Nalia was standing on her balcony leaning against it, looking down on Kings Landing. Most days she would stare down at the peasants like they were ants. Nothing more than the dirt below her shoes. Nalia never like nor felt bad for them. Most of them are thieves, rapists and murders.
She didn't hate them all. She felt bad for the women who are forced to be obedient and the children who starve. She felt bad yes but didn't care enough to help them. Would could she do? she isn't a Queen. She's a Princess born to wed a man who will put babies in her belly.
Nalia always wanted to be a mother and if she was she swore that she would be a better one than Cersei ever was to her. But she could never see herself being some Lords wife.
At her time in court she had never found any Lord to be attractive. Handsome yes, but not attractive. Even the most admired ones like Loras Tyrell and Oberyn Martell. Not even a bastard born of passion and lust like Ramsay Bolton was appealing to her.
No man has ever stood out, but women on the other hand. Nalia has never thought about that until the other night. She will continue to think about it until she is certain about what it is she wants. On the plus side she'll have something to think about all month as she travels across the seven kingdoms in a carriage with Cersei and her siblings.
Nalia terrified of the outcome, knew that she would have to do everything in her power to keep her secret hidden.
"Princess. The carriage is ready." The kingsguard spoke from the other side of her door.
Nalia slides the dagger her father gave her into her boots just incase she would need to use it, and then exits her chambers and follows the kingsguard to the gates where the carriage awaits.
As she took the last few steps of the staircase outside of the castle, her family had been waiting at the bottom. Tommen and Myrcella looked bored. Cersei and Joffrey were annoyed that she had kept them waiting, and King Robert was happy that he would soon get to see his old friend again.
"Eventually." Joffrey sighs, as he enters the Royal carriage with Tommen and Myrcella.
"You kept your King waiting." Cersei spat whilst staring at Nalia.
Nalia goes to retaliate, but her father speaks up. "Nonsense! Nalia is my daughter, the princess! We'll wait if we have to."
Nalia smiles up at Robert only for him to return it. Joffrey sighs again annoyed that their father had shown her kindness and not him.
"Now, come on!" Robert commands as Cersei steps into the carriage and takes her seat next to Joffrey. "Nalia you can ride up front with me."
She walks over to her white horse that she named Moon when she was little. Nalia climbs on to her horse and rides beside Robert as the guards and carriage follow behind.
And they start there very long journey from Kings Landing to Winterfell.
It had been a long month of travelling. When they reached the Northern border they stopped and got changed into warmer clothes and Nalia was forced to join the family carriage as Joffrey took her place next to Robert.
So now Nalia was sitting beside Cersei who hadn't said a word to her. Nalia rests her head against the wall and stares boredly out of the small carriage window.
"When will we Arrive?" Myrcella asked cheerfully, as she always was.
"Not to long, my dear. Are you excited?" Cersei asked with a fake smile on her face.
Cersei may be dreading the entire trip, but she wouldn't ruin it for her children.
"Yes! I can't wait to meet the people of Winterfell." Myrcella exciting answered.
Cersei just smiled at her youngest daughter and turned to face her youngest son.
"Are you excited, my son?"
Tommen nods as he swings his feet back and forth not entirely listening to the conversation as he is to busy coping his eldest sister by staring out of the window.
Nalia and Tommen were always the closest. Tommen looked up to Nalia ever since he was born. He wished to be as smart and as brave as her when he grows up.
Nalia loved Tommen. She loved that he was clueless to the awkwardness between the family. He was innocent and had no clue about anything, only that his big sister was his hero.
Nalia and Myrcella are somewhat close. They don't hang out, but talk when they see each other. Myrcella was the kindest princess Nalia has ever heard or read about. She was like Helaena Targaryen reborn again.
Nalia and Joffery on the other hand. They did not get along well. They argued about everything and competed for they're fathers love. Well, Joffrey seen it as a competition, but fatherly love came to Nalia for free.
Robert Baratheon, The king that brought peace to the seven kingdoms by defeating the Mad King, has only ever loved 2 people in his battle hardend live. Lyanna Stark and Nalia Baratheon. Two very different types of love, but still cared for both.
Many see the king as a fat old man who drinks all day and fucks whores all night, but Nalia see him as a great father and warrior who fought to protect the kingdoms from a evil man.
Nalia may be Tommens roll model, but Robert is hers.
"Are you excited, Nalia?" Myrcella asked, all the attention going to Nalia.
"I'm just thrilled." Nalia's sarcasm doesn't go unnoticed by the older women sitting beside her.
To be honest all Nalia wanted was for the air to not smell like cow shit like it does in Kings Landing.
The carriage and the small army that they took with them passes through the walls of Winterfell. A couple of soldiers on horses ride in carrying the banners of house Baratheon and house Lannister.
The carriage comes to a halt, then the door is swung open and the first to step out is Cersei, then Tommen, Myrcella, and finally Nalia.
She steps out to see Eddard Stark, The Warden of the North and his family standing at the front with the northern men behind them.
Eddard stark had long brown hair and a freshly trimmed beard. He seemed a bit bigger than her father had described, but that is to be expected as there were no wars to be training for.
On his left was his wife, Catelyn Stark, an auburn haired woman and his youngest son, Rickon Stark.
On his right was his eldest son known as Robb Stark. He was tall, muscular and had thick brown hair. He was very handsome especially for someone who lived in the North.
Then there is his eldest daughter, Sansa Stark, who is to be wed to Joffrey. She had long red hair, Blue eyes and is also quite tall which obviously runs in the family. And right now she was doe-eyed looking at a smirking Joffrey sitting upon his horse.
Beside Sansa was her little sister, Arya Stark, who was just taller than her other brother, Brandon Stark.
The King comes slowly riding in on his black horse that Nalia kinda felt sorry for. All the northern people got down on there knees and bowed to there rightful King.
One of the servants brings small steps over that Robert uses to climb down from his horse and then he stomps over towards his old friend and motions for him to stand up.
Eddard gets to his feet as does all the other northerners.
Nalia notices them having a conversation whilst staring at each other, then Robert bursts out laughing and they hug.
"Where's the imp?"
"Will you shut up!"
Nalia looks over to see the two Stark girls bickering with each other like a normal family would. This made Nalia smile, but also made her jealous as she would never have that with her family.
"That's Jamie Lannister, the queen's twin brother."
"Would you please shut up?"
At the younger girls comment she turns around to see her uncle Jaime taking his golden kingsguard helmet off.
Nalia turns back around to see Cersei making her way over to the Stark family. Eddard places a kiss on his queen's hand and Catelyn bows.
"Take me to your crypt. I want to pay my respects." Robert demanded, hoping to be as close as he can be to the women he loved.
"We've been riding for a month, my love. Surely the dead can wait." Cersei spoke, but Robert and Eddard dissappear into the crypts.
Cersei with a stern expression on her face, walks over to her children and turns to face Jaime "Where is our brother? Find the beast."
Jaime walks away to go and find Tyrion who if Nalia had to guess was wrapped in bedsheets with a whore.
"Come along, my children." Cersei commanded
Nalia follows behind her siblings as Northern Soldiers and Kingsguard escorts them to there chambers.
Nalia enters her chambers. It was nothing like her room back in Kings Landing, but it had a sense of comfort to it. It was much smaller, but the bed had more fur covered bedding to keep the cold winter breeze away. There is also a fireplace that is always attended too, many burning candles to provide warmth and light and two small tables one covered in fruit the other in wine.
Nalia decides to take a nap before the feast tonight.
The warmth and loud music engulfed Nalia as she sat in the dinning hall next to her siblings. Robert sat in the middle of the room, a beer in one hand and a whore in the other.
Nalia loved her father, but she wished he wouldn't behave this way in front of his younger children, it sets a bad example, but Cersei's embarrassed face is always worth it.
Cersei sat at the huge table at the front with only Catelyn Stark for company.
"Nalia, I'm cold." Tommen complains, pulling on her long sleeve, attracting her attention.
She smiles down at him and wraps her arm around him, bringing him in for warmth.
"Stop being a baby." Joffrey spat with venom whilst looking between his two siblings with jealousy.
Nalia just glares at him for a good minute until she turns back around to see Sansa now speaking with her mother and Cersei.
"And have you bled yet?"
Nalia turns back around having no interest in a conversation about if a 13 year old girl has became a women yet or not.
"Her dress is pretty. I've never seen one like it." Myrcella said looking at the opposite end of the table where the Stark siblings sat.
She glances in the same direction wondering who her sister is speaking of. It definitely wasn't Arya's dress so that leaves Sansa. She is wearing a pinky-grey dress that was obviously handmade.
"Has to be the nicest piece of clothing we've seen here yet." Nalia mumbled
Laughs then erupt throught the room.
"Arya! Its not funny! She always does this! This was my favourite dress and she ruined it." Sansa shouts, as her friend cleans her face.
Arya had threw some of her food at her elder sister, covering her face.
Nalia tries holding back her laughs as she feels kinda bad for the eldest Stark girl, but Robb does not. He was the loudest laugher, but that soon stopped as Catelyn gave him a look.
"Time for bed." Robb said, lifting Arya away from the table and out of the hall.
Nalia looks down to see her younger brother eyes starting to close. "Come on. It's your bedtime, littlest Lion."
She picks Prince Tommen up and carries him. "You to, Myrcella."
Nalia takes Tommen and Myrcella to their chambers. First tucking Tommen in and kissing his forehead goodnight. Then Myrcella, doing the same.
"Do you hate me?"
Nalia spins around to look at her younger sister with confusion. "What?"
Myrcella sits up in her wolf pelt covered bed. "Well, we never talk like true sisters and sometimes I feel like you're ignoring me or hating me for some reason. You and Tommen are always together. I'm sorry if I did something."
Hearing this from Myrcella, her little sister who she is supposed to love and protect, broke her heart into little tiny pieces. Nalia felt guilty for paying to much attention to Tommen and not enough to Myrcella.
"Hey, hey. Come here." Nalia softly spoke, pulling Myrcella into a hug. The first hug they've had in years. "Your are Princess Myrcella Baratheon, my younger sister. I love you, I love Tommen and dare I say it, I love Joffrey...sometimes. You don't have to be sorry for anything, I do. I'm sorry for not being a good sister to you and I'm sorry for not including you. I will always love you no matter what. Nothing will ever change that."
Myrcella let out small cries before they pull away this time both having happy smiles on their faces.
"I love you. You're the best sister in the whole of the seven kingdoms." Myrcella said, causing the older girl to laugh a little.
"You honour me with this title, Princess Myrcella." Nalia joked, making the blonde laugh this time.
Nalia uses her thumb to wipe away the little girls tears. "I love you too. Now, try to get some sleep because tomorrow, my dear sister, we are going to do something fun."
She places a kiss on Myrcella's head, smiles at her one last time before leaving the bedroom.
Nalia goes back downstairs, but decides she doesn't want to attempt to push past the drunken crowd, so instead she takes herself on a little tour.
Winterfell so far was boring. It was like every other place. Drunk men, whore, feasts, except up in the North it's always cold.
A sudden grunt then caught her
The boy looked to be around her age
with black, curly, shoulder-length hair, matching black orbs, with a slight stubble to his beard. For some reason, he was taking his anger out on a stack of hay.
"I think be might already be dead." Nalia jokes, her sudden voice startling the boy.
He turns around immediately noticing that she was the Princess of the seven Kingdoms. "Your Grace." He kneeled before her out of respect, his head looking down upon the snow.
Nalia chuckles and motions for him to get up. "Why isn't someone like yourself in there enjoy the feast?" She asks, as the boy hesitantly got to his feet.
"That's no place for a bastard, your Grace." He answers, his gaze still looking down upon the snow.
"Ah, you must be the bastard of Winterfell?" Nalia questions. The boys eyes shot up to met hers only confirming it.
"Aye. I'm John Snow. Eddard Starks bastard." He confirms, looking back down at the snow, ashamed of the title.
"Well, I must are the prettiest bastard I have ever seen." Nalia jokes trying to lighten the mood.
Which works as John looks back up at her whilst chuckling and having red cheeks.
"Have you ever met any bastards?" John asks putting his training sword back on the stand.
Nalia folds her arms. "Yes. Actually I have. You'd be surprised the amount of Lords that bring there bastards to court to work as there servants."
John doesn't say anything he only starts to tidy away his training equipment.
"Anyways just because you're a bastard doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy the feast. Here." Nalia said, pulling a bottle of wine out from her cloak.
John had no time to protest before the Princess was already guzzling down the wine. Nalia was already slightly drunk and this wasn't helping her at all.
She passes the wine to the bastard and he looks at it hesitantly. "You shouldn't disobey your Princess. I could have your head for that." Nalia jokes.
John moves the bottle to his lips and takes a sip, cringing at the bitter taste.
"Yeah, not the best, but not the worst." Nalia took the bottle back taking one last drink before handing it back to John.
"Not the worst? What could possibly be worse than this?" John asks, taking a gulp of the wine.
"Many things, John Snow. Now, I'm fairly certain I'm drunk which won't go down well with my mother, so I shall have to take my leave." Nalia said, giving John Snow one last look before heading off in the direction of her own chambers.
As soon as the princess got in she passed out on her bed. Already dreading the hangover tomorrow.
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