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Even concubine Jong heard about the Empress wanting a divorce and his highness saying he'll spend the night at her chambers.

❝Hahah, a divorce? Is that bitch crazy? Who does she think she is? Does she thinks she is better that the Emperor? Anyways, this may be my chance to become the Empress, yes, yes. I just need a plan to gain his favor again, when this baby is born I'm sure he will promote me again, yes...❞

At Phoenix Palace, Xu Yang was sitting at the table with concubines Ki, Xiao and Jiang and Zhang Wan in a akward silence.
The Emperor cleared his throat and looked at Xu Yang who snickered a little.

❝How considerate my wife is...to invite the other concubines here... ❞he said with a fake smile and his eyes nearly closed as he looked at Xu Yang.

❝The Empress treats us good, your majesty. ❞Concubine Xiao said with an innocent smile.

❝Is that so? I chosen a good woman to be my wife then.❞ he said taking his wine cup.

He expected Xu Yang to do something to avoid him, but it didn't crossed his mind that he will find three concubines here.

❝This one learned a new dance... may this one perform it for his majesty?❞ concubine Jiang said shying away.

Zhang Wan was about to open his mouth to refuse her offer, but Xu Yang anticipated this and was faster than him.

❝Of course, concubine Jiang. I've heard you're skilled in dance and I'm curious about your skills so please do. ❞Xu Yang said smiling.

Zhang Wan hit her with his elbow and looked at her.

❝Thank you, your majesty.❞ concubine Jiang stood up and waited for two servants to get the two zheng they prepared.

After the music started concubine Jiang began to slowly and gracefully move with the music. She looked as she was flying, moving effortlessly
around the room.

After two minutes she finished bowing her head. Everyone in the room applauded.

❝You truly are skilled, concubine Jiang.❞ concubine Ki exclaimed.

❝I agree.❞ Xu Yang said nodding her head.

❝Did your highness liked my dance?❞concubine Jiang asked looking at Zhang Wan who wasn't paying fully attention.

He picked up a piece of meat with the chopsticks and raised it to Xu Yang's mouth.

❝Open up. ❞he said looking at her smiling.

❝Thank you your highness, but I already have on-❞

Before she could end the sentence Zhang Wan shoved the piece of meat in her mouth. The concubines gave each other confused looks.

❝Is it good, Yang'er? ❞

Xu Yang didn't bother to answer him.

❝I think we should go now, excuse us, your highness.❞ Concubine Ki said slowly getting up.

❝Yes, have a good night.❞ Zhang Wan said looking at the three.

Xu Yang looked at the three women leaving, clicking her tongue in annoyance.

❝Finally alone, like it should have been, but someone is very stubborn.❞ Zhang Wan turned back to Xu Yang looking at her face.

❝I am the one stubborn, your highness?❞ Xu Yang snapped back at him annoyed.

❝Yes, you are very stubborn, am I wrong? ❞

She exhaled trying not to say anything disrespectful.

❝Who is the one refusing to let me go? ❞she asked getting more annoyed by his relaxed atitudine.

❝I told you to forget about that foolish idea, Yang'er. ❞

❝Enough!❞ Xu Yang slammed her hand on the table making the cup jump and the tea to fell on her as she raised her voice.

The Emperor was startled by her tone and action, he never saw her lose her calm.

❝You burned yourself with the tea, bring medicine!❞ Zhang Wan said to the servants as he took a handkerchief to clean the tea on her clothes.

❝I don't need it.❞ Xu Yang said getting up.

The tea burned her a little as it was still warm, but she was too angry to react to the pain. Zhang Wan stood up as well trying to reach with his handkerchief again, but Xu Yang stopped his arm midway.

❝Empress! Stop being stubborn, you're hurt!❞ he raised his voice.

❝And? Why do you care so suddenly? I will take care of it so you can leave! ❞

Xu Yang didn't even cared about addressing him polite, she was barely holding herself from hitting him.

❝Why do you refuse my help? What is your problem, Empress? ❞

❝What is my problem? What is yours? I told you already that I despise you and I want a divorce and you won't leave me alone with your good and loving husband act! ❞

❝And? You are my wife and I am your husband! Isn't this what you wanted? Didn't you chose to be my wife? Now you want to run away?❞

❝Yes! I was an idiot to ever fall in love with you! Now stop being annoying and approve that divorce and each on their way!❞

Xu Yang continued to argue while raising her hands in annoyance.

❝I won't and that's final!❞

Zhang Wan threw the handkerchief down and left slamming the door behind him. The servants who heard the argument were left speechless and frozen.

❝Miss? Are you alright? Does the burn hurt?❞ Ji An asked looking at her miss wet clothes.

❝I'm fine, give me something to change in, please.❞ Xu Yang said sitting on her bed.

Jiang Meng who was busy with safely taking care of the money they collected in Saju finally came to Phoenix Palace and heard about the fight from servants. He was angry after hearing what the bastard said and how he angered his miss.

❝Miss, are you feeling alright? Should I get some calming medicine?❞ Jiang Meng asked Xu Yang who was now changed.

❝Oh, Jiang Meng, did the money arrived safely? ❞

❝Yes, and no one besides me, miss and Ji An know about this.❞

❝Good job, I'm glad at least something is going good.❞

❝I've heard about the fight... how is miss doing now?❞ he asked worried.

❝Don't worry, it was just a fight, I was angry then, now it's fine.❞

❝What is miss going to do next?❞

❝I don't want to think about this now, let's talk about something else. ❞Xu Yang got a comb from her dresser and started to brush her hair while looking in the mirror and seeing Jiang Meng who was behind her.

❝Something else?❞ Jiang Meng raised his head curious and saw Xu Yang look at him in the mirror.

❝Let's talk about you, if you wish to. ❞she said continuing to brush her long, black hair.

❝About me? What does miss want to know?❞

❝Anything you want. How was your childhood, your family, things you like and dislike. You're my most trusted servant, together with Ji An, of course, but I already know everything about her. ❞

❝As you wish, miss. About me... I grew up in a small village with my parents and older sister. My family was a good loving family. Father loved my mother only and they were happy. We owned a small farm and me and my sister helped with work since we were kids, I still remember how we mostly played around and we would get scolded for not working...❞ Jiang Meng had a small smile on his face as he talked about his family, but his eyes were carrying sadness.
❝ When I was 9 my father died of illness. Everything was harder without father around... It was harder for mother to sell goods from our farm to get money as she didn't knew how to write, read or do math, some people were bullying and scamming her, but she never showed that pain to us... My sister got in trouble after a noble man started to fancy her. He wouldn't leave my sister alone and after she refused him, he started to bully our family by ruining our farm, telling people to stay away from us and such. Mother took us and left to find another home, but she got sick on the way and died. I was left at 10 years old in the care of my 14 years old sister. We had some money that mother gave us and managed to find a place to stay at, we found some work too and we believed everything was going to be good, but the noble that was after my sister found us again and kidnapped my sister.❞ - Jiang Meng's face became dark as his eyes were filled with pure hate and he clenched his fist hard. ❝I tried to sneak into his residence to save my older sister and then.... I found her dead, she hanged herself to escape that bastard who wanted to make her his concubine. I was left alone then, I thought that was my end and how I would die and then General Xu saved and took me under his care where he trained me to become strong. If I was strong back then I would have been able to save my family... ❞

❝You're strong, Jiang Meng, you were always strong. A child your age who lost so much and still managed to get up after every fall and became the strong man you are today. ❞

❝Thank you, miss.❞ Jiang Meng smiled and locked eyes with Xu Yang who finished brushing her hair.

❝Is that noble bastard dead? ❞

❝Yes, after I learned to fight I haunted him down and tortured him. ❞

❝I'm glad, I would have gone after him myself otherwise. Thank you for sharing this story with me, Jiang Meng. Go and rest now. ❞

❝I will excuse myself then, have a good rest, miss. ❞

Jiang Meng left smiling. He was happy that Xu Yang cared enough about him to ask questions and listen to him. Maybe next time he could ask about her childhood.

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