Chapter 12: No survivors

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Sirius' POV

I enter the Lestrange's bedroom and see a child sitting by the wall, sobbing. He looked no more than seven years old.

Today, we received the information on where the last of the Lestrange family was hiding and that they were somehow trying to bring Voldemort back.

We managed to capture the couple who had kidnapped some children from an orphanage to sacrifice them. The child trembling infront of me was the only survivor.

I carefully approached him and bent down infront of him.

"It's okay, you are safe now. Nobody will hurt you." I said as I tried to soothe him. I was never good with kids but I was trying my best not to scare him.

"Will you tell me your name?"

Rather than replying, he kept crying. The poor child, all that he had to face at the hands of such bloody pieces of shit.

"Will you let me take you back to your matron?"

It was then that his eyes widened with fear and he rapidly started shaking his head.

"N-no, n-not the-re. 'Tis a b-bad p-place," he replied hiccuping. He was too panicked and was starting to shake harder.

"It's okay, it's okay. I will take you to my home, is that fine?"

He sat for a while and then nodded. I couldn't exactly take a child home without informing the orphanage but I also couldn't inform them for they would demand the child back.

An idea occured to me which sounded absurd but I would not let this child suffer somewhere he doesn't want to be.

I picked him up and rested him against my chest and cast the disillusionment charm on him and he was suddenly invisible.

I went outside and the head of my department was waiting there.

"No survivors," I lied and apparated.

When I reached home, everyone was in the dining room, getting ready for dinner.

"Long day?" mum said right as I appeared. They were used to me appearing in the dining room out of nowhere.

"Tell me about it."

I removed the charm and the child was suddenly visible in my arms.

James shrieked with surprise and everyone looked up to see his element of surprise.

The child was half asleep and I placed him on the sofa.

"Who is he?" Lily was the first one to ask.

"Don't tell me it's your son from some other woman while you have a wife at home," James says in a threatening voice to which Isabella rolled her eyes.

"Today we found the Lestrange's hideout and raided it. Apparently they were sacrificing children to resurrect Voldemort and he was the only survivor. He didn't want to go back to the orphanage so I brought him here. I hope that's okay?"

"Of course it is," mum says. She always had a big heart, taking children in.

"Will no one look for him?" James says, asking the question which was probably going through everyone's mind right now.

"I informed them that there are no survivors."

"The poor child, he is probably traumatized with all that he must have seen," Lily says.


Isabella's POV

My heart ached as I saw the child lying on the sofa, now awake and quivering as he clutched the sofa.

I somehow saw younger me lying on that sofa, covered in bruises and scars. I approached him and stood near the sofa.

"Hey there. May I sit here?"

He looked at me with big eyes and gave a nod so small that I would have missed it had I blinked. He waited to see how I behaved and if I was a potential danger. I didn't reach forward to touch him and maintained a distance.

"I am Isabella, but you can call me Bella."

"Bella," he said testing the way my name rolled on his tongue.

"Will you tell me your name?"


"You have a lovely name, Beckett." I said, smiling to try and put him at ease.

"Are you sleepy?" He shook his head.

"Do you want something to eat then?" He looked like he was going to deny again but he surprised me by nodding.

"You wait here and I will get you something from the kitchen."

"N-No, don't leave me a-alone."

"Okay, may I carry you?"

He nodded and I bent to wrap him in my arms. With one hand around his legs and other around his head, I carried him to the kitchen.

I placed him on the island and looked into the fridge for some food. Some of lasagna from dinner was left and I took it out to heat it.

He watched me all the while I heated the food for him. I could use my wand but I liked doing such simple tasks by hands because it made me feel normal even though I am not.

"How old are you, Beck?"

"S-seven, I think."

"When's your birthday?"

"I-I don't remember much. It in F-february I think. T-that's when they t-took me."

My heart will probably give up with how much it was hurting for this little boy. How young he is and they tried to snatch away his life from him.

"Pick a date."


"Pick a date."


"Okay, from now onwards, your birthday will be on 9th of February."

The food was heated enough and I served him on a plate. His hands were shaking and he couldn't pick up the cutlery.

I took the fork from his hands and fed him. He ate his food quietly and I brought him a glass of water. It was already very late and everyone was retiring to their bedrooms.

"Lily? Is there a spare bedroom for Beck?"

"Yes of course, I will take him."

But he didn't move, instead he hid behind me. Lily smiled at me and said, "The first door to the left at the second floor. You take him."

I carried him upstairs and switched on the light to the room Lily had said.

I laid him down on the bed and wrapped him in blanket.

"Do you like the lights on or off?"

"They n-never let us keep the lights on at the o-orphanage."

"I'll leave it on then."

I kissed him on the forehead and bid him goodnight as I shut the door and left to go to my room.

Before I could reach, I saw Black standing there looking at me with a strange look at his face.


He snapped out of his reverie and went back to his bored face.

"Nothing, he seems attached to you already."

"He has been through a lot, never got enough love or care."

"Didn't know you had a caring side in you."

"You don't know anything so you are no one to make an assumption, Black."

He raised his hands as if to surrender and backed away to his room.

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