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Cheong-San got up after some time had passed and walked to the door leading to the small room. Knocking lightly on the glass to get his friends attention. Doing their familiar whistle even if he couldn't hear him. Making Gyeong-Su smile a bit before he whistle back. Cheong-San smiled before telling him he could come back out seeing Gyeong-Su's mood shift back to being grumpy again. Shaking his head and turned his back to the Cheong-San again.

"He won't come out." Cheong-San spoke as he glanced at the others once he was done giving it a try.

"Let me try." Ms. Park spoke as she walked past him before heading into the room. Most of them watching from the glass window between them.

"Gosh. He's so stubborn." Woo-Jin spoke as he watched Ms. Park speaking to Gyeong-Su with the others.

"Who wouldn't be with people like Na-Yeon out here." Min-Jung commented out loud.

"Hey!" Na-Yeon spoke up.

Min-Jung turned to her as she aimed an arrow at her. "Don't even bother. You caused this mess."

"She's trying to kill me! Aren't you guys going to do something?!" Na-Yeon yelled.

"Keep your voice down. If I wanted you dead you wouldn't be breathing right now. Unlike you I believe in being humane." Min-Jung rolled her eyes. Keeping the arrow pointed at her.

"MJ." Cheong-San spoke up. Using his nickname for her to calm her down.

Ms. Park walked out of the room soon after as she sighed before seeing what was going and walked over to them.

"Min-Jung, lower the arrow. We can't risk turning on one another." Ms. Park spoke.

"Na-Yeon turned against Gyeong-Su and made everything worse." Min-Jung replied as she lowered her arrow. "She's the one who should be in there." She added as she walked away from them. Taking a seat as she laid her head down.

Ms. Park listened as she sighed a bit. "We all have to stick together." She spoke to everyone before she faced Na-Yeon. "As for you, we made an agreement that you will apologize to him when he completed his time in there."

"But-." A small protest left Na-Yeon.

" No buts."

"Fine.." Na-yeon huffed as she walked into the room. Closing the door behind her as she approached him. "Hey." She spoke as she glanced at the male. "Are you deaf? I'm talking to you." She continued. "How's your wound?" She asked.

"Since when did you start to care?" Gyeong-Su asked. "Just apologize and get out."

Na-yeon walked over as she grabbed his hand before cleaning his hand with her handkerchief. A handkerchief she had messed with. "You really think I'd apologize to a welfie like you?" She laughed a bit. "Pathetic. Stay in here all you want." She scoffed before walking out. Listening to the others cheer for her. That was until Gyeong-Su walked out after her and tried to attack her.


It had been a while after the whole chaos of Gyeong-Su charging after Na-Yeon as his friends managed to calm him down and seated him by the window. Keeping him away from Na-Yeon.

"What? I didn't say anything that wasn't true." Na-Yeon spoke. Defending her actions and shrugged.

"You promised that you would apologize to him properly." Ms. Park interfered.

"Why should I even have to apologize to him?!" She pointed out as she glanced at the male.

Gyeong-Su tried to charge at her as he didn't like what she was saying about him.

Min-Jung slammed her hands on the desks as she got up. "Na-Yeon!" She spoke up before walking over as she grabbed her by the collar. "You never listen, do you?" She asked as she scoffed a bit. "I'll teach you-."

Ms. Park held Na-Yeon away from Min-Jung with the help of Ji-Min.

Su-Hyeok, Gyeong-Su, Cheong-San, Sung-Hoon, Woo-jin, and Joon-Yeong holding Min-Jung away from the girl while Dae-Su stood between them after they were separated.

Min-Jung struggled against them as she tried to break free before scoffing as she raised her hands. "Okay okay. I'm not going to do anything." She gathered her breath. Turning to the window for some fresh air.

Na-Yeon scoffed as she composed herself properly. "That's what I thought. Such a bitch just like her little friend."

Min-Jung caught what she had said before turning as she tried to charge at her again. Managing to grab her again.


Na-Yeon was placed on one end of the room as she had her sweater a bit messy thanks to Min-Jung.

The other teen was placed closer to the window and guarded in case she tried anything again. Her hair no longer up and lose as she sighed. Her school tie gone and her shirt messy compared to how neatly she used to have it.

"Thanks." Gyeong-Su spoke.

"She gets on my nerve. Someone had to do something." Min-Jung spoke.

"Looks like I was right after all." Na-Yeon commented.

Gyeong-Su's nose started to bleed a bit as the other's moved away from him. Leaving him confused as he touched his nose and seeing the blood.

"Cheong-San.. Min-Jung.. it's not.. it's not really happening is it?" He asked them as he glanced at his hands then up at them. "I'm not.. I'm not bit!" He protested. "I swear I wasn't."

"Gyeong-Su.." Min-Jung spoke as she walked over. Holding his hands in hers as she could feel them getting cold to the touch. "I believe you."

Cheong-San pulling himself away from On-Jo when she tried to pull him back and away from his best friend. Being in denial as he couldn't believe his best friend would be turning.

"Get him out!" Na-Yeon yelled. Holding onto the closest person to her in fear.

"I'll leave! I-i'll leave on my own!" Gyeong-Su spoke up. He was crying and stumbling over his own feet. "I-i'm your friend! Why would I bite you?!" He asked. Getting up and trying to get to the door.

Cheong-san watched with teary eyes. His mouth going dry as his mouth couldn't open to make a sound. His feet keeping him in place.

"Gyeong-Su.." Min-Jung spoke up as she walked after him. She wanted to give him one last hug and did so as she held onto him.

"Min-Jung.. I don't want to die." Gyeong-Su whispered as he sounded very scared. A tone he ever rarely used. Tears rolling down his cheeks as he hugged her back. Feeling his bones cracking as he tightened the hug for a second. Hesitantly letting go as he could feel the infection spreading. Reaching the door as he turned to them.

"Why are you doing this to me Cheong-San?! Why?!" The teen yelled as he was freaking out before he fell to the floor by the door completely. Feeling intense fear at what he was seeing. Something that he couldn't explain before he turned in a matter of seconds.

Min-Jung watched as she felt her tears roll down her cheeks. Frozen in place as she watched him get reanimated. Hissing and growling like the other zombies they had come across. Taking a moment as he smelled the air before turning to her slowly. Running at her as she walked back.

Gyeong-Su was about to tackle her but stopped when he heard whistling as he glanced towards the window. Seeing Cheong-San waiting for him. Growling as he charged before falling out the window once Cheong-San dodged him.

Cheong-San watched his best friend fall onto the ground before he got back up and ran off with other zombies after some girl screamed. He climbed back inside as he checked his girlfriend before hugging her tightly.

Min-Jung broke down in his hold as she sobbed into his shoulder. Holding onto him tightly as she shook her head. Being in denial the more she tried to calm herself down.

"I told you! And you didn't believe me!" Na-Yeon spoke. "No one ever listens to me. I should be apologized to."

"What if you did it?" Nam-Ra suddenly asked up as she calmed down and had wiped her tear away before anyone else had seen it.

Sung-Hoon listened as he reached over and held her hand. Giving her a small nod to continue as he would have her back just in case of anything.

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