Narrator Pov;
Y/n sat herself in the corner of her ransacked room, the mattress was removed, and everything under the bed was flung around the roomβthe drawers to her desk were taken off the track, and onto the floor. Someone came looking for something, money. Money drove people to madness, If they had the opportunity to get a large amount of money, they would, by any means necessary get it. Y/n had learned this the hard way, her ex-boyfriend had taken her bank account information. He knew that she had a decent amount of money saved, and she wanted to try to find her father. She'd been told by her mother that he left them when she was 4, and her mother still holding the grudge told her to never contact him. The curiosity bubbled inside of her ever since he mother told her about him, she had to find him. Deep in thought, y/n snapped herself out of her sadness and the feeling of betrayal, she had to figure out how to get money to find her father.
. έβ βΉ . έΛ . έ
I hop off the subway, ready to deposit some money into my account. I begin walking but I'm interrupted by hitting someone, a suited man. I look up at his clean face.
"I am so sorry, sir." I says bowing in respect. He gives her a warm smile.
"It's quite all right." He sets down his suitcase. "Would you like to play a game of Ddakji?" I stood there for a moment confused about how forward his question was.
"I--uhm, sure?" I reply. He goes and sits down on a bench and opens his briefcase. Inside are two folded paper tiles, and a shit ton of money. "woah..." I walk over with amazement and a lingering bit of confusion.
"I'm sure you've played Ddakji before, right?" He grabs the red and then the blue colored paper tiles. "Play a few rounds with me and every time you win, I'll give you 100,000 won." He explains casually. There is no way he's just casually giving out 100,00 won right? This game is easy!
"Seriously? So if I'm able to flip your Ddakji you'll give me 100,000 won?" I say stunned.
"Correct. However, if I flip over yours you give me the same amount back." He continues, I nod still not fully paying attention because of the amount of money I'm gazing at. "Which color would you like to play in?" He holds up the two colors, red and blue.
"Blue," I say grabbing the blue one from his hand. He sets down his red tile, I grasp the blue one in my hand tightly. I slam the tile down, hoping I had enough force to flip his. I looked down with a hopeful grin, his tile was the same, I failed. He stood for a minute waiting for me to do something but I just stood and rubbed the back on my neck.
"Is there something the matter?" The man asks, looking at me with a blank face.
"So basically, I don't have that much money, I kind of forgot that part," I say a bit shyly.
"How about you use your body to pay?" He asks, again without much emotion.
"What," I say blankly. What did he just say? He then raises his hand and slaps my face slightly.
"I'll take 100 grand off per slap." He said with a cheeky grin. I held my face in shock.
"I'll play a few more" I say after rubbing my face, feeling like a bruise would appear later. After about what felt like 100 slaps, I'd finally flipped his tile over. "Yes!" I jump up in joy. "You see I finally did it!"
"Well done." He grabs a wad of won out of his pocket and hands it to me, 100,000 won. I began counting the money, making sure I hadn't done all that just to be scammed.
"You know there are other games like this where you can make even more." He speaks up, watching me count the money. I look over at him with a hopeful grin. His face was plastered with a smile.
"Really?" I put the win in my pocket.
"Yes, Miss Y/n." He stands up, clasping his hands in front of him.
"Wait how do you know my name?" I get up from the bench a bit terrified. We stand for a moment in silence before he pulls out a little card, from the top of his jacket pocket.
"There isn't that many spots left, think about it." He smiles, I take the card intrigued. The nice looking salesman picks up his briefcase and walks away without another word. What just happened...
. έβ βΉ . έΛ . έ
Later in the night, as the house was quiet, I stared at the ceiling.
"He wasn't lying, was he?" I asked myself out loud, I rolled over and grabbed the small card on my nightstand. I gazed at the card, pondering if it was worth it. After a minute I grabbed my phone, unlocked it, and dialed the number. The phone rings a moment.
"Hello. Who is calling right now?" A man's voice on the other line speaks.
"I was given a business card earlier today," I state, trying not to reveal anything about myself, still skeptical.
"Do you wish to participate in the game? If you do, please state your birthdate and name." the voice replies, without hesitation.
. έβ βΉ . έΛ . έ
The air blows through the trees, sending a shiver down my spine. This feels sketchy, but at least they'll give me money. Then I'll find Dad. Suddenly a car headlights blind me for a moment, it pulls up next to me and strops.
The window rolls down revealing a pink suited, masked man with a circle on it? "Miss, Y/n. Password?" He asks.
"Red light, green light." I recall from the phone call earlier that night. He opens the automatic door to the minivan, I walk over to the door hopping in. A man is sitting next to me, asleep.
"I see people got kind of sleepy. So uh- how long does it take to get there?" I continue, trying to figure out what I'm getting myself into. Suddenly some smoke from the sides of the van sprays my face. Woah what is happening? My eyes grow heavy as I close them, succumbed by a desire to sleep.
. έβ βΉ . έΛ . έ
My eyes twitch, and the sound of music plays through to my brain. I feel sheets tightly holding me down. Where am I? I open my eyes, bright lights beaming towards my face. Was I in a bed? I turn over and see an elderly woman in a bed beside me, she was just waking up as well. I sit up, looking down at the sheets covering me, I pull them back revealing a green tracksuit, with the number, 116. Was I kidnapped, Where the hell am I?
~Well, well, well, I'm glad you decided to click on this fanfic, you're in for an interesting journey. Since season 2 of squid game came out I was thinking, why not write a fanfic! Always I know there isn't too much here yet but we are going to be on this adventure together. Anyways have fun reading!
~Word Count: 1172
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