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It was their last night in Saju as they finished their bussines. Xu Yang was in her room getting a shoulder massage from Ji An.

❝Jiang Meng... you need to stay here one more day and come secretly with the money at my Palace. The Emperor shouldn't know about the investment I made. ❞

❝Yes, miss, I will make sure to keep the money safe and secretly come back with them.❞

❝Miss, why did you bought that store and tea house?❞ Ji An asked massaging Xu Yang's stiff shoulders.

❝To make money, Ji An. I will need money if I want that divorce and I don't want to use my clan's money.❞

❝And how does miss plans to use the money?❞ Ji An asked again.

❝First, if he doesn't agree to divorce me and Empress Dowager can't convince him, I will try to bribe the officials, they can propose him to replace the Empress and I'm not competent to be one and to help that I would start to make problems here and there to show my incompetence. If nothing works, I'll have to listen to Mi An and run away.❞

❝I will follow miss to the end of the world if I need to!❞ Ji An said raising her fist in the air.

Xu Yang laughed.

❝Are you sure, Ji An? I can leave to my family and no one will touch you there.❞

❝No! This servant will follow miss until my last breath!❞ Ji An said

❝It's the same for this servant, miss. I will protect you until I die.❞Jiang Meng said serious.

Xu Yang looked in silence at the two and smiled.

❝Thank you. But if you ever want to be free, tell me and I would do anything to give you the life you want.❞ Xu Yang said standing up and sitting on her bed.

Jiang Meng and Ji An looked at each other smiling and left the room so Xu Yang can sleep.

❝I'm going to miss you, Yang Yang, write me more often, alright?❞ Mi An said hugging Xu Yang.

❝I will, take care, An An.❞

Zhang Wan was already in the carriage waiting.

Waving, Xu Yang got in the carriage with a smile on her face that disappeared as soon as she saw Zhang Wan. He noticed this and clicked his tongue.

❝I apologized to her majesty, Empress. Why are you still upset?❞

❝I'm not upset, your highness.❞

❝You know I hate being lying to, Empress.❞

❝What do you want me so say then, your highness?❞ Xu Yang said annoyed by him.

❝Accept my apology and stop looking at me like that.❞

❝It's not my place to accept your apology, you offended Mi An, not me. Please, let me rest, your highness.❞

Xu Yang closer her eyes trying to ignore Zhang Wan. He didn't said anything else, just kept looking out the window.

A day later they arrive back at the Palace where everyone was welcoming them.

❝You must be hungry and tired, I prepared a party, come inside❞. Empress Dowager said smiling.

Entering the main hall they see important faces such as officiants and their families including Xu Yang's family.

❝My child! How are you? Are you hungry?❞ Xu Yang's mother, Li Jang, asked hugging her precious daughter.

❝I'm alright mother, how about you?❞ Xu Yang hugged her mother.

❝Fine, fine child, don't worry. Let's sit down and eat something.❞

Xu Yang nodded and they sat down eating the good looking food that was filling the table.

❝I heard about you solving the food problem, mother is very proud of you, my smart daughter.❞

❝Thank you for the praise, mother. How are brothers doing? ❞

❝They are fine, training together, soon they will surpass your father, I tell you. ❞

❝Surpass me? In 1000 years! Xu Ming said smiling. ❞

❝Greetings, father.❞

❝How are you doing, Yang'er?❞ the man asked sitting next to his daughter.

❝I'm fine father, how are you? I hope you're not overworking yourself!❞ Xu Yang said like she is scolding him.

❝I'm not, I'm not! Don't worry, I am not that old, child. ❞

Xu Yang didn't know if she should told her parents about her idea of divorcing. They would hear anyways, but if they hear now, she wasn't sure if her father would keep calm and not cause a scene.

❝Tell father why you look so sad, child. No need to lie to me.❞

❝Father... I want a divorce. ❞Xu Yang said looking determined.

Her mother gasped and covered her hand and her father's face became dark.

❝What did the Emperor do to you, child? I put that man on the throne, I will get him down if I need to. ❞Xu King said.

❝No need father. He didn't do anything to me, it's just that I regret marrying him... he doesn't even treat me as his wife. ❞

❝What do you mean, daughter? Don't tell me he is cold to you, his Empres, and gives his attention to a concubine.❞ Li Jang said getting angry.

Li Jang was disgusted by the concept of more than one woman and always opposed it. She wouldn't have married Xu Ming if he had any concubines or planned to took any, but to her happiness, the Xu clan men never took more than one woman as they found it disgusting and insulting to their women, the one who keep the clan alive.

❝He is mother, my love for him died already and I don't want to stay caged in an unhappy marriage. I'm sorry. ❞

❝Sorry? Don't even say it, there is nothing to be sorry for.❞

❝But the clan's honor... ❞Xu Yang continues, but her father gave her a look and she stopped speaking.

❝I can't believe it, that bastard... Father will do anything to end your marriage, just wait.❞

❝Yes, my dear child. Don't worry, you won't stay if you don't want to. ❞

❝Empress! There you where.❞ Zhang Wan said coming at their table.

He noticed the tension in the air as Xu Yang and her parents greeted him.

❝How is general Xu feeling?❞ Zhang Wan asked smiling.

❝Good.I hope your majesty is healthy. ❞Xu Ming said through his teeth.

Zhang Wan continued to make conversation with General Xu as Xu Yang and her mother discussed next to them.

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