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Xu Yang went back to her Palace and told Ji An about the incident.

โI can't believe it, miss! That bitch dared to frame my Miss with such a low trick! How dare she?!โž Ji An was more angry that Xu Yang herself and this behaviors made Xu Yang laugh a little.

โShush, Ji An. You know you can't say stuff like that, walls have ears.โž

โBut!โž Ji An's face was red because of anger.

โYour highness! The emperor send a gift to her majesty!โž a voice from outside shouted.

Ji An looked puzzled at Xu Yang who shared the same confusion. They stand up and walk outside.

โGreeting to the Empress.โž the eunuch said bowing deep.

Two other men were carrying a chest.

โA gift from his majesty, you said?โž Xu Yang approached the chest.

It was filled with red, superior quality silk, gold and jade hairpins, a pair of gold earing each having big red rubies and two gold bracelets with emerald.

"Is this how he asks for forgiveness?" Xu Yang scoffed.

โIs there anything wrong, your highness?โž the eunuch asked with cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

โTake the chest back.โž Xu Yang said cold turning her back to leave.

โYour highness, his majesty will punish us! Please accept it, we beg of you. โžthe eunuch fell in his knees and put his forehead on the cold ground.

โTell him his apologies are not accepted. I won't be bought with expensive gifts.โž

The eunuch and the two other men didn't have a choice but to go back to his majesty and tell him the situation.

โThe Empress said that?โž Zhang Wan asked.

โYes, your highness, this low one doesn't dare to deceive his majesty.โž the eunuch was on the ground.

โI see.โž Zhang Wan looked at the chest and scoffed.

"I can't believe she dares defy me like that. I even apologized to her and she dare not accept my gift? What happened to her, where is this courage coming from?"

โLeave. โžhe said leaning back in his chair.

The days passed fast and it was time for the two to leave the Empire and meet the Queen.
Zhang Wan and Xu Yang were in the Imperial carriage.
Xu Yang wished to be with her maid, Ji An, and Jiang Meng, but the idiot Emperor said they would share a carriage.
She was looking out of the window and he was looking at her.

โYou said you know the Queen, tell me more about her and how you two met. โžZhang Wan said

Xu Yang cursed in her mind, her peace was destroyed by this man.

โThe Queen Mi An is a friendly woman, she treats everyone with respect, even commoners and servants. As friendly as she is, if you offend her, you'll lose your head in the blink of an eye. She is intelligent and fought with multiple Kingdoms in her life as everyone looked down on her because she is a woman, but they were fast shut down by her competence and knowledge. A warrior Queen is a good description for her, she is she best at handling the sword in her Kingdom. Her country loves her deeply. As for how we met...โž

โXu Yang, this is princess Mi An, why don't you get to know each other?โž General Xu Ming said looking at his daughter.

โSure, father.โž little Xu Yang said and approached Mi An bowing respectfully.ย  โI'm Xu Yang, general Xu Ming's only daughter and the third child. It's an honor to meet you, princess Mi An. โž

โI heard you like to play with swords, is that true?โž the little princess said taking Xu Yang's hands in hers and looking at her with excitement on her face.

โI do.โž Xu Yang smiled at the princess.

โLet's fight then! Prepare training clothes and two wooden swords!โž Mi An told her servants.

After 5 minutes the maids came back and Mi An together with Xu Yang went inside to change their dressed for more proper clothes to fight in.

Xu Yang and Mi An were facing each other, both having wood swords in hands.

โGood luck!Don't take it easy on me, Xu Yang.โž

โI won't, princess. โž

โStart!โža maid said.

The two girls attacked at the same time and their swords clashed. Mi An was the first to step back and try to attack Xu Yang's legs, but failed as Xu Yang jumped before Mi An's sword touched her legs.

โYou have good speed. โžMi An said smiling.

Xu Yang nodded and attacked Mi An trying to look for an opening, but she couldn't find any.

After 20 minutes of swords clashing, the girls fell down exhausted.

โI think it's a tie, princess.โž Xu Yang said being in one knee and leaning on her wooden sword for suport.

โYes, I'm impressed, Xu Yang. I wish we can be good friends. โž

โLikewise, your grace.โž

โCall me An An from now! And I wil call you... hm, let's see.... Yang Yang?โž Mi An said smiling.

โSounds good to me, An An.โž Xu Yang said standing up.

After they took a bath and changed the two explored the Palace and Mi An showed Xu Yang all her secret and favorite places. They continues to get close as day passed and their separation ended with tears from both young girls.

Zhang Wan listened to Xu Yang story and looked at her the whole time.

โIt's quite an interesting story, not what I expected from two noble ladies. โž

โMhm, me and her highness aren't the usual noble ladies.โž Xu Yang said with a hint of irritation at his comment.

The Emperor noticed the irritation on her voice.

โI didn't mean to offend, Empress. There is nothing wrong with you or her majesty's behavior.โž

Xu Yang only nodded and went back to admiring the views and surroundings.
The rest of the journey went smoothly and the arrived at Saju's palace whereย  servants together with Mi An were waiting.

โYang Yang!โž Mi An said rushing to hug her old friend.

โIt's been a long time, An An.โžXu Yang hugged the beautiful woman.

โI missed you so much, I'm glad we can spend time now. Come, this way, I prepared a party for you.โž Mi An said guiding Xu Yang inside the big hall where beautiful decorations and tables filled with food and alcohol
welcomed the guests.

Mi An parents were there as well, the previous King and Queen. He gave the throne to Mi An after an accident in which his body became weak and he can't manage the pressure of leading a kingdom.

โMother, Father, Yang Yang is here.โž Mi An shouted excited.

Zhang Wan was frowning as he was completely ignored by Mi An.

โWe are glad to see you again, miss Xu Yang.โž Mi An mother's, Mi Qui said.

โI'm also glad to see you, your majesty. โžXu Yang said bowing.

The Emperor, Zhang Wan cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

โOh, right, his highness, the Emperor of Xuan is also here. Pardon my rudeness, I was excited to see Xu Yang and I completely forgot about your majesty. Please do not take offense.โž Mi An said bowing apologetically.

โI don't mind. โžZhang Wan said through his teeth clearly upset.

โPlease, sit down. โžMi An continued showing them two chairs situated at the end of the table.

Xu Yang and Zhang Wan sat down and servants poured wine in their cups.

โSo, how is the life of an Empress?โž Mi An asked Xu Yang.

โInteresting.โž Xu Yang said not wanting to continue to speak on the matter anymore.

Mi An understood her friend didn't want to continue with this so she changed the subject.

โAbout the trading between our countries, do you want to discuss the details now?โž

โYes, if it's alright with you, An An. I know you prefer to leave business matters out of your parties. โž

โI don't mind.โž Mi An waved her hand in front on her face.

โWe prepared some silk and jewelry for you to see. Ji An, bring the gifts!โž Xu Yang said gesturing to Ji An who was behind her waiting orders.

โYes, your majesty.โž

โYou have a pretty Kingdom.โž Zhang Wan said trying to slide in the conversation as he was again ignored by the two women.

โThank you for the compliment, your highness. I'm sure your Empire is much more glorious that my humble Kingdom. โžMi An said in a soft tone giving looks to Xu Yang.

โThe silk and jewelry, your majesty. โžJi An said pointing to the chest two guards were holding.

โPlease take a look, An An. โž

Mi An stood up and inspected the chest.

โIt's so pretty! These bright colors... and the one you're wearing has such beautiful embroidery and the detailed hair pins... I love it.โž Mi An exclaimed touching the silk in her hands and already imagining her in a dress made of it.

โI'm glad you like our gift.โž Zhang Wan said smirking. (A/N:As if you did something, idiot)

โYang Yang knows me well. I will sign a trading agreement with your Empire. Let's talk about prices now. โžMi An sat down in her chair and a servant gave her a paper, a brush and ink.

Xu Yang was ready to speak when Zhang Wan cut her off. (A/N:Annoying ass bitch)

โYes, as Xu Yang mentioned you can trade meat, rice, flour, soybeans, soy milk for the silk and jewelry. One chest filled with silk has 50 meters of fabric and the value in money will 2.500 gold. For food I was thinking about 15 kg of pork meat, 15 kg of beef, 15 kg of chicken, 10kg of rice, 10kg of flour for each chest.โž Zhang Wan said keeping a straight posture with his chin held high.

Mi An was giving glances to Xu Yang as if asking "Why is he here in the first place?".

โI see, your majesty is good at bussines. โžMi An said writing down the numbers Zhang Wan gave her.

โAs for jewelry you can choose gold or jade, with or without precious stones such as ruby, emerald. I will use the best craftmen to personally craft your majesty jewelry.โž He continued with a smile on his face.

โWhat do you recomand, Yang Yang?โž

โI think the jade will suit you best and it's our Empire speciality too, we have the Imperial green jade. It would look amazing as hairpins, necklace, bracelet and rings. โž

โI will trust you on that then, my choice is the Imperial jade.โž Mi An said writing down.

โImperial Jade is expensive as it's worn only by the Imperial Family so one piece of jewelry made with green jade it's going to be 5000 in gold.โžThe Emperor continues. (A/N: I can't find any source as how expensive jade was in ancient China so I don't know if the prices I put are too much or to little. Same with the silk, so bare with me).

โReally expensive, but it's beautiful so it's worth it. โžMi An said writing down something and then showing it to Zhang Wan.

After reading he nodded his head satisfied.

โIt's a deal then. Let us sign the agreement. โžMi An said placing her sigil on the piece of paper.

Shortly after Zhang Wan placed his and the agreements was made.

โAs soon as we go back to Xuan, we will starts preparing the silk and jade jewelry and send it. It's a pleasure to make bussines with your majesty.โž Zhang Wan said.

โThe pleasure it's mine, your highness.โž Mi An said then she got closer to Xu Yang. โLet's go fight!โžshe whispered.

โNow?โž Xu Yang asked.

Mi An nodds and stands up grabbing Xu Yang's arm.

โWhere are you taking her?โž Zhang Wan asked confused.

โI want to fight with Xu Yang, your majesty. โžMi An said looking down at him.

โI see, very good then, I will join. Zhang Wan said standing up.

All three change in training clothes and go outside in the training camp.

โYou two versus me, does that sound good?โž Zhang Wan asked swinging his sword in air.

Mi An looked at Xu Yang and both nodded, eyes filled with determination, Xu Yang's having a trace of hate.

The Queen is the first to attack Zhang Wan clashing her showed with his, then Xu Yang sprinted towards Zhang Wan's back, but he dodged by leaning back and Xu Yang sword clashed with Mi An's.

โAttacking my back? Quite dirty, Empress. โžZhang Wan said snickering and evading his uncomfortable position under the two swords.

โPlan B, Yang Yang?โž Mi An said looking over at Xu Yang.


โPlan B?โž Zhang Wan asked raising his eyebrow intrigued.

Mi An jumped and attacked Zhang Wan proceeding to kick him with her leg, but he blocked the attack with his sword making Mi An jump back and back to earth. Then she attacked with her sword clashing again with Zhang Wan's. She looked behind him for a second where Xu Yang put her sword down slowly and jumped on Zhang Wan's back attaching to him as good as she could.

โWhat are you doing?โž Zhang Wan asked knowing it's more difficult to keep the same power in his sword that was blocking Mi An's.

Xu Yang wasn't weak so her grip on Zhang Wan's neck and arm was strong. The Emperor scoffed and jumped back to put distance between him and Mi An, but she didn't gave him the change following immediately after him.
Xu Yang used her leg to kick Zhang Wan's making him fall in one knee, Mi An taking the opportunity to attack again, but sadly he blocked even in this situation.

โDidn't expected less from the Emperor himself.โž Mi An said smiling and trying harder to push her sword pass his to win.

Seeing that is difficult fighting with Xu Yang on his back sabotaging he let himself fall on his back.

โArgh! Xu Yang said after the impact with the ground, but she didn't budged holding Zhang Wan down on top of her.โž

โCome on, Empress. Free me already. โžZhang Wan said trying to pull himself free from her hold.

Mi An quickly hit him, but her attack got blocked again. Xu Yang forced her hands to grip his hand in which he held the sword in an attempt to make the sword fall. Seeing that Xu Yang is not giving up he kicked Mi An in the leg making her fall and got up quickly with Xu Yang still on his back.

โYour majesty is very skilled. โžMi An said laughing a little before standing up and taking a fight position.

This time Zhang Wan attacked Mi An first, she dodged by jumping back and proceeds to attack him with her sword pointing to his neck, but Zhang Wan quickly moved his head leaving Xu Yang at the end of the sword. Seeing his move, Mi An stopped her sword before it touches Xu Yang's face and in that second Zhang Wan points his sword at Mi An's neck winning.

Xu Yang gets down sighing. Mi An let her sword fall and admitted defeat.

โThis was quite funny. โžMi An said sitting on the grass laughing.

โIt was definitely interesting, I've never had to fight with someone on my back trying to hold me down like that. โž

Xu Yang was massaging her shoulders and back as the impact with the ground wasn't pleasing at all.

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