Chapter 8: Furry Little Problem

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Isabella's POV

I look out the window and see the beautiful full moon. I have always been captivated by the serene beauty of the full moon. It seems as if it cast a mesmerizing spell upon the night with its silvery light spilling across the landscape, illuminating the darkness. In the quiet of the night, under the full moon's benevolent gaze, nature seems to hold its breath as if appreciating the ethereal beauty that the full moon bestows upon the world.

I was awoken by my nightmare a few hours ago. I undid the muffliato charm I had done which I cast everyday so that no one hears me screaming in my sleep.

Sirius and James have been gone for a few hours. Suddenly, I hear a loud crash come from the living room.

I rush down to see what has happened. When I reach the staircase, I see Black, Potter and Pettigrew dragging an unconscious and bloody Remus.

Of course, they were with him through it all.

Lily, who had been waiting in the living room helped them put Remus on the couch. Potter was limping on one leg and Black was holding his stomach which seemed to be bleeding.

Remus had many scratches on his face and was bleeding from every possible area. Pettigrew had a single scratch on his face and was sitting by the corner.

"Tonight got messed up. He went out of control." James rambles.

"Me and Prongs tried to control him, we told Wormtail to stay out of the way."

"It's okay, bring him here. I'll heal him. Oh my god, the two of you are also bleeding."

"Leave us, we will survive. Heal him first."

"Let me help." I say as I reach the living room.

Everyone turned and looked at me, each with a different reaction.

"Lily, you heal Black and Potter and I'll heal Remus."

Right now was not the time for argument and everyone knew it. Lily got to work on healing the others, meanwhile I worked on Remus.

I knew the spells required to heal werewolf scratches and bites. And from my own experience, I knew quite many of the healing spells.

Soon enough, Lily and I were done with healing their injuries. I levitated Remus to lie down on the couch and put a blanket on top of him.

"How have you not started screaming yet or running that mouth of yours and asking million bloody questions?" Black said looking at me while holding a rag to his stomach.

Lily hit the back of his head.

"I knew he was a werewolf, so there was nothing new about that," I shrugged.

"Since when have you known?" James asked.

"Since year 5."

When I saw the bewildered look on Black's face, I continued,

"I scored O in Astronomy in both my NEWTs and OWLs. Obviously I noticed that Remus was missing or injured after every full moon night. It was quite easy for me to put it all together."

"Then why are you not getting as away from him as possible. Why are you helping him? I thought that you purebloods were disgusted of werewolves."

"Firstly, I consider him a friend to let him die like that. And secondly, you don't even know me enough to judge me."

"Well, thank you for your help." James said and for the first time I had seen him looking solemn.

I just nodded and went to the kitchen to make a coffee for myself.

Black followed me right into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry for how I behaved when Regulus came over. I had seen him after such a long time and he had not even greeted me."

"Sirius Black, apologizing to me? My my, how much did Euphemia pay you?"

"50 galleons." He says looking down.

"That's what I thought, 'cause you haven't matured enough to apologize on your own."

"Fuck you."

"Oh, you definitely want to."

"See, this is why I hate you."

He left the kitchen with that and I got back to making my coffee.


"I'm so sorry that I kept you here so late today." Nicholas says looking very guilty.

"It's alright. I don't even have anything to do at home. You keeping me busy here was not a problem."

"At least, we'd have less work to do tomorrow."

"Some new sets are coming up tomorrow. I'll see to it and you take up the counter."

"Okay. You should leave now, your husband must be waiting for you. Don't want to worry him."

I burst out laughing.

"Did I say something wrong?" He asks.

"My husband, worrying for me? He hates me just as I despise him."

"Then why did the two of you get married?"

"It's a long story, one maybe I'll tell you someday."

I checked my watch.


It was getting late, I should get going now.

"Bye then Nicholas. Have a good night."

"You too." There was an odd tone to his voice, one that I could not decipher. I didn't think too much about it and left.

When I entered the house, I heard a few voices coming from the living room.

I stood at the door and I could make out Remus' voice.

"-on, you all will not come with me on full moon nights. I harmed you all, it could have been worse. I could have killed you. You have seen what a monster I am-"

"How many time do we have to tell you, mate? You are not a monster, you are just a wizard with a furry little problem." James says exasperatedly.

"Yes, moony. You are our best friend." For the first time, I had heard Pettigrew speak.


"Will you shut up and agree with us for once? You are our best mate and if being with you through your transitions mean we can die, then so be it."

All four of the boys hugged and Remus' eyes were watery with emotions.

"The four must not be brothers by blood, but they are brothers by choice."

I jumped up when I heard the sound of Lily right behind me.

"Yes, they do seem very close."

"Oh, how I wish we could go back to the Hogwarts years. When there was no tension of work."

"And I could have scored better in NEWTs. What do you do, by the way?"

"I am a healer, I work in St. Mungos. After the war, I wanted to heal as many people as I could."

I know that the topic of war reminded her that she was talking to a former death eater.

I liked Lily and I didn't want my reputation to be tainted in front of her. So, I couldn't control myself before I blurted it out.

"I was Dumbledore's spy."

She looks at me with wide eyes.

"I worked for Dumbledore while being a death eater. I helped him to destroy the horcruxes before the final war."

"You were the leak we had among the death eaters?"


"Oh my god. Does Regulus or Sirius know about this?"

"Regulus was also helping us in this mission. And Black does not know about this and does not even need to know."

"But he has been misunderstanding you this whole while. You were working with us, risking your life."

"Even if I tell him, he will believe it a lie and it won't matter to him. You must swear to me to not tell anyone. I know that it doesn't matter anymore, but please."

"I swear."

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