Author's POV
" So what are you both doing here? " Tahir asked them.
Kim Tahir / Kim Tae , A famous cardiologist. He was a religious man who follows Allah's way. He don't miss any Salah. He never went to any parties. In his friends circle, he was only one who is never do anything wrong doing because he believe Allah. He never touched any women he was just waiting for his naseeb. He is kind, soft and gentle man. Amd also he is very handsome man . All girls are line up for him but he just ignore them. He advice Jungkook lot like " just try to believe Allah " but jk only don't listen that thing so he leave that thing from his mind. But he love all the friends very much. Sometimes they meet at some restaurant.
Jimin said " nothing we are just bored so we think let's go to see you ". Tahir said " woah... So you you come here because of boredom ". Then he playfully slapped Jimin on the shoulder. Then jk said " no hyung we just come to see you , mostly you are busy with your hospital and we didn't see for a long time ". Tahir smiled at him and said " look jiminie he love me not like you". Jimin give him a bombastic eyes and said " yes yes he love us ".
Then Tahir said " you don't get any new girls jiminie " " oh no tae all are just a waste of time " jimin said and jk rolled his eyes. Tahir laughed at them.
" You know tae just a moment ago a old lady fell down and I was about go but two beautiful girls come and helped her ". Jimin said while his big eyes and tahir shake his head " oh beautiful ? You mean short dress and bundle of makeup? ". Jimin rolled his eyes " no you idiot they are just beautiful in natural way , one is an hijabi she looks so pretty ". " Just leave them alone jiminah " tahir said.
Meanwhile jk is in his own world he don't care about any ' girls topic '.
They three talked for some time and it's getting dark then they leave their house. Today jk's dad is in home so he just want to spend some with his father. He just love his father so much much but some habits don't change even his father tried to change them. He went to his room and take shower and wear a comfy clothes then he went to living room see his father is doing dikr on tasbeeh. He just rolled his eyes then he went to him and sit on couch. They talked about work , about his friend's work etc. then after eating they went to their own room for sleep. He come to his room and went to balcony. The cold breeze hitting his skin he just released a long sigh and looked at the sky. Then after few minutes of looking at sky he went to sleep.
After coming from jeny's apartment I stepped inside the mansion
The mansion looked so quiet so I think father and mother is not yet here. Aunt Azma come with a smile and asked " how is your check up went ? ". I sighed and said " As usual Aunt she gives me more medicines for my cure ". Then I was about to go to my room then Aunt's words stops me " The doctor doesn't know that the real pain is not in your head but in your heart " I turned and looked at her then she continues " There's no medicine for that pain, but love, now you don't have it in your life " I was about talk but I don't know what to say then she give a small sad smile then she went to kichen. I went to my room her words are ringing in my ears unknowingly my tears started to flow . I wispered " ya Allah " I started to sob " yah Allah can you give me more strength, I have no one but you i have only you La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah " after calming down a little I went to take shower and changed into this
After wearing this then wiping my hair and I take a hijab and wear it normally then went to washroom to do ablution (wudu). Then I take my black praying mat to do my Salah and wear my white jilbab ( full covering dress for Salah) and started my Salah , My eyes welled up when I reached Ruku', but I suppressed my tears and went into Sujud, with that I lost my control and started to cry silently , after few seconds of crying I continued my Salah.
After finishing my Salah I just layed in sujood position and started cry while talking to Allah. " Allahumma innee a'uzubika min alhammi wal huzni wal ajzi wal kasli wal bukhli wal jubni wa dala'id dayni wa galabatir rijaal ".
" Astaghfirullaha Rabbi wa atuubu ilayhi " ( I seek forgiveness from Allah, my Lord, and I turn to Him in repentance). After crying and praying for sometimes, I started to read Qur'an then do my dikr. After doing these things and talking to Allah helps me to relax myself. A genuine smile formed my face and said " Alhamdulillah for healing me ". Then I recite Ayatul kursi And said salam then I fold my prayer mat and remove my jilbab and wear my hijab properly then went downstairs to eat dinner.
So far, my parents never eat with me, I always eat alone. Whenever they see me they either ignore me or they just yell at me, just to vent their anger. So I decide one thing , From tomorrow I will go to college before they leave the mansion and I will eat before or after them and go to my room quietly. I reach the dinning room and looked around that my parents are here or not " they ate their dinner and went to their room " aunt said. I flinched when she speak from my back and said to her "oh aunt you scared me" I said putting my hand on my heart. Then dinner was served and he started eating I asked her " did you had your dinner ?" She said while giving me a smile " yes dear ". After eating I washed my dishes . Then I went to terrace and leave a long sigh. Then I removed my hijab and untie my hair and now it's blowing in the wind. This is the place where I find a peace in the whole mansion. Then I looked towards the moon that is glowing beautifully I said " Mashallah you are so beautiful today. " and the cold breeze is hitting my skin . After sometime I spent here then I left to the room after wearing my hijab.[ like this ( shayla ) because she is the only here. Whenever she is alone she wear hijab like this ]
I saw the wall clock that shows 8:30 . I sighed and opened my bag and take my books and started to study. After studying for one and half our I closed my book and ready for bed. Then I take my pills bottle " that's going to work.....or not" then I think about what aunt said ok "from now on I am not going to take it. That dreams still come even if I take this pills. so, I don't going to take it".
Then I layed in the bed and recite few dikr, few surah, then I started to pray and at last I recite "Allahumma bismika amutu wa ahya". Then I fell asleep after few minutes.
Author's POV
Next morning , Ayesha see that dream again, she wake up in tears and sweating. Then after relaxing and reciting few duas she did her daily routine like tahjud, Fajr Salah , exercise and meditation fastly because today onwards she wants to leave before her parents saw her. So she ready and wear this -
She then went downstairs and said salam to aunt and aunt asked her that why she is going early for college she said while giving a small laugh " from onwards I am going this time so I don't have to witness any drama here ". Aunt said while laughing " oh dear that's sounds good " after having breakfast, she said salam to her aunt then she left to her college.
I reached the college and waiting for Aslin. She don't know that I am coming earlier than her. So I went to sit in the bench waiting for her. After few minutes of waiting she come and not noticed me so I went from her behind and scared her and She flinched. I started to laugh at her. She pout at me but I laughing at her reaction, slowly looking at me she also laughing at me . After laughing few minutes she asked " wow today my bestie is so happy , what's the reason ? And you are earlier than me ?" I give her a small
Then after spending our time in garden we went our class and we are about enter the Nancy and her friends come blocked our way and said " oh look girls our clothyhead is so happy today can we know what's the reason? " I said " Nancy just move away " she give a smirk and said while pointing my head " ok we will move if you remove your that thing" then Aslin said " just move away Nancy why are you doing like this we will never remove our hijab " Nancy clenched her jaw and her face burning in red because of anger I loudl gasp when she grabbed Aslin hijab and I was about to grab her hand but a hand grabbed her hand I looked towards person, that is jeny I sighed in relief. Jeny twist Nancy's hand on her back then hissed and said " yah you **** leave me it's hurting " Nancy's face is turning pale her friends is now scared of jeny . Jeny said " how dare you to touch my friends and how many times I leave you because of them , today I am not going leave you **- ". " No cursing " we both said together. Jeny turned toward us and said a small sorry. " Jeny just leave her , don't create any problems" I said while looking around all are looking the scene. Jeny said " no yamie she deserves it how many time I let her go , this time I will not let her go " then Aslin said " yah jeny I am telling you leave her now " she said with a firm tone jeny looked towards her and gulped nervously then leave Nancy's hand. Her hand turned dark red because of jeny's grip. I take her hand in my hand and said " oh it will leave a bruise let's go to the nurse room and put a ointment ". Jeny said " yah yamie are you crazy why are you worried for her " I looked at her with my big eyes then she added " just leave it" . Then Nancy pulled her hand from my grip " don't act , you **** ". Then I whispered myself " Astagfirullah " she went I just said with a loud voice " just go to nurse room". I turned my friends jeny looking at me like she was about eat me alive I then hid behind Aslin. Yes jeny sometimes scared of Aslin because of her scary looks. Aslin is older than her like three months.
Then we went to our seats and that time Mr . Lim come. Then I nudged jeny and said " You came early today, what's up? "
" My instincts told me that you two were in danger so I come ASAP " I give her teasing smile.
In lunch break , we are eating In cafeteria jeny said " hey guys , I have to tell you something. " Me and Aslin look
At eachother while raising our eye brows Aslin said " what is it ? Tell us " I nodded my head jeny said " I will tell you don't freak out ok ? " I said out of curiosity " just tell us already " then she said " sftjgkkmhfdfbnm" we looked at her weirdly and Aslin said " why are you so fast ? Do you have a train to catch ?" I suppressed my laugh and said " jeny don't worry we don't judge you ". Then jeny take a long sigh and said " I am falling in love " Aslin choke out on her drink and Started to cough I freaked out like I see some ghost . Aslin's cough brought me back and me and jeny Patt her back jeny said while worriedly " linie are you ok ? " Aslin turned to me and said " did you hear what I heard right? "
I slowly nodded my head and looked at Aslin then we started to laugh. Jeny's worried reaction turned into disbelieve.
We are laughing and middle of laughing I said " what ,you fall in love ? The girl who hates boys that same girl is fell in love ? Wait it is a boy right ? That doesn't matter whatever , we support you " But she rolled her eyes and said " yah you little , ofcourse it's a boy " our stomach is paining from laughing at last we stop our laugh and Aslin said " ok can you tell me who's that unlucky boy? " I laughed at her but her answer is shocked both of us " it's not some boy , it's a man Mr.Lim our professor ". Our jaw is hitting on the floor there she is blushing while looking down. What jeny is blushing?
Author's POV
After few minutes, jeny sensed the quite atmosphere and she looked at her friends and saw they are in shock. She mover her hand on their faces and they come to reality. First Aslin said " what are you serious? That's our professor ". Jeny said " I don't care " , Ayesha said " but he - " jeny cutt off her " yah you guys are my friends or not I feeling for the first time like this , I think you guys support me in that " she said while pouting me and Aslin look at each other and sigh then Aslin said " ok we support you" Ayesha said " but how ? " Jeny said with a shy smile " yesterday, at first sight" Ayesha widened her eyes when she realised something " so today you come early because of him ? " Me and Aslin looked towards her her face is now shy and nodd her head. Aslin said " look Ayesha , she is blushing oh no yah Allah give me my old jeny back " she said in dramatic way jeny rolled her eyes and I laughed at them.
Then ayesha asked " so what is your plan now ? " Jeny shrugged her shoulder and said " I don't know " . Aslin said " it's not illegal feel this way so just just tell him already not live with hope " Ayesha said " yes I think that's also correct " . Jeny said " ok I will tell him soon ".
Ayesha said while teasing her " woah jeny is a girl now wow what a change " and Aslin also joined her " yes that a unbelievable one " they just teasing her all the time and her face turning red .
After finishing their college they went to a cafe . Aslin and jeny is the one who went inside the cafe first, Ayesha is parking her car then step out of it then went inside the cafe and saw they sitting in a chairs that is on the corner. She sighed and went to give their order and tell her name . When their order is ready they will call her.
- To be continued
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