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It's too late.

It's been years.

I can't tell you now..

But I want to.

I want to tell you how I felt about you in high school.

I'm sorry that I didn't have the chance to return your feelings.

Of course.. I had the chance to return them.

But I screwed it up.

I fucked it up bad.

I didn't want you to know that I liked you.

I loved you ever since you became friends with me.

I was too afraid of you finding out I liked you if I was too nice.

That's why I was so harsh that day.

I'm sorry.

I'm an asshole.

You were so nice to me..

That's why I fell for you.

I completely fell for you.

I thought you would've treated me like how everyone else did.

Looking at me with fear in their eyes.

The feeling of hatred when looking at me.

Being completely obedient and doing whatever I told them to do.

I'm a monster.

Everyone only thinks of me as a monster.

That was all in high school now..

I have all of the courage to tell you how I felt.

I still have those feelings for you, (Y/n).

I love you.

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