"Hey firecracker!" I heard someone yell from outside, I looked out my window and saw Charlie, Jesse, Connie, Sidney, guy and averman.
"Hey guys!" I poked my head out my window.
"Wanna play some puck!? Y'know duck hockey!" Charlie smirked the last part.
"Hell yeah!" I shouted back and quickly got my skates.
"Hey!" Connie yelled, wrapping an arm around me.
"Hi!" I smirked as I saw guy roll his eyes. "I told you guy, im gonna steal your girlfriend."
"Shut up." Guy groaned, throwing his arms up.
"Hey Charlie," Sidney smiled at Charlie as she skated up to him.
"O-oh uh hi sid- i mean Sidney.." Charlie said nervously.
"Aw nervous Charlie is so cute!" Sidney giggled.
"Ha.." Charlie mumbled, a blush forming on his face.
"This is adorable!" Me and Connie shrieked.
"Between his legs- score!" We saw Adam cheering as he played hockey by himself.
"Hey cake-eater you wanna play some real hockey!?" Jesse yelled.
"Yeah!" I yelled back, my voice cracking. Stupid puberty.
Then i saw her, she stood there. Not looking at me, looking at Charlie. Laughing with Charlie. And i know they're not together or anything, but they're laughing together. And I can't help but feel jealous.
Her hair that is now straightened is blowing in the wind. I don't know why she straightened her hair, I love her natural curls. She has make up on. Not that it makes her look bad, she looks gorgeous. But she's so beautiful with out make up, she doesn't need it.
"Yo Adam you good?" Jesse asked, nudging my shoulder.
"Yea- yea man im fine." I sighed, putting my head down.
"Hey, don't even worry about it." Jesse said putting a hand on my shoulder, "you'll be back together in no time."
"I'd like to think that, but it's Cory man." I sighed, looking back at the girl as we skated.
"Yeah I know," Jesse sighed, "but hey, there's no other guy that's gonna go for her right?"
Jesse was right, there was no other guy that would go after Cortney. I broke up with her. That's boy code.
"Guys it's an international competition! It's up against the world!" I exclaimed.
"Hey man bring em on we're ready!" Goldberg said, then fell down the grass hill. Interrupting a family picnic.
As we skated further down the hill, we saw Fulton tying up Alex and Brandon.
They were stripped into their underwear, a rare sight I never thought I'd see. We all cheered, Cory and Sidney skated over to them to make fun of them.
"Aww so cute!" Sidney laughed, as the two made fun of them.
"Hey Cortney, looking nice," Alex said, eying her.
I wanted to punch him, he had no right to talk to her like that. Or even talk to her nonetheless.
"With I could say the same," the redhead giggled, skating away.
I sighed in relief that she didn't respond to any of his attempts.
We all then skated close by Mikey's, cheering as we saw coach.
"Ducks! Ducks! Ducks! Ducks!" We cheered, circling coach.
"Hey! I really missed you guys! Yall ready to fly?!" Coach exclaimed.
"Yeah!" We cheered, and a limo pulled up.
"Woah who's in there?" A few mumbled next to me, I honestly don't know why everyone was freaking out. It was just a limo.
Everyone ran up to it, besides me and Cortney.. great.
"Adam, im sorry for how I acted yesterday." She said, turning to me.
I grinned shyly, "it's okay Cory," I said looking down at her.
"You're still an asshole," she smiled softly, looking away.
"That I am," I chuckled, still looking down at her head.
authors note
heyy sorry the short chapter but i rushed this!
TikTok: ttwdsired
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