THE BREAK UP of James Hopper Jr. and Eddie Munson was very gradually slow. It began when James started ranting about Jonathan and how Steve treats his brother, Eddie didn't mind at first and listened, even gave James his advice of how to help Jonathan through this "relationship".
But then Jonathan and Steve stayed together, and so the rants kept going until James was full on just angry about them, about his brother being with Steve. Normally, Eddie would claim it's James' protectiveness over family and friends, but something was off this time, the way he'd talk about Steve and "his stupid hair, stupid puppy dog eyes and stupid shoulders" or whatever it was he mentiomed was attractive or cute about the Harrington and adding "stupid" to it. Eddie was in denial.
His boyfriend was not interested in his bully, no way. It'd be fucked, that's what Eddie told himself anyway, but then he'd catch James' eye gaze on the Harrington across the room, or everytime Steve walked in, his eyes would dart over to the popular jock. Eddie started feeling insecure by then, that Steve was better than him, with his perfect hair, perfect eyes and perfect body. So Eddie slowly pulled away, started getting high more often at an old friend's place that sells drugs and stuff, he'd blow off James a lot, stop answering his calls or texts. And then like a bomb, their relationship exploded one rainy night.
James had shown up to Eddie's, asking what was wrong that resulted into an argument, then a full-on screaming match between them. Eddie thinks about this a lot, especially that Saturday night when Steve and James were off on their "date", he realizes it'd be for the better if they pretended the night before didn't happen. Yeah. He keeps telling himself this, until that next Monday he goes into work.
He walks into the breakroom where their lockers for their belongings were to find James standing there, changing. "Oh, sorry." He quickly stopped to turn and leave. "Wait, Eds?" James said quickly and turned around, standing there shirtless with just the sailor uniform shorts so Eddie's face goes red when he turned back around, quickly looking away.
"Sorry." James apologized and slipped on his shirt then grabbed his hat. "Hey..." Eddie plays with the hem of his denim vest he had over a Metallica band shirt. "Hey." James let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding in. "Um... how'd it go with Steve?" Eddie walked over to his locker, opening it up quickly to grab his uniform and also get dressed for the day. "Well, uh, you know..." James had turned his back to Eddie to give him privacy.
"I--I don't know, I don't think he's into me that way." He murmured and Eddie's face scrunched up. He's seen the way Steve look at James, there is no way that's true. "And I'm--I'm not, either... you know, into him. Maybe it's for the better?" This was it. The proposition to get back together. Eddie's jittery.
He hasn't felt his nerves this jangled since his first day of college. "Jamie..." He slowly turned around and James glanced over his shoulder at him. "Isn't it, Eds?" He whispers and Eddie just stared, wanting to say yes, wanting to shout it from the rooftops, but he just goes: "you already agreed to just friends." This caused the Hopper to quickly turn to face him.
"Yeah, but that was me being modest... don't you miss us?" He stepped closer and kept staring down at Eddie. "I did. I was so happy to hold you again the way I used to Friday night." He whispered, and even though they may not have gone all the way, it was still a small taste of the past, when they use to be secret lovers in high school. "James Hopper Jr. sometimes you can be a little dense." Eddie whispers and James furrows his brows in confusion. "What?" He says quietly and Eddie chuckled, reaching out to grab his hands.
"As fun and as exciting the past use to be... it should remain that way. The past. Plus we weren't happy... and Steve may have said he isn't interested, but the way he looks at you doesn't convince me. If... I somehow got in the way of you two, it'll be my duty to get you two together." He grins slightly then tilted his head. "Because if I'm being honest, I was jealous of the way you two interacted, because he use to be my bully... but I can see genuine connection between you two. Might be stronger than what we ever had." He says.
As much as he felt his heart break at the rejection, James also felt a bit of a victory. The way Steve looks at him? Whatever that meant... he just smiled and leaned in closer. "Can I have one more kiss, Munson? You're a really nice kisser." He says and Eddie chuckled. "You're such a doof." He leaned up and connected their lips anyway. It's full of passion, before they quickly part, James holding him at arms length which is a bit of distance because of his arms being long.
"Are you sure?" He asked and Eddie laughs. "As much as I loved you... we never kept each other happy..." He said and James sighed but affectionately rubs his thumb over Eddie's shoulder. "You're right. You deserved and still deserve better than me." He whispered and Eddie just grins. "Damn right I do. No offense." He says and James rolls his eyes slightly as he just walked away, about to leave the room and sighing when he walks out.
"Hey..." Steve walks by him, looking a bit unhappy. Or forlorn. "Hey, everything okay?" James quickly asked and Steve glanced over his shoulder, nodding. "Mm-hmm. Why wouldn't it be?" He asked quickly and James just furrows his brows but kept walking away, getting to work to help with Robin at the front counter to prepare for the day.
authors note
so slay of jeddie tbh
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