"Can we get burgers for dinner later? I'm jealous now." You say. Yoshida and you wait outside the burger restaurant Denji and part of the protection squad was in. You and Yoshida were ordered to watch the perimeter much to your disappointment.
Yoshida laughed at your sullen expression. "If you want I suppose we can."
"Yay. I can now know peace." You dramatically say lifting yourself from the wall you and Yoshida were leaning on.
Yoshida playfully scoffs at your behavior. "Don't get too worked up alright we still have to stay focused here to keep chainsaw boy safe."
"Yeah, yeah whatever." You say smiling.
To your left Denji, Aki, Power, Tamaoki, and Kusakabe walk out of the restaurant. "We'll meet up with Kobeni and Violence Fiend now," Aki instructs. "They're not too far from us"
Nodding your head you all begin walking down the busy streets. Each store displayed something new for Power to point at and ask for and each time Aki would just say no and drag her along.
Walking for only a few minutes you spot Kobeni and the Violence fiend.
"Hey, how are you?" The fiend asks. Walking with Kobeni and an unknown man.
"Kurose. It's been a while... We heard what happened to Tendo and Subaru... You don't need to push yourself to join the mission. That's the word from Ms. Makima. I agree with her. You ought to rest up and recuperate." Aki said
Despite not knowing the man you couldn't help but feel bad for him hearing about him losing his partners. Yet this was a common feeling because unfortunately, this was a common situation.
Kurose just looked to the side uneasily. "I begged Higashiyama and her buddy to help me slip out of the hospital to be here. I want to avenge my friends I have to! Please!" He says with a pained expression bowing to Aki.
"I know how you feel... but..."
"Is that your car?!" Power interrupts asking Kobeni.
Your mouth falls slick at Power and her 'manners'. You couldn't hide the way your eyes looked at Power thinking about how little empathy she has.
"U-um yeah...?" Kobeni responds. "I bought it with my own money... I can chauffeur my family around with it, so..."
"Oh really." Power says with a fake interested expression.
"I've been tired of all this walking lately... This is perfect! Give me a ride."
"This looks like my car... isn't this my car? Are you a thief?" Power asks walking over to the car with Kobeni nervously following behind.
"Whuh- n-no...!"
Power continues arguing with Kobeni about how it's her car as she gets in with Kobeni following suit sitting in the passenger seat.
"Blonde there, is he chainsaw then?" Kurose asks changing topics, seemingly fine now.
"Yeah, so what if I am?"
"I'm a pro too. I won't hold you back. Would you let me help you with this mission? Put'er here."
"I don't want to touch some dude's hand."
"Denji!" Aki says sternly.
"Nice to meet you. I'll protect you enough for Tendo and Subaru too." Kurose says awkwardly shaking Denji's hand.
Zooming in front of your eyes goes Kobenis car at full speed. Driving straight into Denji and Kurose. Stumbling back you watch both of them go flying into the air with a loud bam. Denji violently skids to the ground and Kurose's head smacks onto a pole. Denji gurgles blood as his body lies on the rough sidewalk pavement. Kurose just stares into space with blood trickling onto the pole.
Power jumps out of the car slamming her door shut.
"W...What the hell? What's wrong with you...?" Aki stutters intensely sweating at Power's actions.
You and Yoshida can't look away staring at the cold body and Denji frantically coughing blood and groaning. Power just killed an innocent person you think staring at the man.
"I wasn't driving! It's her fault!" Power refutes.
Looking at Kurose's body you watch as his face morphs into a completely different person.
"My god...! Hayakawa look!!" Kusakabe shouts. "His face changed."
"I know this face," Tamako says crouching down to the man's face. "This is a devil who moonlights as a hitman in America. He's one of three brothers. They have a contract with a skin devil. As far as I know, they can steal the appearance of corpses they've touched."
"I knew it!" Power smiles triumphantly. "Looks like I was the only one who saw through the enemy's disguise! The glory is mine! Mine! All mine!" She says jumping up.
"Denji I avenged you!" She says giving him a bone-crushing hug.
"Agh." He groans.
"Three brothers have that contract. Leaves two more." Yoshida says shoving his hands into his pockets. "They could have already replaced any of us."
Yoshida turns to you. "Are you the real Y/n?" He smirks.
"Really?" You respond dryly.
"Mhm like I said they could be any of us."
"That includes you too then you know."
"Oh no, they couldn't possibly kill me."
"Eh-. You're exhausting." You say fed with his antics.
"The glory is mine!!" Power continues yelling right into Denji's ear.
"Everyone let's show each other our devils to verify our identities. Let's move somewhere quiet." Kusakabe says leading the way away from the crowd of bystanders now watching.
"As they all start to leave Yoshida grabs your arm heading the opposite way. "My devil found one of the other brothers." He whispers trying not to alert the squad cause there's still one on the loose, trusting it wasn't you.
A man begins to leave the alleyway you and Yoshida were entering. Yoshida grabs the man by his shirt to have you summon the insect devil. In a sudden moment, Yoshida's octopus devil reaches through a portal and stabs the man in the heart instantly killing him and splattering blood along the alley. "One down." He says to you.
You and Yoshida walk further into the alleyway turning a corner to see a man doubled over with a pile of puke below him.
"Everything okay sir? You don't look so good." Yoshida says watching the man.
"Ulp... I just... I just... S-saw two people die... in an accident." The scared man says.
Yoshida turns around beginning to leave the alleyway. "I guess a pro wouldn't puke."
Giving the man one last look you follow behind him to catch up with the rest of the group.
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