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"My lord, it is physical weakness coupled with excessive fright that led to him fainting. I have given him acupuncture and prescribed another dose of medicine for him to take so that he can rest well," said the doctor.

Xiao Zhan nodded and ordered Housekeeper Qin to follow him and retrieve the medicine. After sending the doctor away, he faced Gao Tan's resentful eyes and smiled awkwardly: "You may not know that, with how critical the situation was at the time, he might have been assassinated by the enemy first if I didn't take him with me."

Gao Tan's expression was still aggrieved.

"Really, you have to trust me, I want to protect your master." Xiao Zhan moved towards the bed while talking and looked down at the weak person lying on the bed, his eyes closed tightly and his face pale. Gritting his teeth, he turned and walked out. "I'm going to kill that old hen to make soup for him!"

The sound of footsteps got farther and farther away. Wang Yibo's eyelashes trembled twice and he slowly opened his eyes, looking around. After confirming that he was in the house and not in the underworld, he propped himself up on the bed and prepared to sit up.

"My lord, you're awake." Gao Tan quickly stepped forward to help him up and handed him a cup of hot water.

Wang Yibo took two sips and asked softly, "How did I get back?"

"The General......" Gao Tan recalled the scene at that time, and immediately changed his words. "I brought you back."

Wang Yibo didn't want to imagine that scene at all, and asked again, "Where are those men in black?"

"Caught by the General and several lieutenants who rushed over later, but as soon as they were caught, they committed suicide immediately without leaving any identifying information.," Gao Tan said.


Since the Gold Collar Guards were dead soldiers, they were ready to die at any time. No matter the reason for being caught, they must kill themselves immediately and not let others find out any information.

Wang Yibo nodded and then looked toward the door: "Where is Xiao Zhan?"

"The General is going to butcher a chicken to make soup for you."

Wang Yibo coughed and pushed him hastily: "Quick, go and stop him."

"What's wrong?" Gao Tan asked nervously.

"I want white chicken noodles with shark's fin, barbecued suckling pig, hibiscus jelly in clear soup and drunken prawns, not chicken soup."

Wang Yibo recited the names of several dishes in one breath. Since he had come to the General's Mansion, he was getting tired of the chicken and fish from the courtyard every day.

Wasn't living in this world just for the sake of the desires of the tongue? What's more, his household was wealthy and powerful, so he couldn't bear this grievance.

Gao Tan immediately ran to find Xiao Zhan. The man had already slaughtered a chicken, and when he heard that Wang Yibo was going to change the menu, he couldn't care less about washing up, so he came to the bedroom and asked: "Do you not understand the concept of going easy on the stomach when you're ill?"

Wang Yibo saw the blood on his hands and sleeves and he still smelled like chicken. He instinctively covered half of his face with the blanket and glared: "You stand over there! Don't come near me!"

Xiao Zhan glanced down and put his hands behind his back, but seeing his half-covered appearance, he felt it was extra fresh and cute, so he couldn't help approaching to say: "It's going to be dark soon, where can I find so many fresh ingredients for you? How about eating lightly for these two days and having a big meal another day?"

"I'll say it again, I'm going to eat these today!" After Wang Yibo spoke sharply, he started coughing again.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll go and tell the kitchen to prepare them." Xiao Zhan was defeated and tried to reach out to pat him on the back, but Wang Yibo abruptly glanced at his bloody hand. He took it back awkwardly, told Gao Tan to take care of him, and then went to the kitchen.

Wang Yibo slept in the room for a while before he heard Gao Tan calling him to get up for dinner.

It was already dark outside, so he put on a cloak and walked slowly to the hall. When he arrived at the door, he saw several people sitting inside.

– A group of military officials.

"Wang-daren, sorry to bother you," He Cuizhang said loudly, smiling.

"The General asked us to discuss some matters, saying that you ordered the kitchen to cook some good dishes and wanted us to stay and eat together. Thank you, my lord," Zhong Yuehong explained.

The others also nodded in agreement, looking at him with a hint of gratitude in their eyes.

Wang Yibo: "......"

He looked at Xiao Zhan, who was pretending to be obedient, and his eyes gradually turned cold.

"Come, take your seat quickly." Xiao Zhan didn't seem to notice his anger. He got up and walked in front of him with a smile, helped him untie the cloak, and led him to his seat. "Come on, it's all your favorite food, eat it while it's hot."

The table was full of delicacies from the mountains and the seas, and Wang Yibo's temper eased a little. He tasted every dish and they were beautiful and delicious. Raising his head in satisfaction, he found that the other people were staring at him. He said: "Are you all just going to watch? Raise your chopsticks."

"Thank you, my lord!"

After receiving the order, the group of people immediately picked up their chopsticks with gleaming eyes and began to attack the table.

A quarter of an hour later, Wang Yibo regretted it so much that he wished he could go back and slap himself twice. What was the point of wasting those words? If he let this group of boorish people move their chopsticks, would he still have a share?

Everyone put down their utensils in turn. He Cuizhang patted his stomach and said with emotion: "The food in the capital is better than in the military camp. I've never eaten so comfortably in my life as I have in the past few days."

Zhong Yuehong: "Thank you, General and Wang-daren, for your hospitality."

"It's no bother, the two of us can't finish eating so many dishes anyway." Xiao Zhan waved his hands magnanimously, then looked at Wang Yibo with a deep expression. "Don't you think so?"

Wang Yibo put down his chopsticks and left the hall without looking back.

"What's wrong with Wang-daren?" He Cuizhang asked in confusion.

"It's fine, he was just frightened today, so he's not in a good mood," Xiao Zhan said.

The others expressed their understanding. Today's situation was very dangerous. If they hadn't arrived in time, it would have been very difficult for the General to escape from a group of masters while dragging Wang Yibo.

"General, there is one thing I don't understand......are you saving him frequently because you have cleared him of suspicion?" He Cuizhang asked in a low voice.

Xiao Zhan shook his head.

"Then why do you......"

"He's so good-looking."


"He shouldn't be my enemy, otherwise what could I do?" Xiao Zhan touched his chin and pondered.

"......" He Cuizhang did not expect that General Xiao, who had heroic features and a righteous body, was also a person who would be addicted to beauty!

Xiao Zhan saw his shocked mouth open wide enough to swallow two eggs, and laughed out loud: "Just kidding."

He Cuizhang heaved a sigh of relief.

"I have my own arrangements......there is a man in black who escaped......" Xiao Zhan thought of something, smiled suddenly, and started to chase people off. "All right, all right, leave as soon as you finish eating. Don't hang around drinking in my house, I don't have time to entertain you."

"Obviously you were the one who kept us here," He Cuizhang muttered.

After sending all of his subordinates away, Xiao Zhan went to the kitchen, brought out the chicken soup and fish porridge that had been stewed for a long time, and walked to the bedroom. Seeing Wang Yibo writing at his desk, he smiled and asked: "What are you doing?"

Wang Yibo didn't respond, just continuing to write on the paper.

"You weren't full just now, come and have some porridge. It was specially prepared for you." Xiao Zhan casually walked to his side, looking down at the words on the paper. It turned out to be a divorce agreement.

He read it with relish. The letter was voluminous and flowing, with remarkable literary talent. Every word was an indictment of his unjust treatment.

Xiao Zhan cried out in grievance: "You have no conscience, why didn't you mention that I was ready to die for love when I saved you?"

The brush stroked hard on the paper, and a stain appeared. Wang Yibo took a deep breath and looked sideways at him, as if beholding a fool: "Why were you going to die?"

"For love, ah. We're husband and wife, what else if not for love?" Xiao Zhan teased. Every time he mentioned such mushy words, it would definitely make Wang Yibo angry, and then his whole body would be endlessly vibrant and full of life. He would try every means to bully him, never tiring of teasing Wang Yibo, as if it was a very fascinating thing.

Sure enough, Wang Yibo's face was indignant. His expression was no longer as cold as a casket, and he raised his hand to draw on his face. "Who is the one who said we would be good brothers in the next life?"

"I regret it, let's be husband and wife in the next life, ba." Xiao Zhan smiled heartily, letting him do whatever he wanted on his face.

"Who will continue to be husband and wife with you!" Wang Yibo put the brush on the table with a snap, and gave him a hard look. "Don't be so pleased with yourself, ugly person."

Just as Xiao Zhan was going to refute, he thought of something and walked up to the bronze mirror. A big turtle was drawn on his face, and when his mouth opened, it looked like the turtle was opening its mouth.

He turned his head and happened to catch the corners of Wang Yibo's mouth slightly curved. In an instant, he returned to his expressionless appearance, as if what he had seen just now had been an illusion. Xiao Zhan pointed at the other party and said, "You just smiled."

"I did not," Wang Yibo denied cooly.

"You did."

"Did not."

The two faced each other in silence for a moment. Xiao Zhan took the lead and smiled: "Okay, you didn't, can you come over to have porridge now?"

Although he was angry, he couldn't joke around with his body. Wang Yibo carefully folded the letter and handed it to him, then sat down at the table and sipped the porridge.

Xiao Zhan casually put the divorce agreement in a drawer, sat down beside him, and stared at him.

Wang Yibo frowned and shot him a sidelong glance, then picked up the bowl, turned around, and sat with his back facing him.

"How is it? Does it taste good?" Xiao Zhan put one arm on the table and propped up his face with his hand, looking at his back with a smile. "Be careful with your sleeves."

He reached out to lift the other's sleeve, so as not to let it brush the chicken soup. Who knew that Wang Yibo would subconsciously push him away, causing his arm to bump against the table. He let out a muffled groan.

Wang Yibo turned his head and gave him a suspicious look.

Xiao Zhan retracted his arm silently.

Seeing this, Wang Yibo put down the bowl and turned around. He pulled up his arm and opened the sleeve to see that a small area of his forearm was wrapped in white gauze. A little blood oozed out, staining a small part of the gauze red.

"How did it happen?" Wang Yibo looked up at him. "The men in black?"

Xiao Zhan nodded in embarrassment and said offhand: "I was just careless for a moment. Normally, even if a hundred or a thousand people came against me, they would not be able to land a strike."

Normally......What was the difference between today and the usual?

He'd had an extra burden.

Perhaps it was an injury he got by keeping that burden by his side. Perhaps it was from a sword that was blocked for that burden.

Wang Yibo was silent for a moment, then rolled his sleeves down, walked to the door, and ordered Xiao Gao to call the doctor in to check the wound again.

Fortunately, there was no serious problem. After reapplying the medicine and rebandaging it, the doctor gave a few more instructions before leaving.

Soon there were only two people left in the room. The night was deep. Wang Yibo lay down under the blanket and glanced at the person lying flat on the floor. Maybe it was because of his tough constitution that he didn't need bedding and could sleep all night with a blanket on the ground.

"Aren't you afraid of the cold?" Wang Yibo asked curiously.

"What cold?" Xiao Zhan said casually, covering up the years he had experienced.

"You're not marching and fighting outside now, why don't you treat yourself kindly?"

"I fear that a life of luxury will eliminate my vigilance." Xiao Zhan yawned. "As you can see, you can encounter danger at any time in the capital, so it is obvious that there is no place that is completely safe."

Wang Yibo sighed. He got up, picked up a stack of books and placed them in the middle of the bed, and took out a blanket from the cabinet: "Until your injury recovers, sleep here temporarily."

As soon as the words were spoken, a figure flashed before his eyes to lay on the bed with staggering speed.

"......" Wang Yibo gave him a blank look. Taking off his shoes, he crossed over his feet and crawled inside. "Don't you fear a life of luxury now?"

"Hey, how can this be called a life of luxury? This is sending charcoal on a snowy day,[1]* ah."

*[1] The idiom, "Sending charcoal on a snowy day" (ι›ͺ中送炭) means to provide help to someone in their hour of need.*

Xiao Zhan smiled as he watched his jet-black hair hang down, all the way from the end of the bed to the pillow.

After putting out the lights, Wang Yibo abruptly said: "Tomorrow morning, you remember to tell the Emperor about this."

"About what?"

"The surprise attack by the men in black, and you single-handedly fighting against many."

"Is this asking me to show off my heroic deeds in public?" Xiao Zhan asked with a smile.

Wang Yibo scoffed coldly and stopped speaking.

The next day, as soon as he heard the sound of someone rolling over, he rubbed his eyes and sat up. Right after calling Gao Tan, he realized that he didn't have to go to court anymore.

He watched Xiao Zhan put on his clothes and tie his hair in a few brief movements before donning his sword in high spirits. He exhorted: "Don't forget what you have to tell the Emperor."

"Got it." Xiao Zhan turned around and saw him sitting on the bed with one hand propped outside of the blanket, his eyes sleepy, like a wife watching her husband go out and nagging non-stop. He smiled. "If you can't sleep, go to the training grounds and practice with Yuehong and the others. It will be good for your health."

"Who said I can't sleep." Wang Yibo fell on the bed as soon as he heard the words "training grounds," rolled up in the blanket and turned over, leaving a rear view of the person who was determined not to exercise.

Xiao Zhan smiled silently. Before leaving, he heard him cough twice, perhaps due to getting up too hastily and letting cold air in.

He returned to the bed and tucked in the blanket, went to the kitchen alone to prepare a hot water bottle, put it at his feet, and then went out into the ink-dark night.

There was silence all around. Wang Yibo slowly opened his eyes. He was absent-minded for a moment before getting up, and when he caught sight of the hot water bottle from the corner of his eye, he was stunned for a moment and then carried it to the study.

The study room had not been used for a long time, and some of the stored rice paper was starting to turn yellow, but he had ordered for them to be kept. At this time, he chose one of them and began to draw on the paper.

A short while later, he glanced at the sky. It was almost time to go down, so he called Gao Tan: "Give this to Eunuch Gao. Be sure to do it quickly."

In the court hall, after the politics were over, the Emperor took the initiative to ask Xiao Zhan: "General Xiao, I heard that you handed over many unclaimed corpses to the government offices yesterday. What happened?"

"Answering Your Majesty, this servant went out with Wang Yibo yesterday when we encountered assassins. This servant took them down, but the group of people unexpectedly committed suicide as soon as they were captured," Xiao Zhan replied.

"Do you know who it was?"

"This servant doesn't know. This servant knows very little about the affairs of the capital, so he can only hand everything over to the government for investigation. If the government requires assistance, you can ask this servant to transfer people over at any time, and this servant will also send more people to ensure Wang Yibo's safety. Please rest assured, Your Majesty," Xiao Zhan said.

Wang Xuan's lips moved, but he had let him finish talking, so he could only let it go. Reviewing memorials after court, he suddenly became emotional and threw out the memorial in front of him.

The Gold Collar Guard lost more than thirty people in one day, and it was even impossible to know the truth. They sent people to investigate, and the result was that the men in black attacked Wang Yibo secretly, and Xiao Zhan protected him. Countless people could testify to this.

If this was the case, he couldn't blame Xiao Zhan. Because Xiao Zhan didn't know of the existence of the Gold Collar Guard, it was understandable that he would hurry to protect Wang Yibo.

But if someone designed it on purpose, it was only Wang Yibo who knew the Gold Collar Guard well. But Wang Yibo had been living in peace with the Gold Collar Guard all along, and still needed to rely on them to protect his safety, so how could he use Xiao Zhan's hand to kill so many people?

Could it be......Wang Yibo was certain that he could find someone more suitable than the Gold Collar Guard to protect him?

Who? Xiao Zhan?

After only a few days of acquaintance, your heart is already set on Xiao Zhan?

While he was thinking about it, Eunuch Gao came in holding a painting and said: "Your Majesty, this is Wang-daren's painting. It was handed over to this old slave for safekeeping a few days before the wedding. Just now when I was tidying up, I remembered it and thought that His Majesty should decide where it goes."

"What painting?" Wang Xuan asked curiously.

Eunuch Gao unfolded the painting, and he saw a boy holding a fan.

"Isn't this me?" Wang Xuan's thoughts shifted slightly. His fingers lingered on the painting for a moment, and he asked with some nostalgia, "When did I look like this?"

"Your Majesty, have you forgotten? This is the first time Wang-daren saw His Majesty. It was His Majesty's discerning eyes that picked him out of the pile of slaves who were covered in filth," Eunuch Gao reminded.

Wang Xuan had long forgotten the day when he first met Wang Yibo, but the scene at that time was still vivid in his memory. Wang Yibo's fragile eyes filled with the will to survive made him seem to be looking at himself, and later he often saw the meaning of adoration in those eyes.

"It has been so many years, but he still remembers how I used to be," Wang Xuan said with emotion. "This paper is so old, when did he draw it?"

"This slave does not know. He refused to reveal it, but he always remembered His Majesty's kindness."

"Forget it, let us go to Xuanhe Hall." Wang Xuan smiled gently,

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