Chapter XXI

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Akira's pov

I readied myself for whatever coming to us β€” I glance at the boys for a second before back at the doors that forced open by Tony in his Iron Man, he retracts his helmet off. " You seem a little defensive." He spoke.

"It's been a long day." Steve comments.

Akira and Bucky stood stalk still and on guard at Tony, "At ease, Soldier. I'm not currently after you." Tony said.

"Then why are you here?" Steve ask.

"Could be your story's not so crazy. Maybe." Tony responds. "Ross has no idea I'm here. I'd like to keep it that way. Otherwise, I gotta arrest myself."

"Well, that sounds like a lot of paperwork." Steve lowers his shield. "It's good to see you, Tony."

"You too, Cap." Tony looks up at Bucky and Akira. "Hey, Manchurian Candidate, you're killing me. There's a truce here. You can drop. You too, Lassie."

"Lassie?" I question.

"Jos." 'Down' Bucky commands. I hesitantly did what I was told while Bucky lowers his weapon. We then cautiously walk along a corridor β€” Tony leads us towards the enormous chamber with the capsules standing in it. " I got heat signatures." He spoke.

"How many?" Steve ask.

"Uh, one." Tony replies. Suddenly, the vast chamber the lights come on. Hazy, yellow mist descends within the capsules. These must be other Winter Soldiers Bucky mentioned, I notice something in one of the chambers.

I made my way towards it, ignoring the dreadful voice of Helmut Zemo. My breath hitched when I saw what it was...It was another dog, a German Shepherd but what's worst it was a mother of one little pup. I let out a whine and scratch the glass.

Bucky came over towards me, he bent down and place his metal hand on my head. "I'm sorry girl. There's nothing we can do." He spoke. I wish it wasn't true but it was.

I look over to see Tony and Steve, I made my way towards them. I place my front paw on the table and watch a surveillance footage from December 16th 1991 β€” A car crashes into a tree the Winter Soldier rides up and gets off his motorbike. The driver lies on the ground beside the car. I knew who that man was; It's Howard Stark. Tony's father.

I could feel anger seething off of Tony, in the video the Winter Soldier pounds Howard hard in the face with his metal fist until he's dead. At this point I couldn't watch anymore, I knew this wasn't Bucky's doing but the Winter Soldier.

The surveillance ends with the Winter Soldier walks up and aims a gun and shoot the camera.

Tony then lunges towards Bucky, I stood in front of my owner while Steve stops him. "Did you know?" Tony ask in grief.

" I didn't know it was him."

"Don't bullshit me, Rogers! Did you know?" Tony ask again.

Steve hesitates before answering, "Yes."

Tony steps back, it was only for a moment before he reengages his helmet. He punches Steve to the floor and deflects gunfire from Bucky, disarming him β€” I leapt forward before being slap back and landed in front of the chambers, "No!" I cried when I saw Iron Man grabs Bucky and flies across the chamber and slams him onto the floor.

Steve's shield hits Iron Man, distracting him. Steve barges him backwards, Iron Man shoulders him to the floor and shackles his ankles β€” Bucky punches Iron Man who just lifts him and slams him against a machine. Iron Man raises a fist but Bucky twists it β€” A rocket shoots out of Iron Man's arm, a fireball explodes.

I lift myself up and saw a small hole on the dead dog's chamber, without thinking I smash my head and broke the glass and grab the newborn in my mouth β€” A new instinct grip me as I follow Bucky out of here.

"Come on, girl." Bucky spoke.

Bucky hits a control panel and the silo-styled door overhead starts to open. Bucky grabs me, "Let them go, girl. I promise they're safe." He said while holding out his flesh hand, having no choice or time I place the newborn down. He quickly hide them from Tony and safe from the battle, "We'll come back from them, I promise." I nod as he place me on the platform as he follow close behind.

We jump from Platform to platform, I ignore the sound of Iron Man gives chase to us, then kicks Bucky and takes aim, but the energy bold rebounds off Steve's shield onto himself. Iron Man drops like a stone and lands on a lower platform.

I watch as Bucky made his way back to me, before we could escape a rocket hits the giant hinge which explodes, cutting of our escape route. Iron Man and Bucky fought before Iron Man grabs him around the neck and flew offΒ β€” I jump off the platform and grasp onto his rocket and bare my teeth into him and rips it off. Steve jumps into them to deflect our fall. Bucky and I land on a platform while Tony and Steve land on the concrete floor besides opening in the wall.

I let out a groan and shook the pain off like I usually do β€” I trot towards him to make sure he's okay, "I'm okay, girl." He scratch my fur. We saw Iron man fought Steve, Bucky grabs Steve's shield and slams it down on Iron Man β€” The two super soldiers fist fight with Iron Man the shield changes hands between them until Tony manages to zap Steve who is thrown back into the wall. Bucky struggles to hold Iron Man at bay as he unleashes an energy beam, then he forces Iron Man against the opposite wall and grips the glowing core in the chest of the Iron Man Suit. A blast of energy knocks Bucky down, metal arm completely blown away.Steve rushes to aid his friend.

But soon the fight ends with Steve's shield striking down hard on the suit's core Tony looks horrified and glowers fearfully at Steve who pants for breath, I whine as I jump down to Bucky and lap away the blood from his face. Steve made his way towards us he reaches out and pulls him to his feet, holding him up as Tony looks on. " That shield doesn't belong to you." Tony spoke. "You don't deserve it. My father made that shield!" Steve responds by dropping his sheild as we walk away.

As we head out towards the entrance, I heard a small whimper, I look at a small hidden crack at the facility and saw the small newborn pup alive and awake. I quickly grab it by its neck and catch up to the boys.


Wakanda β€” 2016

I stood at the entrance of the medical facility where a doctor checks the young pup, luckily it was healthy but in need of some milk β€” Sadly I can't give it any milk since I was spayed in the 40s when I was captured and experimented on by HYDRA.

Thankfully they gave it some milk, and announce that it was a boy. "There we go." The young nurse said as she sat him down on a small bed with a blanket, before I could join him I limp my way towards Steve and Bucky where the Wakandians where about to put him back in the cryofreeze.

"You sure about this?" Steve ask.

"I can't trust my own mind." Bucky replies. " So, until they figure out how to get this stuff out of my head I think going back under is the best thing . . . for everybody."

I let out a whine and place my front paw on his lap, "Don't worry girl, I'll be okay." He reassures me. "Take care of the little punk. I love you so much." He place a kiss on my head as we both place our foreheads together just for a moment.

Then a few minutes later I watch my friend go on the cryofreeze once again.

"See you later, Bucky." I spoke with a smile as he wore his dog tags.

The end for Capetian America: Civil War.

Skipping Infinity War & Endgame cause I'm lazy. ;)

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