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You can skip this!Β 

But if you want a bonus, you can continue..Β 

I noticed that, even when I add many tags, this work is not coming under any categories.Β 

I think it might be because it requires less than 5 minutes to read. So I decided to type something. And make it a little longer...Β 


My name is Angel. What do you want to be called?Β 

How are you all doing ? You can write all you want here...Β 

Sometimes having someone to hear you out and comfort you is the greatest thing you wish.Β 


I don't know how to drag this into 5 minutes...Β 

How about I tell you about the books I've read?

For almost the past 7 months, there is only one thing in my head. That is.....Β 

MDZS aka The Grandmaster of demonic cultivationΒ 

I've also read MXTX 's other booksΒ 


I personally Hualian has suffered much more than the others. And the wait! Who'll wait 800 years for their love. Yeah I know Lan zhan would have. If it happens. And Binghe too... But still!Β 

The first YA novel series I read wasΒ 

Harry Potter Series by J.K Rowling.... And ever since Iam a Potter head!Β 

I think I'm a mix of Gryffinsor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw! Which house are you in?Β 

Then, I was introduced in to the world of demigods throughΒ 

The Percy Jackson Series by Rick RiordanΒ 

I've read all the books I could get in chrome about the fandom.Β 

The Heroes of OlympusΒ 

The trials of ApolloΒ 

The Kane ChroniclesΒ 

Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard

Uncle Rick is so amazing. Isn't he?Β 

The Mortal Instruments Series by Cassandra Clare

Seriously! That was epic...Β 

The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins

I'm awed at Susan's imagination!Β 

Twilight Saga by Stephanie MeyerΒ 

What do you think about this book series?Β 

Inheritance Cycle by Christopher PaoliniΒ 

The movie was a huge flop! Even bad than PJO

The Shadow and Bone Trilogy,by Leigh Bardugo.Β 

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo.

The two books on top right corner are the ones in this series...Β 

These are also fantastic!Β 

The Fault in Our Stars Novel by John Green

( I couldn't add pictures because limit has reached )Β 

And many more..................Β 

Should I add a part two, introducing other books I read?Β 

I know I know I'm deviating from the main topic. But what can I do? I'm like this. I'll easily get distracted..Β 


Do you wanna know how I look like?Β 

It's my own drawing. And I haven't added any details. So, don't judge me by just this....Β 

I hope it's alright to add this in such a platformΒ 


I look like this... I know I'm fat. But as @Bangtan_Ocean says... I'm fat. so what? Don't put stigma on the word. I don't care about what people think about me. Nor should you!Β 

We all are beautiful in our own way...Β 

Thanks to @niriyas for reminding me that...Β 

I'd be glad if you add this to your library, so that you'll get notified when I update.Β 

I'll mention when I'll temporarily stop updating. Then you can remove it from the Library.Β 


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