The evening is so peaceful. The birds are chirping , the river is slowly flowing , the scent of rose is covering the whole place. The rose is dancing with the help of wind . The sun is started to setting off and the mountain is looking beautiful in the light of the sun. The nature is waiting for the moon.
There is a six year old Little girl who is busy in plucking the rose beside the river.
Her midi dress and her hijab is blowing in the wind. She shivered little when cold breeze hit her body. Her big eyes are sparkling when she looks at the roses , her little nose and her chubby cheeks are little red because of the cold weather. She bite her small lips when she focused on the rose which she was going to pluck. She was about to pluck until a voice stopped her.
" Ya Allah Qamari " a eleven year old boy called her and her little hand stopped at halfway and looked towards the boy. The boy is older than her , he is wearing a light blue shirt and blue jeans ande his hair is blowing in the wind but his firm eyes is on her.And he narrowed his eyes and said " Qamari don't pluck them". She looked at him with her big puppy eyes and that's all his firm expression turned into a beautiful smile.
She give him a cute smile them plucked the rose and went near him and give to him . He surprisingly asked her " for me , why ? ". She again give her smile and said " because you are my home " . He smiled at her and kissed her forehead " Thank you, Qamari ". Then he looked at his watch and held her hand tightly "let's go home we are getting late" . She said "ok let's go I am hungry " and she take the rose from his hand and put into pocket . " Woah Mash'Allah it's beautiful now " she said with her cute voice then they left their home together.
" QAMARIII.......... YA ALLAH "..............
she closed her eyes after hear it.
Author's POV
She woke up from her dream with a loud gasp and sit in the bed and switch on the light. Her body fully covered with sweat and her heart beating so fast , her mouths get dry and her face full of tears. She closed her eyes and put her hand her heart and said "A'oodhu billahi min ash-shaytaan ir-rajim" .
Then after she cool down then she checked the wall clock that shows 4:30 .
She sigh and said " Alhamdulillahilladhee ahyana ba'da ma amatana wa ilayhin-nushoor ".
Then she get up from the bed and make the bed then she went to the washroom and brush her teeth and do ablution (wudu) . Then she come to her room and do Tahajjud prayer. After the prayer she pray and do her dikr And read Qur'an . After some time , it's time for Fajr and then she do her Salah and started to making dua. After making dua she do her dikr and said Ayatul kursi and salam then she fold her prayer mat.
She is a Ayesha Maryam , she is Studying last year of her degree. She likes her name very much. A kind, generous and very strong women,
She believes in Allah. She care about everyone in this world according her she like that person even that person doesn't like her. She daily do exercises and meditation. She have a beautiful body, face, skin and her hair. Even though her hair reaching her waist, she did not allow anyone to see it and Her body is perfect though She doesn't wear tight clothes to show off her curves in front of a man. Till now she never touch any man and she never let her touch any man.
After folding her prayer mat she went downstairs and she saw some lights are on and she realizes that the maids have arrived in the mansion. Then she went to the kichen and she saw head maid Ms. Azma telling today's works to the other maids.
I said to her " As-Salaam-Alaikum Aunt Azma " . Wa-Alaikum-Salaam dear " She replied with a smile and her small wrinkles are showing that because of her aging. She is 40 years old, but she doesn't look old except for her wrinkles.
" How was your sleep dear ? " She asked while caressing my head and closed my eyes feeling care. " As usual Aunt " I said and she stopped caressing and I opened my eyes looked at her concerned face and she said while " did you see that dream again dear ? " and I said " yes again saw that " she said " you didn't take your medicine " " yes I take it but that dreams coming again and again ". Aunt said while kissing my head " ya Allah help my child " I smile at her love and care then I said " don't worry aunt Allah will help me Insh'Allah and I am visiting my doc after college so no worries " then I make a black tea for me.
Author's POV
A maid (1) asked to another maid (2) " why she is like that with Ms. Azma and why she make herself tea ?" maid (2) replied her " oh are you New ? " maid (1) replied " yes I am new here " then maid (2) said " it is because she is good with everyone and she is very kind and she doesn't like when someone makes her work like making her foods, her tea and coffee and washing her dishes. Many times Ms.Azma told her that maids do them but she didn't listen to her so atlast Ms. Azma said she don't talk to her when she does her work herself like that so Ayesha tells Ms. Azma that make her only foods so now it's the reason why she doing like this " maid (1) " woah she is a very kind girl I have ever seen in this generation ". They continue to do their works.
Ayesha said to Ms. Azma After washing her tea glass, she put it in its proper place " ok aunt see you later " aunt smile at her and said " ok dear ". Then went to her room and do her exercise for 20 minutes and meditation for 15 minutes.
Then she looked towards her wall clock that shows 7:00 am. Then she take her towel and went to washroom to take a shower.
After taking shower she step out from washroom while wiping her hair , she only in her bathrobe . She change her dress into this -
Her father Ali Zakir , A famous business man in Seoul . He doesn't have a time anything . He just work all the time and his mind is running behind fame, money, status. He is a chairman of his company. His company is top in Seoul and he
doesn't care about any other people except the people like him.
Her mother Mrs. Ali , she also a famous hardworking women she is a CEO of her husband's company. She also like her husband her mind is full of branded items . She also don't care any people except her husband likes them.
After waiting for 15 minutes her father is coming downstairs while talking to a phone call and she looking at him with a hopeful eyes but her father went away from the mansion without even looking at her. She looked down and released a sad sigh.
She looked forward when she hears a heels sound and she looked at her mother with a hopeful eyes. Her mother come near her with stern look and asked " what are you doing here ? Didn't you leave yet ? ". Ayesha's heart breaks when her mother talked with her cold voice without showing any love and care. " mother I was about to go after having my breakfast " Ayesha said with her sad face . Right now her face is not showing any hope and happiness.
Ayesha asked her mother nervously
" c..come mother let's have a breakfast together". Her mother replied with her sarcastic smile " breakfast with you ? Are you on a right mind ? "
I looked down when asked me like that and my tears are covering my eyes. Then
She let a scoff and said something that my heart breaks even more " just eat and leave you already know that we are not caring about what you do or not just leave quietly don't change my good mood into bad ". Then she also left from the mansion.
I slowly recite " Allahumma inni a'uzubika min al-hammi wal-huzni, wa a'uzubika min al-ajzi wal-kasal " ( recite when we feel sad ). Slowly my tears flowing from my eyes.
Suddenly a hand caressed my head I looked at her and she hugged me and said " don't cry my dear Allah is with you and just keep your sabr ya Allah save my child and don't worry dear aunt also with you " . Few hours of crying then I eat breakfast even I lost my appetite because we can't waste our food and Allah doesn't like it. After washing my dishes I said salam to aunt and went inside car and recite Ayatul kursi then start a engine went to my college. I know my Allah save from all this and I have to just wait for the right time I have to sabr for that and Insh'Allah one day everything will be alright .
Author's POV
When she was waiting in the signal and she looking towards other side of the road there a old women is trying cross the road but its difficult for her to cross road when cars are moving fastly. The signal is also turned to green but she park her car on side then step out and run towards that old women and held her hand and carefully help her to cross the road . After crossing the road that old women thanked her and prayed for happiness. Ayesha said " thank you grandma just take care of yourself and I have to go ". Then she went away after that old women give her smile. The old women said " yah God give her happiness and care ".
Authors POV
A car come to stop infront of a mansion and a man in 40 step out from it and walked inside the mansion all the maids and bodyguards are bowing towards him. Then he went living room all the maids standing infront of him. All are fears him because of his aura.
The Jeon Ahmad , A famous business man in the whole world. He work hard for his success and he has many companies all the countries. All are fears him but he is also kind for him family and loved ones because he known love and care towards his special ones and also he knows that Allah love the people who love all the people. He likes to do Salah, he like to do zakaat in the name of Allah.
He asked a head maid " where is he ? "
Maid " M...Mr. Jeon he is sleeping " she said while sluttering but he asked casual it is the aura of mr.jeon. he went silent for few minutes again that maid asked him " can I wake him up ?" "No" he said
He asked again " what was the time when he came ?". She replied " 3:00 am " . He looked towards her when she called him " Mr Jeon he also drunk last night when he come to the masion " .
He sigh and sign to leave all of them and whispered himself " ya Allah what will l do with him ? Why my son is not right path ? Please Allah just help him ".
Then he went upstairs and turned the knob and entered his son's room. He saw a dark room and he switch on the light and gasp the sight of room and his son.
The curtains are unmoved, his son's clothes are all in the room, bed is messy ,
In the corner of the room there is a three empty alcohol bottles and last his eyes moved to his son's figure that is sleeping soundly at the bed without care anything.
He started to walk towards him and sit in the bed and looked towards his son he knows why his son was like this. He slowly wake him up and his son Jeon Zayan Ahmed slowly opened his eyes.
Mr.jeon slowly called him " Zay -" he cut him off in deep soft voice for his father " No father don't call me that name please my name is Jeon Jungkook ". He slowly sit down on the bed because he respect his father so much . Someone call that name other than her father he just punch them their face until that person lost his consciousness.
His father said " my son why are you doing to yourself huh ? Why you don't believe Alla - " but this time he lost his sense and raise his voice " NO FATHER HOW CAN I BELIEVE THAT GOD WHEN HE WAS THE ONE WHO TAKE MY MOTHER'S LIFE WHEN I NEED HER THE MOST, HE WAS ONE WHO TAKE MY MOTHER'S LIFE WHEN SHE WAS WITH ME , HE IS THE ONE WHO TOOK MY MOTHER'S LIFE IN FRONT OF MY EYES. THAT SCENE STILL HAUNT ME UNTIL NOW " .
His father looked at his son's vulnerable state how he is looking right now, his eyes are full of tears and it's flowing and also his eyes showing a hate towards tha Allah for taking his mother away from him. Mr Jeon's tears are flowing he can't able see his son like this he just hug his son and patt his back .
Jungkook whispered to his father " so tell me father how can I believe in that God ? " Mr Jeon was about say that he is almighty he is going help him but now he has strength to see his son like this so he shut his mouth.
His father said " ok go take a shower and come to the dinning table and let's have breakfast together until then I said to maid that cleaned this room ". Then his went to take a shower.
He is a Zayan Ahmed but he don't like that name. He likes when people call him Jungkook. He only cry infront of his father and friends . To the world he known as Jeon Jungkook , a cold, arrogant,rude , unrespectfull person.
He lost his temper easily and didn't care about anything except his father and friends. He has so many tattoos on his body like right hand, behind the ear and also he has a lip piercing. He looks so dangerous. He don't care about women because thats a waste of his time.
After taking shower he entered his room and saw room is so clean. Then he went to closet and wear his comfortable outfit for today.
after changing he went downstairs to have a breakfast with his father. His father is waiting for him and smile at him whe he spotted him coming downstairs. He sit in the chair and about to serve but his father stood up and served him . Jk said " sorry father for my behaviour " he hugged her son and said
" It's ok my son I know everything about you but please don't drink inside the mansion please " jk thinks sometime and said " ok father I don't ".
Mr Jeon's POV
My son , I know Allah already written your life and I also know someone will enter your life and guide you right path with the help of Allah. I wish I tell you stop drinking and I wish you will listen to me like good son but no you are not going to listen me. I put you in your Allah's hand. Insh'Allah one day you will be a good son with behaviour.
- To be continued
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Qamari -- My Moon π
Qalbi -- My heart β€οΈ
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