Chapter V

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It's been a few weeks since we've escape HYDRA's facility; I've been mostly off of my feet and couldn't go with Bucky or Steve at the battlefield to fight with HYDRA, so I stayed behind and just watch them take out a HYDRA facility one at a time.

Eventually I got better and let out into the field, but only on a simpler mission ; If there's gunfire I'm instructed to stay out of the way. I hated being not in the middle of the action but I understood completely β€” It was mostly that Bucky didn't want me hurt again.

So far every mission went well and went to plan.


Alps Mountain β€” 1945

It was our final mission of HYDRA; It was to board a trail to grab the bug-eyed man named Dr. Armin Zola but I prefer Bug-eyed man.

Bucky helps put on my harness to zipline on the train, "You stay with me at all times, alright girl?" He spoke. I lick his face in confirmation. Bucky chuckles, "My brave girl, try not to vomit when we board the train."

Buck then looks up at his friend, "Remember when I made you ride the Cyclone at Coney Island?" He asked.

"Yeah, and I threw up?" Steve replies.

"This isn't payback, is it?" Bucky teased.

Steve chuckles, "Now why would I do that?"

"We were right. Dr. Zola's on the train." The boys turned their attention when they heard Jim say that. "Hydra dispatcher gave him permission to open up the throttle. Wherever he's going, they must need him bad."

My ears perked when I heard the train coming; I let out a bark to inform them. Steve nods his head when one of the men hook my harness to the zipline. "We only got about a 10-second window. You miss that window, we're bugs on a windshield." Steve ordered. He was the first to zipline across onto the train along with me, Bucky and Gabe Jones.

Bucky held onto me when I landed on the train, removing the clip that connects to my harness and head inside the train. We move slowly and on alert for any sign of a HYDRA soldier, until the door closes automatically. Separating me and Bucky from Steve; A few HYDRA soldiers appear and start shooting.

I jump above to hide from the gunfire but to get shot myself by the back leg, I yelp at the sudden pain that shot through my leg but I manage to hide when Bucky starts shooting back.

Bucky manages to take down a few HYDRA's soldiers leaving only one left β€” I arch my back to get ready to pounce when I hear the sound of Bucky's gun clicking. I then pounce onto the enemy and maul him to death just in time for Steve to join us. I hear him say, "Jesus."

"I had him on the ropes." Bucky spoke. "Thank you, girl." I bark when he pats my head.

"I know you did." Then a large HYDRA soldier that carried two large guns suddenly blasted a large blue beam at us, the sudden energy made me crash into the side of the train that now had a large gaping hole.

I watch as Bucky tried to take out the soldier with Steve's shield along with a gun from the floor but I watch in horror as the blast hits Steve's shield and makes Bucky fall from the side of the train; "No!" I cried as I stepped out onto the ripped train, I saw Bucky holding onto the rail for dear life. I took a breath as I stepped out onto the stable parts of the broken train, when I reached him I grabbed onto the collar of his shirt as I tried to pull him to safety. "Bucky!" I heard Steve cry. "Hang on!"

I felt Steve gripping my collar and tried to pull me out himself.

Time seemed to slow down as I watched as the railing broke and plummeted, taking my best friend since I was a pup with it. The only thing I held was his dog tags, I was in shock and wanted to howl and scream out in anguish.

I had lost my best friend.


London, United Kingdom β€” 1945

I couldn't sleep, I barely drank, Hell I couldn't eat anymore.

I didn't leave the room Bucky was kept in for most days β€” Barley showing my face to anyone, even Steve who's getting himself drunk, well trying to at least since he can't get himself drunk. My injured leg was wrapped up in a gauze, the only people who checked upon me was the Veterinarian.

I perked an ear up when I heard Lucy say "Poor thing. I feel terrible."

"Well she needs to learn things the hard way of life sometimes, even if it costs a life." Rudy explains.

"Rudy! That's not nice." Lucy scolds.

"He's right." I spoke up for the first time in a few days. I slowly sit up to look over at my friends, "I can't be lying here and just mope for long, I'm a military dog who serves under Steve's commands," I look down at Bucky's dog tags that now lay on my chest. "And now he needs me, I have a mission to finish off." I hopped down and left the room.

Giggling when I heard Rudy speak, "What just happened? Did a female just agree with my words finally."

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