Part 22

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Adeline walks slowly to Jacob and puts her head under Jacob's hand as he still faces away from her. Feeling something touch his hand he quickly pulls it away and looks down. He takes a step back seeing the large animal next to him. The animal wasn't the prettiest animal but wasnt tje ugliest, it had scars all over its body, some small and some big, it has dark Grey hair, short in some place and a little longer hair everywhere else, the short hair showing where it has been hurt in the past. 

Adeline whines softly and sits down when Jacob takes a step away from her. Jacob looks at the animal in slight fear before looking around. After a minute he looks back to the animal. "Adeline?" The animal nods her head. Jacob laughs in disbelief. "It only fair if I do it too, right?" Adeline nods her head. Jacob sighs playfully and starts taking off his clothes. He blushes when he notices that Adeline didn't look way till he was taking off his boxers, not that he really minded. 

Once Jacob shifted he went to Adeline and licked her face causing her to playfully whine. She took in Jacobs wolf before running off with Jacob following close behind her. 


After about two hours of playing around they ran to behind Jacob's house and shifted back, only taking one small glance at each other. Jacob wraps his arm around Adeline as they walk inside the house. They both sigh in relief as their body's hit his bed. They cuddle together as Jacob asks her a question. "Adeline, how did this happen to you?"

Adeline looked up at Jacob. "Well, I was in Beacon Hills, California, and I was looking for half a body with some-"

Jacob cuts her off with a huff in disbelief. "I'm sorry, but it sounded like you said you were looking for half of a human body."

"I did." 


"Anyway, it was night in the middle of a forest while we were looking when the cops showed up. Scott and I when one way while Stiles went another." 

"What the hell is a Stiles?" Adeline hits Jacob's chest.

"Hey, he's a person and my friend. Back to the story before I got cut off, Stiles got found and covered for me and Scott so we wouldn't get in trouble, long story short we fell down a hill, found the upper half of the body, and we both got bitten by an alpha wolf."

Jacob stays quiet for a minute. "How does a bite change you?"

Adeline shrugs. "Something to do with alpha venom, I didn't really listen to Derek when he told us. But I do know that the bite changes what you are based on who you are, most commonly is being turned into a werewolf, and that sometimes the bite doesn't always work if your not strong enough, if your the wrong person you can die, luckily I turned into a Mngwa. And all of the scars I have are fighting the alpha, he wasn't a good gut, Derek ending up killing him."

Jacob blows out air. "Holy shit, that's a lot." 

Adeline nods her head. "And some of the scars are from hunters, they kill the supernatural thinking that all are dangerous, but they mostly killed werewolves, not caring if their innocent or not. There was this hunter named Kate, total bitch, a couple of years ago she burned down a home with an entire family in it. All but 3 died, one turned into the crazy alpha that bit me. Then there was this hunter that almost killed his family in hopes that he will live because he wanted the wolf bite because he has cancer. How are you are werewolf."

Jacob stares at Adeline after her little trauma dump, which wasn't even half of it, before he sighs and telling her everything about shifters, well almost everything. 

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