𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐜𝐡𝐢(𝐌𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐢)

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(My insta is choccymilkys! I'm looking for a female cg if anyone is interested dm me)

"Baby time to wake up!" Mitsuri smiled as she woke you up from your crib.

"Mama?" Y/n said as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"Yep its your mama! What outfit do you wanna wear today!" Mitsuri asked and held up two outfits. One was a pink and green dress while thr other one was a short blue dress with pink shorts. You excitedly pointed to the first one jumping your body I your crib. Mitsuri nodded and took you out of your crib changing you into the cute dress. It was a mommy little day which means she was gonna spend the whole day with her little baby. Y/n clung onto Mitsuri as she carried her outside a picnic already set up for the two of them.

"Say ahhhh my baby!"

You opened your mouth and let her put f/f inside. As Mitsuri was almost done feeding you she saw kubumaru slither towards them.

Y/n tilts her head in curiosity never seeing a white snake before.

"Kubumaru there you are-" Obanai comes out of the bushes and sees Y/n holding Kubumaru. "What do you think you're doing with Kubumaru who are you-"


Y/n cries out.

Mitsuri runs out of the house with her blade ready to fight whatever is scaring her little one but is shocked only to see her friend Obanai.

"O-obanai what's going on!" Mitsuri questioned and hugged her baby close.

"Kanroji I'm sorry I didn't know she was your daughter WAIT YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER?!" Obanai questioned.

Mitsuri blushed waving her hands around.


"Oh I see... I've heard about littles bit have never met one" Obanai approached Y/n but she backed up afraid after he yelled at her.

"Its okay baby! He's mommy's friend Obanai is really nice give him a chance." Mitsuri asked. Y/n nodded and stood up and gave him a hug. Obanai tensed up never really being hugged before. He's really only been hugged by Mitsuri and once by Tengen.

"I Y/n!! Whats you name?"

"Its Iguro Obanai"

"That a pwetty name! Since we fwends now cans I shows you my toys?" She didn't give him a time to answer as she drug him through the door. Mitsuri laughed knowing Obanai had a soft side for her.

After a couple hours Mitsuri went to check up on her friend and little in her room to see Y/n sleeping on Obanais lap. Mitsuri quietly squealed while Obanai blushed in embarrassment.

Mitsuri picked her up and tucked her into bed.

"Thanks for spending time with her Obanai" Mitsuri whispered.

"It was no problem"

Obanai leaves with kubumaru leaving Mitsuri with Y/n still sleeping soundly in her bed.

(The next day)

"Mama hungry"

"What would you like to eat sweetheart"

Y/n pointed to Mitsuris breasts. Mitsuri nodded and sat on the couch Y/n laying down getting comfortable on her lap. She starts sucking on Mitsuris large breast drinking all her milk. She stroaks her head as she continues drinking. Mitsuri loved feeding her baby it's great bonding for the both of them. After she stopped drinking Mitsuri put a paci in her baby's mouth and carried her into their shared room where she tucked her into the soft sakura covers.

"Goodnight my little mochi"

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