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The boys were mid 'Boomerang', me and the girls singing from our nosebleed seats, only a little higher than the stage and directly on the side. The boys knew I was up there, along with the fans, as they watched and recorded me fangirling. Especially during 'Taking You' when the boys pointed at me, saying they would take me anywhere.

I of course laughed and smiled at them, a blush on my cheeks, Ariana and Gabbie teasing me.

At the end of These Girls, which me and Aspen screamed and jumped around to, the boys bowed but made an announcement.

"Before we head off stage," Jonah says, "We'd like to bring a very special guest down onto the stage!"

Christina took my arm and started pulling me down the stairs to side stage, I looked at her with confusion.

"It's her birthday today, she's our friend Alexus and she's turning 18." Daniel continues as Corbyn hurries off stage, joining me and Christina. The fans cheered loudly.

"What is going on?" I asked, my voice hushed in a whisper.

"Happy Birthday, my love." He kissed my cheek again before grabbing a black chair and my arm.

Corbyn led me on stage, the lights shining down bright, making me squint. The girls in the crowd yelled for me, which made me smile.

Corbyn placed the chair in the middle of the stage, and he smiled, joining the boys that formed a line. I gave them a smile and an eye roll before sitting down on the chair. Gabbie and Tatum gave me a wave from the balcony and I smiled and gave them a slight wave back.

"Happy Birthday to you." The boy sang, just like the morning before, accept the fans joined in with them.

When they ended, the fans erupted in cheers, and I got up to start another group hug between my best friends.

"Thank you, New York!" Jack yelled into the microphone, waving around.

Some girls yelled louder, some cried. I was wrapped up in Daniel's side hug, when the lights sweeped to the side, and Daniel ushered me off the stage behind Zach, who was carrying the chair in his hand.

"What the hell, guys?" I asked them as they tossed gatorades around them, "I didn't know I was going on."

"It proves the fans love you." Jonah pointed out, with his pointer finger, the rest wrapped around the blue drink.

I rolled my eyes at him but my mouth cracked a smile, grabbing my own orange gatorade, sitting on the couch in between Corbyn and Zach.

written on: june 5 & june 7
published on: june 7
edited on: 05/18/20

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