send him back, Zhang Wan already entered her room and sat at the table as Xu Yang was sitting on her bed.

❝The food is cold, go prepare something warm.❞ he ordered one of the maids.

The table was soon emptied by the maids.

❝Why haven't you eaten?❞ The Emperor asked Xu Yang who didn't moved her gaze from the window.

❝I don't have an appetite.❞ she replied shortly.

❝Are you going to get sick on purpose?❞

No reply.

❝You'll eat with me and I don't take no as an answer. This is an order.❞

Xu Yang continued to look out of the window with no expression on her face, just like a lifeless doll. Zhang Wan stood up and walked towards her bed where he sat down next to her.

❝Yang'er, are you feeling sick? I'll call the imperial doctor.❞ he asked in a sweet tone and grabbed her hand in his.❝ Look at you, my dear, you got skinnier in the past days. Is it because I told you to stay in your chambers? I said that at anger, you can go out now, no need to stay here anymore. I'm sorry for being harsh on you. ❞

Zhang Was leaned in and kissed her cheek.

Xu Yang turned her head and looked at him.

❝Say something, Yang'er... you look just like a doll now, I apologize for our fight, let me make it up to you, let's go see the Capital, what do you say? I will buy everything you like.❞

Seeing that Xu Yang just looked at him not saying anything his face saddened.

❝Just say something, be angry at me if you want to. Please.❞ he continued to plead, his hand holding hers.

❝Your majesty, the food is here.❞ a servant said and placed the meals on the table.

Zhang Wan stood up and dragged Xu Yang along at the table and placed food on her plate with a small smile on his face.

❝Doesn't this feel like we are a real family? If only you were happy... Tell me, Yang'er, is there something you wish for? Besides wanting to leave me.❞

Xu Yang shook her head and Zhang Wan sighted.

❝Nothing? I can give you everything you want, Yang'er.❞

❝Can you give me my freedom back? My happiness?❞

❝You are free, Empress. This empire belongs to you, you can go wherever you wish to, I will take you there, just tell me the name. I can make you happy, I swear, I will treat you good from now on, I will not repeat my mistakes, just give me a chance to prove it to you.❞

Xu Yang clenched her fists under the table.

"Is it so hard for him to understand that I hate him? That I don't want to breath the same air with him?" Xu Yang decided in that moment, she will do anything for her escape to be successful. When she thought about a happy life she saw herself living in a house with Jiang Meng and Ji An, her dearest friends and her family.

❝Let's drop this conversation for now, it's time to eat. Here, taste this. ❞Zhang Wan said feeding Xu Yang.

Xu Yang knew it was in her interes to no anger him anymore as he may lock her up somewhere and her escape would be impossible then so she opened her mouth and ate the food the Emperor gave her.

❝Good, Yang'er. Eat more, you need to be healthy and full of energy. ❞

She continued to eat listening to whatever Zhang Wan was talking about as she thought about the plan of their escape. It would be the best to dress as men and leave the Palace like that, then she and Ji An will need to hide somehow, Xu Yang's advantage was that few people knew how Jiang Meng looked like so he could walk freely. After leaving the Palace, they may be able to leave the Capital before anyone notices they ran, but they would still need a day and a half to reach Saju. It would be the best to take the route through the forest, but it would take longer that way. Xu Yang assumed Zhang Wan will guess they are going to Saju since Mi An could hide them so he will try to block the roads to there, but does he know about the route through the forest?
Xu Yang's mind was filled with possibilities and she didn't payed attention to Zhang Wan anymore.

❝Empress? Why do you look lost in thought? What are you thinking about?❞ Zhang Wan asked touching Xu Yang's shoulder.

❝Ah? Oh, nothing important. ❞

❝Nothing important? For me it seems it's more important than me. What is in your mind?❞

❝Nothing, I just remembered something from when I was a child.❞

❝Yang'er do you miss your family? Let's call them here then, if that will make you happy. I'll call for your brothers too.❞

Xu Yang's brothers enrolled in the army and choose to protect the borders so they stay at camps there, rarely visiting the capital.

❝No need. They are all busy with protecting the Empire, I can't make then come here just because I miss them.❞ Xu Yang said smiling sadly.

Now that she spoke about her family she felt the need to see them all. They are all close, her bothers are the best in the word and her parents love all of them equally. Her oldest brother, Xu Jiang(26) was a proud warrior who took father's strict and scary behavior when commanding his troops. He respects strong people who keep on fighting even if there is a small to zero change of winning, he won't bow to anyone and people usually call him the God of War. Jiang is disciplined, rarely loosing his calm, he doesn't show mercy to people to betrayed him or people who treaten something important to him, such as family. Xu Yang was Xu Jiang's favorite sibling, he never treat her strict and he would always help her improve her fighting skills. He would also buy her gifts such as toys when they were younger.

The next brother, Xu Wuxian(25) was more of the troublemaker of Xu clan. Opposite of Jiang, he would lose his tempted very quick and create a scene every time someone angers him. He would always leave home without permission to go and drink or play card games where he would win lots of money. As carefree as he seems he is a talented young man, he is on the same level with Jiang in fighting and they would always fight each other when the chance comes. Wuxian loved to play pranks on family members such as their father, Xu Ming, and their older brother, Xu Jiang. Wuxian would always run to hide behind their mother when he was chased to receive punishment for his pranks and mother would always forgive and protect him.

As for the youngest child, Xu Cheng(19) he was a pacifist, preferring to fight in knowledge than with swords. He and Xu Yang looked the most like their mother, who was and still is a very beautiful woman. One look and someone could see the resemblance. Cheng was gentle and his every move was graceful. He also was skilled in fighting, but disliked violence, unless someone threatened his family. Between all of the brothers, Cheng was the scariest when angry. One time, the Xu family was invited at a birthday party at some noble's house and one boy started to pick on Xu Yang calling her ugly and a man because everyone knew Xu Yang was trained in martial arts like men are. Xu Yang didn't bother to care about the insult, but the boy didn't stopped there and tried to push Xu Yang down the stairs for ignoring him. Cheng saw his intentions and before the boys could push Xu Yang, Cheng dragged him by the hair in the middle of the guests where he punched and kicked the boy until his whole body was black and blue. Everytime the boy passed out, Cheng would throw water to wake him up and continued to beat him up.

❝You dare touch my sister? I dare you to call my Xu Yang ugly and man again! Where did your courage went, huh?❞ Cheng would say as he kicked the boy in the stomach with his foot.

He only stopped when Li Jang(their mother) came and took him in her arms. Xu Yang was 7 at that time and Xu Cheng was 5. That incident was one of the few times Xu Cheng snapped and did something violent.

Thinking about her brothers made Xu Yang smile a little. Zhang Wan left after finishing to eat and Xu Yang went to the garden to look at the flowers.

❝Miss, Jiang Meng should be in Saju by now right?❞ Ji An asked walking next to Xu Yang.

❝Yes, he may already on his way back, I hope he got the change to rest a little bit.❞ Xu Yang said worrying about Jiang Meng.

❝He will be fine, he can rest when he is back here, Miss. What is your plan?❞

❝I got an idea, but I still need to think about it. We have the advantage that a few people know how Jiang Meng looks like so he can walk freely, but the two of us will need to dress as men. We leave the Palace at night and rush to leave the capital, maybe we can have the whole night before someone notices we left. After they notice, guards will roam around to find us and some may be able to see through our disguise so we will need to hide, but hiding for too long may give them the change to block the borders... the faster we are out of the Empire, the better, but it takes a day and a half to reach Saju.

❝What if we hide and move at the same time? We can take a carriage full with hay and me and miss hide in the hay while Jiang Meng drives the carriage. Or we can use barrels filled with wine and we hide in two of them. ❞

❝That's a good idea, if we rush we may reach the borders before they send imperial guards there... ❞Xu Yang said thinking about Ji An's idea.

❝Miss, we can ask young master Jiang to help us, he is responsible of protecting the borders with Saju Empire. He can help us cross them without getting caught.❞ Ji An suggested.

❝Yes, my older brother can help us... I really don't want to burden them with my problems, but that is the safest way. I hope after we are out of here nothing will happen to my family... ❞

❝Rest assured miss, Master Xu will not let anyone hurt the Xu clan. The Emperor is on the throne because Master Xu helped him. ❞

❝You're right, thank you Ji An. Are you sure you want to run with me? I don't know if I can protect you if we are caught... I can still send you to serve my mother. ❞

❝No Miss! Ji An will serve miss until the end! I will follow you until the end and that's my choice, miss. ❞

Xu Yang hugged Ji An thanking her for everything she's been done for Xu Yang since they were kids.

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