10 Β€ Gateway

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The past week hasn't been easy for either Tetsu or me.Β  I've abandoned my cat form for the time being.Β  He's been an absolute mess, but we've cancelled everything that needs cancelling.Β  Things like his bank account and online subscriptions.Β  We've also set his will and belongings for Kozume's family.

Tetsu's in the shower currently.Β  I was sitting in the living room, thinking of a plan.Β  Tetsurou sure has been taking his time.Β  I go to the bathroom and knock on the door.Β  "Tetsu, are you alright?" I shout-ask.Β  There's no response.Β  I try the knob and it's unlocked so I go in.Β  "Hey Tetsu, are you alright?" I ask again closing the door.

Still nothing.Β  "I'm opening the curtain," I warn.Β  When I pull the curtain back Tetsu is on the floor in his underwear, sleeping.Β  The shower is still going; I decidedly take off my shirt and shorts, getting in with Tetsu and closing the curtain.Β  I kneel down in front of Tetsu.Β  The shower is barely big enough with him laying down and me squatting.

I put my hand to his forehead to make sure he doesn't have a fever.Β  He's not sick but he's fairly warm from the hot water.Β  "Tetsu," I gently shake his shoulder.Β  He stirs in his sleep a bit.Β  "Tetsu, wake up," I urge.Β  He opens his eyes and lifts his head slightly.Β  He then looks at me.Β  "Y-Y/N?" he asks sleepily.

"Hey Tetsu," I speak with a sad smile.Β  He finally realizes where we are, and what we're wearing.Β  "Wh-what are you doing in here?" he asks almost hysterical.Β  "You didn't answer when I called your name earlier," I reply with a small chuckle.Β  "Th-that doesn't mean you need to g-get in," he says looking away with a blush.

"But what if I wanted to?" I ask him, facing towards the floor, staring through my lashes.Β  "Then you're pretty crazy to get in the shower with a man," he says flirtatiously, sitting up, and leaning towards me.Β  His confidence decided to show up out of nowhere.Β  "Maybe I'm not crazy, just concerned," I say in all seriousness.Β  He looks at me dumbfounded.Β  "Why did you fall asleep in the shower?" I ask.

He looks at the ground in shame.Β  "And in your underwear?" I press.Β  He sits silently for a moment, not making eye contact.Β  "I was," he pauses to take a breath, "I was crying," he finishes.Β  I look at him sadly, he's never going to get over this.Β  I know that he can get through this with my help though.

I hug him without saying anything.Β  I press my body between his legs, against his chest, and wrap my arms around his torso.Β  It's not the most friend-like hug but it's enough to help him.Β  He gently returns the hug, leaning his head on top of mine.Β  "It'll be fine because I'm here to help you Tetsu," I reassure.Β  "Thank you Y/N.Β  I don't think I've ever told you how much I care about you," he admits.

"Same Tetsu," I reply but I'm not finished.Β  "I think . . .Β  I think I love you Tetsu," I admit with my own blush.Β  He lifts his head and gently pushes me back by my shoulders.Β  This probably wasn't the best time to admit this but if not now, then when?Β  "I think I love you too," he whispers grabbing my face in his hands.Β  I look up at him to see the want in his eyes.Β  "I'm sorry, but I need a distraction," he whispers again before pressing his lips to mine.

I kiss back, readjusting myself so that I'm on his lap.Β  I put a hand on his wet chest and another at the base of his neck.Β  Snaking a hand into his hair, tugging on the flaccid strands, I pull him closer to keep the kiss going.Β  I lick his bottom lip, asking to deepen the kiss even further.

He opens his mouth and meets my tongue with his own.Β  We play and fight with our tongues but he prevails in this competition for dominance.Β  Exploring my mouth, he also takes his hands to exploring the rest of my body.Β  When he settles his hands on my hips and presses his thumbs against them I moan.Β  He seems to like that so he does it again.Β  The rest of our shower was delightfully pleasurable.

A week later~

"You ready Tetsu?" I ask, holding his hand in front of the lake.Β  "I-I think so," he says staring down at the water.Β  I nod and proceed to walk into the lake, keeping my feet on the staircase.Β  Tetsurou warily follows me.Β  I go beneath the surface and am tugged back by Tetsu.Β  I resurface, "What's wrong?" I question.Β  "Do I need to hold my breath?" he asks.Β  I lightly chuckle, "Only for a little bit," I honestly say.Β  He nods and we go under, giving a last goodbye to the life we used to live.

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