• • ᴄʜᴀᴩᴛᴇʀ xᴠɪɪ* • •

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Min-Jung could feel his nose on hers as she lightly closed her eyes for a moment. "Cheong-San.. we have to focus.." She mumbled quietly. Placing her hands on his shoulders.

"We will.. later.." Cheong-San whispered.

"What about the others? They're waiting.." She asked quietly.

"They can wait. They're safe in the broadcasting room and I've sent them a message to let them know we are safe." He replied quietly.

Min-Jung listened as she placed her arms around his neck. Feeling the gap between them close as she kissed him. Giving into him as she stayed close.

Cheong-San kissed her back. Keeping his hands on her waist. Pulling her close as he lifted her up.

Min-Jung hummed shyly as she kept her hold on him so she wouldn't fall. Letting him pick her up.

Cheong-San set her down gently on a nearby table before pulling away from their kiss. "I know now is not the best time for this at all but our futures are unpredictable and I want to spend one moment with you again." He spoke.

Min-Jung listened as she glanced at him before pulling him closer by his collar. "I understand. I want to spend this moment with you before more hell rains upon us." She spoke.

Cheong-San gave a small smile. Hugging her with a gentle touch before moving his hands to her waist. Glancing at her. "It's you and me.." He spoke quietly.

"..Against the odds." Min-Jung finished the sentence. Smiling shyly. "You remember our saying as kids?" She asked teasingly.

"Of course I do. You were someone special to me. I just didn't know how much until we got closer. That night I panicked. I was a coward for just leaving you like that. Making myself believe it wasn't real and trying to have my feelings for you be for On-Jo. It's always been you." He whispered.

"I choose you.." Min-Jung replied before placing her hands on his chest. "But I also have something important to say."

"Important? What is it?" He asked.

"Well.. after that night.. I think that.. um.."

Cheong-San listened as he thought about what she was saying before blushing. "Are you talking about..?"

"I-i can't be too sure if that is what happened for us."

"I will take care of you." Cheong-San held her. "Even if you aren't." He reassured. His head moved down before his lips attached to her jaw. Placing small kisses down and across her soft skin. Being mesmerized by her as it was.

Min-Jung hummed at the feeling quietly. Her hands softly clutching his green school vest around his waist. Moving her head aside, giving him more space to her.

Cheong-San didn't fail in leaving a track of small kisses down her neck. Moving his up as they began to unbutton her neatly green school sweater. Letting it slide down her shoulders. Resting on her elbows.

Min-Jung didn't mind as she moved her hand up his chest. Removing his tie before setting it aside at the moment. Focusing on him as she pulled away from him.

Cheong-San noticed as he glanced at her. His cheeks a pink color as he let her remove his vest for him. Taking it from her hold before setting it aside.

Min-Jung watched him before placing her hands on his shoulders once more. Rubbing them slightly.

A small hum left him before shifting closer to her. Leaning down to her neck as he decided to mark across her neck. Hearing her muffled moans as it had him unbotton her shirt. Making marks on her chest and stomach so that she could hide the marks from the others.

The back of her hand rested in front of her mouth. Doing her best to stay silent for their sake so that the zombies wouldn't hear them at all. Closing her eyes as she focused on his touch.

Opening her eyes as her cheeks grew warmer before pulling him up to her once again. Kissing him deeply while her shirt rested on her elbows. Keeping it on as she focused on him. Letting her hands roam as she reached for his shirt's buttons.

Undoing every button in her way before removing his shirt from him. Letting it fall to the floor behind him. Shifting on the table underneath her.

Cheong-San moved her back as he laid her down. Making sure that she didn't fall or get hurt while they were busy with one another.

His hands moving to her legs. Sliding up to her thighs before pulling her closer to the edge of the table as he watched her bite her lower lip.

A small smirk forming on his lips. Letting his hands move under her skirt. Removing her under garments with ease. Hovering over her as he went back to marking her chest. Keeping his gentle touch.

Min-Jung moved a hand into his hair. Running her fingers through a few times before gripping it lightly. "Cheong-San~." She softly spoke. Sitting up a bit as she kissed him. Moving her hand to his belt as she unbuckled it. "I need you.."

Cheong-San blushed hearing her before moving her hands back. Holding her hands behind her with one hand while he used his free hand to remove his school pants and boxers. Lining himself up as he locked her in a kiss before thrusting in. Letting go of his hands as he wanted to feel her touch on himself.

Min-Jung moaned into the kiss as the kiss was able to muffle her moans. Gripping onto his hair a bit more as she pulled away from the kiss. Placing her own set of kisses across his jaw. Leaving marks on his shoulders and chest.

Trying not to make too much noise as the two of them were in their own little world. Focusing on one another as they were blushing and moaning quietly for one another.

Her free hand moving to his hip as she pulled him as close to her as she could. Her nails digging into his skin lightly. Leaving a few marks on his back before finishing the marks on him.

Shifting herself for a second as she switched their positions. Keeping him on the table as she moved her hips against his own. Feeling him continue to thrust into her.

He leaned his head back in pleasure as he moved his hands to her waist. Pulling her at a good pace between them. A small shaky breath leaving him as he knew making too much noise wasn't going to benefit them.

Switching their positions once more as he buried his nose into her neck. Hiding his groans as he thrusted into her at a quick pace. Feeling a familiar feeling that he had felt before on their first night together.

Min-Jung kept the back of her hand against her lips before feeling close to her release. Giving his hair a small tug to let him know. Making sure that he knew.

Cheong-San knew with the tug from her as he thrusted a few more times. Getting closer before soon releasing at the same time as her. Panting quietly as he laid on her.

Min-Jung quietly gathered her breath as she closed her eyes. Focusing on calming down from their moment. Running a hand through his hair as she took her time to get back to normal. Having enjoyed their time together.

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