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After class, I directly went to mansion thinking about what Aslin said , maybe he is my naseeb, didn't my father said he is religious ?. But I am so nervous now. Then I recite " Hasbiyallahu la ilaha illa huwa, alaihi tawakkaltu wa huwa Rabbul Arshil Azim ". And she add " La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah "

Then I reached the mansion and went inside. My parents are in living room then mother " oh you came? Go and get ready ". I nodded and went to my room. But my mind thinks something is not right. " ya Allah " then went to take a shower and wear my casual dress and it's time for my Salah. Then I went to do ablution (wudu) , wear my jilbab and started to do my Salah. In praying " Ya Allah, you know what will happen, but no matter what happens, I know that you are doing it for my good, I trust in your plan, give me sabr( patience) Allah " . Then after praying I read Qur'an and recite few dikr and I know I'm late because of this, but I don't care about anything else exc isept Allah. Then last I recite Ayatul kursi and salam then I fold my prayer mat and then I removed my jilbab and started to get ready.

Author's POV

She wear this gown that her mother ordered her to wear. After wearing them she wear her hijab and also wear a ring. On her wrist, a bracelet is already there , A special bracelet is given by someone special. She wears that bracelet everytime, she only remove it before taking shower. That's a beautiful bracelet and that is perfect fit and pretty for her.
Ans she get ready.

her outfit is perfectly fit for her but she always prefer her comfortable outfit but now that impossible to wear because, her mother ordered her wear this gown and she said also " you look presentable in front of them " Ayesha is not comfortable with all these things. She don't like to get attention from people. She just want to live her life just being herself.

Her black eyes have a kind of panic. Her long eyelashes curled slightly as she blinked. Her little plump lips are perfect just the way they are, and she's biting them nervously now. She didn't even wear any makeup, but her honey face glowed naturally, her hijab was a crown for her head, and completely she was so beautiful inside and out, and indeed Allah is the best creator.

But now she is very nervous and she recite " La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah ". Then waiting for few hours , She heard a knock she opened the door and saw aunt Ayesha sighed in relief and hugged her. She also hugged her back and Patt her back. Then Ayesha broke the hug and said " oh aunt I'm dying of panic here, You came at the right time " aunt give her a smile " oh dear , don't be nervous come down they calling you and the groom is very handsome " I looked down then said " Aunt, let's go " then they started to going downstairs, she walking while looking down and She can hear their voices from the living room.

Then she reached and standing while looking down and aunt leave her while bowing at her parents and guest. Then said " Assalamualaikum " the groom's parents said with a big smile " walaikum salam " then groom's mother stand up from her seat and went near her then said while gently grabbing her shoulders "come dear , sit with me " Then they sat next to each other on the couch. Then his mother said " oh honey, you are so beautiful Maashallah It's not for nothing that my Adam liked you " .

When she arrived, Adam's lustful eyes fell on her, and he realized that she was beautiful even up close. He noticed everything about her how is that dress is fit her , how her face is shining without anything, he noticed everything.

Adam Aziz, A womenzier, jerk and a manipulation man. He is good, religious, kind, and treats all women with respect. Only he knows what he thinks about all the women who have passed him by and with what eyes he looks at them. He acting nicely infront his parents. He raped several girls, threatened some silently, and killed some. Later, since he is a CEO, he used money to get rid of these. If he likes a girl, he will try to talk to her nicely, then he will mix drugs with their drinks, and then he will take advantage of that girl. Not only that, he drinks, smokes, sometimes uses drugs, and even goes to clubs with his friends. But his parents are unaware of that.


Adam's POV

Now I am driving to my mansion after work. I am very tired with office works and I have to relax but today mother said come home early so today no *****. I realised a annoying sigh. Ohh my head is exploding, for now I can calm down with a coffee right ?. Then I see a cafe and park my car and went inside the cafe then I went to the counter for ordering coffee and there I saw a girl in counter. She asked my order with a smile and My mind tells me to break her here in this place. But I controlled myself and give her my charming smile tell her my order and name.

I sat at a table waiting for her sweet voice to call my name, then my phone started ringing, I woke up from my dirty mind, then I looked at my phone, it my mother I sighed and said " hello mother? " Then she said " where are you son , just come home now " I rolled my eyes and about to speak but I stopped when a cafe man called a name " Ayesha " then my eyes went around the cafe then a women raise her hands and said " yes " her back is facing me I try see her face but not then she stand up and turned around my phone slips from my hand and my lips parted. I looked at the girl from head to toe. She is very beautiful unlike other girls. How beautiful she is from afar, then how beautiful she will be when I **** her down in my bed. my bed , I never **** woman in my bed. I don't want her for one night, I want her every day, every night, in my bed, in my arms every day and I will make her mine.

Then his mother's voice woke him from his thoughts. Then he picked up his phone. His mother is talking but i said in hurriedly " mother I will come in 20 minutes , bye " Then I hang up the phone. I looking her while she talking to her friends then that cafe girl called me then I went to take my order but my eyes are going to her, I ignore this counter girl. I don't want any girls , I just want her, only her.

Then I sat in the table and started sipping my coffee while watching her. After few minutes, she went to pay the bills and then I also went to pay bills. She done with paying but that cafe man called her and said bye to her while smiling I clenched my jaw and my fist is turning white. Then she left and I went to car then I said to myself " I must make her mine as soon as possible, or others will take her away ".

Author's POV

Then next day , he said to his secretary to find her all the details and after few hours he get her full details and surprised about her parents cause, Ayesha didn't like the attention so,
Only her friends know the secret of her parents and other information. Then he decides to marry her. First he tell his parents that he like a like, his parents are support his decision, then his father , Mr. Aziz tell this to Mr. Ali. Mr & Mrs.Ali is blinded by money. They just care about their prestige and money.


All the time Ayesha is looking at down, she didn't even looked up at Adam or others once. Then their parents started talking about their business, their kids marriage benefits for each other etc. on other hand, Adam is looking at her like he want eat her. His lusty eyes checking her even she fully covered. Then his mother looked at his son who is looking at her Ayesha , then she nudged her husband to saw their son. Then they exchange a smile and his father said " can they talk privately ? " Then Mr. Ali said " sure they can talk privately" Ayesha began to nervous more and she whispered herself " o Allah just help me " then she recite " La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah ". Then Mrs . Ali said softly " O Ayesha can you take him to garden " her parents are acting nicely infront them.


Then I nodded and started to walk and he is behind me but I feel something is not right. I felt him looking behind me and I am uncomfortable now , then I stopped walking and he stopped too. I said without turning " can you come infront I will just tell you the direction " then felt him walking infront of me. I just sigh and tell him the direction of garden. Finally we reached the garden and
We sat on the chair near the table.
I didn't looked up once. On the other hand I feel he looking at me. Then after minutes passing in silence, finally he started to talk " hi let's start with our names ? Even already know eachother names ,I am Adam Aziz " I don't know his name , my parents didn't tell me. Then I said " oh I am Ayesha Maryam " he smiled at me and said " pretty name for pretty women and can you please look at me when you speak " then I slowly nodded and looked at him. Yes, he's handsome, but his eyes, those eyes look at me in different ways, and I didn't know what it was. When I looked at him his mouth parted, then I quickly looked at my garden to avoid his eyes.

Then after talking with him for few minute. I think he is a good and kind man, but my intuition tells me why he is not. Then his parents called him , then he stood up and started walking towards them. In middle he stopped and said " I not happy with my fate " A look of confusion appears on my face , and he noticed and said " Because fate didn't show you to me earlier " then he give me smile and went to his parents. I am here standing without moving , I said " yah Allah, Is he really my naseeb ? Oh sorry, I'm sorry for doubting you, Ya Allah, forgive me. Astagfirullahil aleeyul Aleem ".

Then I hear my mother calling me so , I went to the living room while looking down. Mrs. Aziz said " ok dear , we are getting going and you will hear a good news from us , see you soon " then I said salam and they replied to the salam . Then Adam said " bye my soon to be wife and see you soon " I silently stand here without looking at him. Then I hear their footsteps going away then I sighed and looked at my parents and they are happy because their business going to expand and they will get more success , With my marriage they will get everything, what will I get ? Really they are not caring about me , eve a little bit ? I then sighed and went to my room.

Then it's time for my ishah prayer, I wear some comfy clothes then do ablution ( wudu ) and wear my jilbab and then I started to do Salah, after Salah I started to making dua " yah Allah " I just let out a long sigh , I don't know what to say so I just layed her head on the mat and close my eyes. " You know what's in my heart without me saying anything and just give me strength " After minutes passed in silence , I slowly sit down and read Qur'an and recite few dikr then I recite Ayatul kursi and salam then fold my prayer mat and remove my jilbab and I wear my hijab properly and went to downstairs to eat my dinner. My parents is not there I sighed in relief and began to eat.

After eating I went to terrace and removed my hijab and a smile formed in my face. I am feeling very calm here . Then I looked at moon that shines perfectly. Every time I look at the moon, I feel very special, as if Allah gave me the moon to take care of me. Her bracelet shines with her in the moonlight.

Then after staying here for few minutes I wear her hijab normally and My hair was blowing in the air, then I tied it with a crunchie, then I went to my room to sleep. Then I lay on the bed and recite few duas And I fell asleep.

- To be continued

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