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Requested by: kittypuke40
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"Ohmygodohmygodnonononono....!" god, why did it have to happen that day? Why did it have to happen to you?! Why did it have to happen the day you were so ready?!?! Was this karma for a sin you've committed?! That would be mad! You don't think you've committed any great sin for a punishment like this?!
Your existential crisis was interrupted by you tripping over your own foot as you stumbled and bumped into all your furniture, trying to make your way back into your room, your current sanctuary. The place you took refuge in, to hide what you've become from the world,
And Donnie.
You might be asking, "What happened"?
Well about some time 2 or 3 weeks ago, you've lost count, it was just about any normal Saturday hangout over at the turtles' lair. They had invited you over early so by night, you could all collectively go on the nightly patrol, a word which here means doing mutant shenanigans instead of actually patrolling.
You accepted and had promised to be over in an hour, an excuse really. You had already gotten ready, expecting the usual invitation from them before they could even text it. The truth or the reason you needed to get ready, was so you could gather enough courage to confess to Donatello Hamato about your ever so adoring and passionate feelings.
Yes, you won't deny you've grown fond of the brainiac, even with his red flags that April has warned you about.
You raised your white flag in surrender today, giving up with admiring from afar and just confessing! So with your confidence boosted, you were ready to jump and shoot your shot straight into his heart, and nothing will stop you once you set your mind on something.
Ironic how a little bug managed to crush all your hopes and dreams.
Taking your usual route to the lair, you took the multiple turns of alleyways to get to the manhole cover. When you took the cover off and set it to the side, you didn't react fast enough to slap the bug off of your hand. Its stung didn't hurt nearly as much as transforming and mutating your body into a humanoid bat.
You had initially panicked and cried from the stinging pain, the aching in your bones rendered you useless till you could gather enough energy to even flutter your new monstrous wings.
Immediately flying back home, after hitting every billboard and clothesline in sight, still trying to grasp the controls of your wings.
You left home with the intention of hanging out with your mutant friends, only to go back home 30 minutes later. Panicked, scared, afraid, anything negative driving you away from showing yourself outside again, especially to Donnie.
So now here you were, basically labelled missing to everyone you knew as you stayed isolated in the comfort of your apartment.
That was until you received another notification on your phone, the screen cracked and broken from flying right into a billboard advertising Coca-Cola, or coke.
Who even calls it Coca-Cola???
You've been ignoring all the messages and calls you've been receiving the past weeks you've outcasted yourself from humanity. This particular message felt different, like it was personal calling out your name.
You knew you had to read this message, but you didn't.
(8) missed messages from: BrainyDontronπ
You resumed on grieving over the lost of your humanity and social life. Using your wide wings to further damage your phone by slapping it across the room, ignoring the noise of glass shattering as it hit the wall then to the floor.
Burying yourself further into your bed, fully hiding yourself with your blanket. You felt drops of tears slip off the fur of your face, your bedding absorbing the salty liquid from your eyes.
How you wish you could've just went to the lair a different time, but you can't rewind time. No matter how much you want to rewrite the past, you'll have to accept the future.
Even if it means you'll have to suddenly disappear from the turtle's life forever, without a word or goodbye.
Feeling dehydrated after your mourning you sat up weakly, bringing the thick blanket with you for comfort by wearing it as a cape.
Walking with slow but heavy steps to the fridge, you took a bottle of water out and opened it. The feeling of the cold water made you feel refreshed, but it still didn't get rid of your depression.
Before going back to your room you took a small detour to your pantry, peeping for anything appetizing and/or consoling food for your sadness. Finding a party sized bag of Doritos you made your way back to your bed, or nest as you could call it now. Considering you're a giant human bat mutant.
Setting your food onto the bedside table closes to you, looking for the remote to turn on the tv. If you were now forever outcasted, gotta at least have some entertainment, right?
Moving the tv from the living room into your bedroom would've been harder if you were human, guess turning into a mutant has its perks. Like, suddenly gaining super strength.
You were the weakest person you knew, you could barely run 1 lap during P.E let alone half a lap. You also noticed you could see better in the dark, night vision was pretty cool too you guess.
Oh, but the turtles, how you miss them so...
The pizza days, game night, patrolling over New York, visiting the mystic city. Those are gone now. Maybe the turtles wouldn't care about the fact you got bitten into a mutant, but you weren't worried about that.
You overthought and worried over what Donnie would think. Would he be disgusted? Would he reject you? Would he even continue to be friends?!?
The thought of Donnie being absolutely repulsed and rejecting you was worse than thinking about your lost life. You can't stand the feeling of rejection,
Let alone by him! That would hurt and embarrass you too much to the point you'd explode!!
Soft knocking echoed into your room, the sound coming from your locked and covered windows. Abandoning your original mission of searching for your missing remote, you quietly made your way to your window, trying not to give away the fact you were home to whoever was outside.
Making a small crack from the curtain's parting, you took a small peek to see Donnie kneeling on your fire escape, a worried expression on his face.
You immediately reeled back and behind the curtain, holding a breath in. Why was he here?!?!
He must've noticed the small movement of the curtain swaying because he perked up and started knocking again, this time with more force but still soft.
"Y/N Is that you?! Could you please open the window? We need to talk!" He tried to look for any opening to look through, still kneeling patiently for any noise or reply.
Receiving none he grew restless and used his robotic spider legs to try and pry the window open.
"Donnie stop! J-just go home!!" He halted his movements, he wouldn't admit it but it was a relief to hear your voice again.
The only part that concerned him was the cracking and evident despair in your voice, but even when he was there for you outside your window you refused to let him in. He felt even more guilty and at fault, whether you were ignoring him and his brothers because of him or not, he couldn't help the feelings that swirled in his stomach.
"Y/N, please. Just let me in and let's talk about what's going on, me and my brothers have been concerned for the past 3 weeks." He soften his voice, hoping a more inviting approach would allow him entrance into your home and the problem you were facing. "I can maybe help you with what you're going through- "
"No! You can't help me! Y-you shouldn't even be here. Just go home Donnie...I've t-turned into a...monster."
Instead of listening he only grew more concerned and determined to help, staying still in the same spot.
The sound of your meek voice breaking admitted your exact feelings, he could basically feel the tears seeping out of your eyes and onto your floor. He now understood the soft approach wouldn't work so he'll have to resort to the forceful approach to get you to open up, one way or another.
"Y/N if you do not open this window, I will blow it off myself young lady!" He didn't want to have to force you to do anything, but your stubbornness was getting to him right now and he absolutely needed to see if you were ok.
"Ok-Ok! Jeez! Don't get me evicted for a blown window Don..." Donnie heard slight shuffling and muffled footsteps, he assumed you situated yourself in front of the window. Not much he could see anyways with your blackout curtains. "Just promise, not to freak out. I don't want you to think I'm a freak or anything too."
He scoffed at your request. "Not like I could Y/N, it would be quite impossible for anyone to view you as such." Chuckling slightly to his own words. "And are we seriously forgetting the whole mutant turtle situation? Whatever it is you have going on, I'm sure it's not anything too drastic."
He definitely wasn't prepared for the irony that was about to hit him.
He felt pleased to see the drapes sway and hear the click of the lock, he didn't know why you had done it through the covers, but he wouldn't question anything till he got inside. Opening the window from the outside, he slid it up fully to be able to enter with ease. Pushing away the curtains for light, the sight of your room made him freeze.
He didn't see you anywhere, just clothes thrown around the floor with huge tears, your shattered phone in the corner, crumbled up bags of chips and snacks.
What threw him off more was the dirty, clawed up walls of your room. It was a total mess! He knew you to be the type of person to be clean and organized, you'd always clean up after him and his brothers whenever you were over at the lair. Your room looked like a wild animal's nest.
"Y/N...what happened in here? And where even are you?" You hid from him in the hallway just outside your door, hearing him take a few steps forward you knew he was about to look out and find you.
"Stop! Just stay where you are Donnie!" He froze immediately, the hostility in your voice frightened him for a second. His confidence that you wouldn't hurt him was the only thing that kept him still.
You could see his silhouette standing still, the open window causing small amounts of light to flood into the room because of the street lights.
"I-I'll show myself, I promise...just please close the window and draw the curtains. I don't want to be seen, ok?" Taking deep shaky breaths, in and out, calming your reverting heart.
"Not even by me?" His pointed tone formed a tight painful knot in your stomach, you knew he didn't want to be stern with you, but it was proving difficult with your stubbornness.
Instead of replying and further dragging out his patience, you revealed yourself.
Slowly stepping out of the shadow and into the dim light, Donnie had to take a few seconds to register your current appearance. He felt confused? On what he was seeing. Was this real? Is this what you meant by monster? Is this why you have been isolating yourself and ignoring everyone??
"Good Galileo..." the street light from outside provided just enough light for his eyes to see, but not enough to fully highlight your figure. The ambiance of the room gave an ominous vibe that Donnie wasn't sure was if it was fitting or mordant.
Barely feeling any confidence you took a few steps forward to sit on your bed, shame filling you from your toes to your head.
Sitting on your messy bed, Donnie slowly sat beside you, being cautious of your feelings despite the fact he had trouble understanding certain emotions.
He was...fascinated with your new form, but he didn't want to express his fascination in fear of being weird or driving you further away. His best bet was humoring the situation, his specialty!
"Do you think Batman is perhaps, looking for recruits in his batcave?" His question caught you off guard, an involuntary giggle coming out of your mouth, a trick Donnie always manages to complete without fail.
He gave you a soft smile, one that was filled with adoration. You didn't notice his tender expression as your focus remained solely on your claw turned hands, you still didn't grasp your full anatomy. Like did it work the same way as before or like a bat's would?
Donnie noticed the prominent bat ears on your head twitch slightly, you must've been more sensitive to noise now considering the fact you've gain more animalistic ears, he wonders if you've gained any more new abilities.
"Do you at least know what species- "
"Fruit bat. Based on the Golden fur on my head, neck and shoulders, plus it extends down my back with dark brown elsewhere. Not to mention my ears lack a tragus, the fleshy projection at the border of the ear opening, present in other bat families. Nose pad isn't highly specialized like many microchiropteran bats."
Truth be told, Donnie had already realized what species you were from the first glance, he just wanted to hear and see you ramble. He remembered how you always had an interest in animals, specifically that one time when you two were hanging in his lab geeking out on whatever you could think of.
You had a hyper fixation phase on bats for a full 5 weeks once, which he found both humorous and adorable.
As you continued to ramble on about your new physical features, he deemed it was enough information. Gently grasping your chin with his pointer and thumb he placed your attention to him, turning your face to look at him and starting an unwavering staring contest.
His move, albeit, worked. But it was so out of character! It made you flustered and heat to rise up in your cheeks, brain short circuiting for a second.
"Still your same dorky self, even as a bat." He laughed at his own words, moving his hands to your cheeks. Feeling the fur on your face himself, his touch sending electricity through your veins. "Why would you conceal yourself in your room because of this Y/N?" His genuity killed you, it brought not only shame but guilt to stir inside you again. Forcing you to be honest.
"Because I was scared Donnie, obviously." Ignoring your sarcastic response to focus on your broken tone.
"Why would you be afraid? I know many normal New York civilians will cower at the sight of a giant bat, but we won't!" Donnie couldn't understand what you truly meant, no matter how smart the turtle was he was totally oblivious to any deeper feelings. "That would be just total hypocrisy on our part."
"That's not what I'm scared of Donnie..." he grew confused and somewhat agitated, getting tired of your recalcitrant attitude.
Switching from your cheeks to your hands, holding them close to his chest firmly. "Then what are you so afraid of?! I am trying to help- "
"I'm terrified that you wouldn't like me back if I'm a mutant now, ok?!?"
Your admission stunned him, his grip on your hands slightly loosened. "What?"
Giving up on hiding your feelings you took a breath in to prepare your flood of emotions to pour onto him, opening up your heart with vulnerability.
"Donnie, I have liked you for so long. Way too long to be fine with it but I know you're the type of guy who isn't necessarily into romance or relationships so I thought that I would just be fine and content with being best friends but I'm not!" He sat quietly speechless, you took this as a chance to elaborate further. "I planned to confess weeks ago, before I turned into this." Slipping a hand out of his grasp to refer to your new self, unfolding out a wing for more emphasis.
"And I understand if you think I'm completely hideous a-and disgusting now but please just...don't leave or abandon me-" Donnie quickly cut you off, tired of everything you say is just a shot at your amazing self, which he appreciates very much he just doesn't admit it.
He didn't shut you up normally with a shout or anything, no. Donnie was currently Kissing you!
Your brain didn't register in the feeling of his lips on your own, and neither did he notice. Immediately pulling away he gathered the same strength moments ago to hold your hand, as if he had just woken up from a dream. Sure, he wasn't one to initiate any physical contact, but a kiss was way over the unspoken boundaries he himself set.
"I would never find you disgusting or any of the sorts Y/N! How could you even suggest or think that?!" You couldn't decipher whether his anger was genuine or not, so you just sat and waited for any further words from Donnie.
"I may not be an expert in these matters...you know, feelings? I do however, know that I may also feel the same way. Thanks to April for assisting me on realizing but really it was all me." At his own confession you felt every brain cell you had instantly melt into mush, you were in utter disbelief. He reciprocated your feelings?! You couldn't believe it!
You had no other idea on what to respond, so instead of words you basically jumped onto Donnie to pull him into a hug, hoping it was one of those rare physical touch moments and that you weren't stepping over his boundaries.
Basically sitting happily on his lap you cuddled into his neck, inhaling to keep your tears at bay. You needed some hope or any kind of love or happiness after falling into a deep depression from being mutated.
Which you now know, you can always rely on Donnie for.
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Thank you again for requesting!
I had fun writing this, as I do frankly have a small interest in bats.
NOTE: There is one more request in queue but I do have to write a chapter for my Donnie x reader fic.
Expect an update on either or both (if I'm free) within the month.
Requests are open!
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