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Later that week, I was at the conways for diner.

"Y'know, I heard the north stars wore the same underwear, all through the playoffs last year. For luck. So I'm doing the same thing." Charlie said placing down the turkey.

I started gagging.
"We are no longer friends!" I yelled in disgust.

"Hmmm, maybe I should have cooked." Coach said, and I nodded.
"Y'know, im thinking, maybe we could all go down to the winter festival tonight." Coach said.

"All four of us?" Charlie asked.


"You should go, with my mom. Me and Cory have homework to do." Charlie said, I nodded catching on to what he was doing.

Then Casey walked in,
"I'm home."

"Hello." She smiled as she saw coach.

"Hi Casey!" I yelled giving her a hug.

"Hey Cory!" Casey smiled, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Go for it." Charlie whispered to coach and I gave him a thumbs up.

"Hi." Coach smirked.

After coach asked her to go, me and Charlie smirked at each other.

"Yes!" We cheered.


The next day, we had the last game that would determine if we would make the semi- finals.

"Go Adam!" I cheered from the bench as he glided down the ice with the puck.

He scored, and we all cheered.

I took the puck, going around multiple hornets and went towards the net, and I scored!

"Yes let's go!" I yelled hugging my teammates.

I then tripped up a hornet, and passing the puck to ave.

"Yes!!" I yelled hugging him.

My and Sidney then walked off the ice, arms around each other.


The next day came quicker then expected, this was the game against the cardinals. Which would determine if we make the finals. The hawks.

Adam took the puck: skating down the ice with it.

He scored!

"Oh yeah!" Me and Sidney cheered from the bench.

I took the face off, and passed to Charlie, who went to the net.

Then passed it to me, I quickly passed it to Jesse then Averman, and he passed it to Adam, then guy, and he scored!

We won!

I scream cheering, skating back to the bench.

Once we went to the locker room, we were all spraying soda all over each other.


Later: my aunt inviting the whole team over for a celebratory sleepover.

Me,connie and sid all got the snacks and were now setting up.

"Hey con, I made sure to have you and guy in the same room y'know." I smirked, making kissing nosing.

"Shut up!" Connie laughed.

"Could me and Charlie have the same bed?" Sidney asked to which me and Connie smirked.

"Ohhhh yeah of corse!" I smirked.

Then the doorbell rang, and the whole team came rushing in.

After everyone settled down, we were in the movie room debating on a movie to watch.

"I say the breakfast club." Charlie said throwing a piece of popcorn into his mouth.

"Nuh uh! We're watching the karate kid! Daniel is hot!" I yelled with nods of agreement from the other girls.

"You are you weird!" Guy exclaimed.

"Hey hey!" I yelled rapping my arm around Connie, "if you want Connie, your gonna have to deal with me because we are a package."

"Yeah guy!" Connie yelled.

"Whatever." Guy scoffed.

"Yeah and besides, you all probably think Allie is hot or something." Sidney said as she turned the movie on.

"Well yeah." Adam shrugged as the other boys agreed.

โ€” about half way into the movie, I hadn't even noticed that me and Adam were holding hands.
I smiled to myself and went back to the movie.

"Sorry to interrupt, but Cory hun I need you for a second." Auntie said and I quickly walked out of the room.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I just got asked if you wanted to go to a hockey summer camp called: Eden Hall Academy, it's also a high school but they have a summer hockey program, oh and I also bought the spots for Sid and Con aswell." Auntie smiled excitedly.

"Oh yes!" I shouted then called for Connie and Sidney to come out.

Auntie then explained to them and they also said yes.

We all then went back inside and finished the movie.

"What was that all about?" Adam asked me.

"Oh nothing." I smiled then ate a cookie.

โ€” later on, all the boys were playing video games, along with tammy, and me, connie and sidney were doing face masks in my room.

"so.... you never really told me what happened after you and adam started dating." Sidney said.

"Well nothing really happened." I shrugged.

"I mean yeah, sidney were 11 wait until we're like 13 to ask those questions." Connie laughed.

โ€” after that, we all went to bed. Getting rest for the game tomorrow agonist the hawks.

Anna speaks!
sorry for another short chapter, but I'm trying to get this book done so I can started the next one!

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